5.1 Fluids Flashcards


Osteoclasts are


Cells which promote bone resorption.

They are stimulated indirectly by PTH

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affect on

Periperhal tone

- why


An acidosis is associated with potassium retention and rise in chloride with maintanence of the anion gap.

Peripheral vasodilatation occurs in an effort to improve oxygen delivery to metabolising tissues.

In an effort to correct the acidosis, respiratory compensation occurs with an increased minute volume which consequently reduces arterial PCO2.

An alkalosis is associated with tetany due to a reduction in the ionised calcium concentration.

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Where does 25 hydroxylation occur
where does 1 hydroxylation occur

What are the stimulation of 1 alpha hydroxy

What does 1 25 oh 2 vit d promote

what type of messneger is it
also known as

What happens in RF


25 hydroxylation occurs in the liver (not kidney).

1 hydroxylation is in the kidney.

Hypophosphataemia and hypocalcaemia are the main stimulants of 1 alpha hydroxylation.

1,25(OH)2 vitamin D promotes phosphate and calcium absorption from the gut, it is a steroid hormone and is an agonist for the calcitriol or vitamin D receptor (VDR) and also known as NR1I1 (nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group I, member 1), is a member of the nuclear receptor family of transcription factors.

It is decreased in chronic renal failure (not increased).

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ECG changes - hypomag
simiar to what

chronic hypomag - what happens to pth

what can cause it


The ECG changes of hypomagnesaemia are almost the same as those of hypokalaemia:

Flattening of T waves
ST segment depression
Prominent U waves
Prolonged PR interval, and
Prolonged QT interval

There is a risk of atrial and ventricular ectopics and ventricular arrhythmias. There is an increased risk of digoxin toxicity.

In chronic hypomagnesaemia, there is impaired synthesis and release of parathyroid hormone (PTH), and target organ response to PTH is impaired. This produces secondary hypocalcaemia.

Hypomagnesaemia may result (like hypokalaemia) from the use of potassium ‘wasting’ diuretics (loop diuretics and thiazides, for example, furosemide).

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Lactic acidosis -

Type A occurs with what:

Type B


Lactic acidosis is a metabolic acidosis with a raised plasma lactate above 5 - 7 mmol/l, and may be either type A or type B.

Type A occurs in association with overt tissue hypoxia such as

Severe anaemia
Cardiac/hepatic/renal failure.

Type B occurs in those without apparent initial hypoxia and may be drug induced, for example,

Biguanide therapy
Total parenteral nutrition.

Type I glycogenosis (von Gierke’s disease)

Metformin rather than chlorpropamide is associated with lactic acidosis.

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The following are found in higher concentrations intracellularly than extracellularly:

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
AMP, and
Sodium is a primarily extracellular ion.
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What is higher - standard base excess or actual base excess


Standard base excess (of ECF) is always higher than actual base excess (intravascular compartment).

because of less buffering capacity of haemoglobin. It gives a better reflection of the BE in the extracellular space rather than in the intravascular compartment only.

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Prolonged vomiting leads to loss of -

what biochem might expect


Prolonged vomiting leads to loss of hydrochloric acid (HCl). As a result, one might expect the following, of varying degrees of severity:

Metabolic alkalosis, and
Increased bicarbonate to compensate for loss of chloride.

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Buffers -
what contributes most

What else contributes


The bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) contributes most to the buffering capacity of whole blood.

Bicarbonate within the red blood cell contributes approximately 18% of total buffering capacity and that dissolved in plasma contributes 35% (total 53%).

When a strong acid is added to the bicarbonate buffer, the hydrogen ions released from the acid combine with the HCO3- to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). This then dissociates to H2O and CO2 under the influence of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase.

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What is total body water of man

divided how

ECF divided into what


A 70 kg man has total body water content of (70 × 0.6) = 42 litres. The calculation for a woman is (70 × 0.55) = 38.5 litres.
Est w/ tritium 3H

For a man this is subdivided into:

Extracellular fluid (ECF) = 14 litres (1/3)
Thio / Inulin used
cross capil but not cell membranes

Intracellular fluid (ICF) = 28 litres (2/3).
cant be measured - derived

The ECF volume is subdivided into:

Interstitial fluid = 10.5 litres (70%)
-calc subtract plasma vol from ECF
Plasma = 3 litres (~25)
Transcellular fluid (CSF/synovial fluid) = 0.5 litres. (5%)
Fluid compartments directly measured:
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TBW can be measure how

Plasma measured how

Erythrocyte measure how

what are measured indirectly


Total body water can be measured using heavy water (deuterium), which is freely distributed.

Plasma volume can be measured by labelling albumin with a radioactive isotope or using a dye called Evans blue. They remain in the plasma and do not diffuse into erythrocytes.

Total erythrocyte volume can be measured using radiolabelled (Cr-51) red blood cells.
ECF volume can be measured using inulin as the tracer as it is freely distributed to the interstitial and plasma volumes.

Fluid compartments indirectly measured:

Total blood volume can be calculated with knowledge of the haematocrit and the total circulating red cell volume.

Intracellular fluid volume can be calculated by subtracting ECF volume from measured TBW.

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How much sodium excreted / day
mmol /kg

in ARF how what is urinary Na conc


osmolality / osmolarity is what

Normal Ur:Pl osmolality ration


The normal amount of sodium excreted in the urine is 1-2 mmol/kg per day.

In acute renal failure due to a prerenal cause the kidney is still able to conserve sodium, consequently the urinary sodium concentration is <10 mmol/l.

In acute renal failure due to intrinsic renal disease the urinary sodium concentrations are >20 mmol/l.

Osmolality is expressed as milliosmoles per kilogram of solvent and
osmolarity is expressed as milliosmoles per litre of solution.

The normal urine:plasma osmolality ratio is >2:1;
in intrinsic renal failure it is <1:1;
and in prerenal causes it is >1:1.6.

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Where is most of the water reabsorbed in kidney

what drives this

Loop of henle

collecting ducts

Perecentage of water reabsoprtion


Most of the water of the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule (65-70%) and is termed “obligatory” absorption.

Sodium is the main osmotic driving force for the reabsorption of water and other solutes as it enters the tubular cell via the apical membrane and subsequently actively transported out across the basolateral membrane. The filtrate remains isosmotic.

Loop of Henle:

Descending limb is freely permeable to water. The countercurrent exchange and multiplier arrangements of the vasa recta and the loop of Henle produce a hyperosmolar filtrate as water passively moves into the interstitium in the inner medullar. 20-25% of water is reabsorbed.
Thick ascending limb impermeable to water (Na-K-2Cl co-transporter).
In the distal convoluted tubule 5-10% of the filtrate is further reabsorbed passively down a concentration gradient driven by a Na+/K+ ATPase pump.

In the collecting ducts under the influence of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) a further 1-3% of water can be reabsorbed

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Syndrome inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) is associated with:

Bronchial small cell carcinoma
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Head injuries
Meningitis, etc.
Patients are hyponatraemic with an elevated urine osmolality, a urine sodium above 20 mmol/l, and a low plasma osmolality.

Transient SIADH commonly occurs post-operatively.

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ADH stored where

Factors stimulating secrtion

Agonist for what subtypes


Antidiuretic hormone or vasopressin is stored in the posterior pituitary. It is a nonapeptide (a nine amino acid protein chain).

Principle factors stimulating secretion include:

Osmotic factors: Osmoreceptors in the paraventricular nuclei and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus respond to increases in plasma osmolarity

Hypovolaemia: Low pressure receptors in the atria and to a lesser extent the baroreceptors in the carotid sinus and aortic arch stimulate ADH

Other factors influencing secretion include: Stress, exercise, atrial natriuretic peptide (inhibition) and drugs (opioids and nicotine).

ADH is an agonist for two receptor subtypes:

V1: Mediates a powerful vasoconstrictor effect
V2: Mediates an increase in water permeability of the apical membrane of the cells of the distal tubule and collecting ducts in the cortex and medullar. A rise in cyclic-AMP following a sequence of events on the cell membrane of metabotropic receptors. This in turn triggers the opening of aquaporin-2 channels thus allowing water reabsorption.
ADH does not directly affect the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). It will eventually return the GFR back to normal in a hypovolaemic patient.

acts camp

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ADH is what

Actions when - on where

other actions

half life

@ what levels does it regulate


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, arginine vasopressin, AVP) is a nonapeptide hormone that is synthesised in the hypothalamus (paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei) but is stored and secreted by the posterior pituitary gland.

One of the main actions of ADH is water retention in the face of dehydration. It has an action on the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting ducts. ADH is an agonist for G-protein coupled V2 receptors on the basolateral membrane, which regulate the activity of aquaporin water channels. The action of ADH on the V2 receptors opens the aquaporin channels and water flows out of the nephron down a concentration gradient into the interstitium and intravascular space.

It is also a powerful vasoconstrictor by an action on V1 receptors and it is released to increase blood pressure in severe hypovolaemic shock. Its release occurs at a late stage of hypovolaemia.

ADH is secreted in response to changes in plasma osmolality. The osmoreceptors are located near the hypothalamus (subfornical organ and vascular organ of the lateral terminalis). These are capable of maintaining a plasma osmolality between 280 and 303 mOsm/kg. Secretion of ADH has a diurnal pattern. The osmoreceptors shrink in response to an increased extracellular osmolality leading to an increase in ADH secretion.

ADH has a relatively short half life of 10-15 minutes.

In normal individuals, plasma ADH levels are virtually undetectable when the plasma osmolality falls below 280 mOsm/kg


What is the serum Urea:Creatinine ratio in prereanl failure

What happens to ADH in prerenal failure

FeNa - in prenal


Serum urea:creatinine ratio is >100 in prerenal failure and <40 in acute kidney injury.

ADH is usually high in prerenal failure which leads to water, urea and sodium resorption. The fractional sodium excretion is less than 1% which in acute tubular necrosis is >2%.

With serum urea nitrogen/serum creatinine higher ratios (>20) are seen in prerenal azotaemia while lower ratios (10-15) are seen in acute tubular necrosis.

Normal levels are between 12-20.

Urinary sodium in prerenal failure is less than 20 while in acute tubular necrosis is greater than 40.

Urine osmolality is >500 in prerenal failure and <350 in acute tubular necrosis.

Urine/serum creatinine is >40 in prerenal failure and <20 in acute tubular necrosis.

Serum urea or creatinine concentrations change inversely with glomerular filtration. Changes in serum creatinine concentration more reliably reflect changes in GFR than do changes in serum urea concentrations. Creatinine is formed spontaneously at a constant rate from creatine, and blood concentrations depend almost solely upon GFR. Creatinine is not reabsorbed, and increases as a result of reduced GFR, plasma urea concentration tends to rise out of proportion to the rise in plasma creatinine concentration in patients with prerenal AKI, and this results in an increased UCR.

Urea formation is influenced by a number of factors such as liver function, protein intake and rate of protein catabolism. Urea excretion also depends upon hydration status and the extent of water reabsorption as well as upon GFR.

A raised serum creatinine alone will not point to a particular cause of oliguria and nor will a urine output <10mL/hour and the production of a “concentrated looking urine”.


Infusion of 1l NaCl

some basic assumption
what is divide ecf/icf

ecf is what

volume receptors thresolhd change

osmoreceptors reponse to what - therhold

plasma osmolaltiy is normally

what is distribution of of NaCl - plasma to ISF

1l Nacl - incrase plasma volme by how much

what does that lead to in the atria

0.9% NaCl- what osmolaltiy - osmoreceptors affect


Total body water (TBW) is one-third extracellular fluid (ECF) and two-thirds intracellular fluid (ICF).
ECF is one-quarter plasma and three-quarters interstitial fluid (ISF).
The threshold of the volume receptors is 7-10% blood volume change. The osmoreceptors are sensitive to a 1-2% change in osmolality.
Plasma osmolality is normal prior to the transfusion (that is, 287-290 mOsm/kg).
0.9% N. saline has [Na+] of 154 mmol/L, similar to that of extracellular fluid. This limits its distribution within the extracellular space when given intravenously it distributes to a plasma compartment:ISF volume ratio of 1:3.
One litre of 0.9% N. saline will therefore in this time-frame increase plasma volume by about 250 mL, potentially the threshold for activation of the volume receptors in the atria which would release atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP).
0.9% N. saline is isosmotic so plasma osmolality will not change after a 1 L infusion. The hypothalamic osmoreceptors will not detect any changes that will affect antidiuretic hormone secretion.


Effect of Nacl on oncotic pressure -
what does this do to fluid movement

What does the lower oncotic pressure do to GFR

What does this do to urine flow


Normal saline contains no protein so the oncotic pressure in the blood is slightly lowered following the saline infusion. As a result, movement of fluid into the ISF is favoured (Starling’s hypothesis) and the lowered oncotic pressure immediately leads to an increase in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and a smaller reabsorption of water in the proximal tubule.

Urine flow increases. This is a strictly local effect without any hormonal intermediary. The urine flow increases immediately. Fluid then moves back into the intravascular compartment and the urine flow continues until all the transfused fluid is excreted.

The high-pressure baroreceptors in the carotid sinus are unlikely to be affected by blood pressure changes associated with the infusion of 1 L of fluid.

Specialised cells (macula densa) of distal tubules lie adjacent to the juxta-glomerular cells of the afferent arteriole. The macula densa senses the amount of sodium and chloride ion in the tubular fluid. When NaCl is elevated in the tubular fluid, renin release is inhibited. The hormonal changes are slower in onset than the physical changes governing glomerulotubular balance.

0.9% N saline is not an osmotic diuretic, hypertonic saline is.


Glucose molecule -
in kidney how is it filtered

what happens when gluc low

above renal threshold
- what happens
What is renal glucose threshold depnd onb

what is splay


The glucose molecule is freely filtered into the Bowman’s capsule to form part of the filtrate.

When blood glucose concentrations are below a certain threshold (approximately 11 mmol/L) all the glucose is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule (PCT). This is facilitated by active transport. The proteins responsible are sodium/glucose cotransporters (SGLT1 and SGLT2) in the proximal tubular cells.

Below the renal threshold glucose does not normally appear in the urine.

Above the renal threshold the active transport process becomes saturated (transport maximum for glucose or TmG) and any glucose not reabsorbed appears in the urine.

The renal glucose threshold is not fixed as it is dependent on a number of factors:

Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
TmG, and
The amount of splay.
“Splay” is the rounding of a glucose reabsorption curve (see diagram below) and results from the different absorptive and filtering capacities of individual nephrons.

The SGLT proteins have high affinity but not infinite affinity for glucose. Thus, some glucose may escape reabsorption before the TmG is reached. An increase in splay may lead to a decrease in renal threshold.

A low GFR leads to an increase in the TmG because the filtered glucose load is reduced and the PCT can reabsorb all the filtered glucose despite hyperglycaemia. Conversely, a reduction in the TmG reduces the threshold because the tubules have a diminished capacity to reabsorb glucose.

The most obvious cause of the discrepancy between plasma and urinary glucose in this scenario is a reduction of GFR caused by severe dehydration and reduced perfusion pressure.


Prenreal assoc urinary finding

urinary na conc
urea creat

urine plasma osmol ratio

Intrinsic RF - a/w

f red cell castsEpithelial casts oGranular castsccur White cell casts Hyaline casts


Pre-renal causes of acute renal failure (ARF) are associated with the following urinary findings:

Low urinary sodium and chloride concentration (<20 mEq/L)
High urinary urea and creatinine concentration (>20 mEq/L)
High urine osmolality (>400 mosmol/kg)
High urine:plasma osmolality ratio (>1.8).

Intrinsic causes of acute renal failure (ARF) for example, acute tubular necrosis are associated with the following urinary findings:

High urinary sodium and chloride concentration (>40 mEq/L)
Low urinary urea and creatinine concentrations
Low urine osmolality (<350)
Low urine:plasma osmolality ratio (1.2).
It is important to note that the findings listed above may change when pre-renal causes of ARF become superimposed on chronic intrinsic renal failure or following diuretic therapy.

The presence of red cell casts suggests acute glomerular damage.

Epithelial casts occur in acute tubular damage and forms of acute glomerulonephritis.

White cell casts appear in pyelonephritis.

Granular casts may indicate tubular damage, but they can also be found in the urine of normal individuals.

Hyaline casts may be found during any febrile illness and after loop diuretic therapy.


Why is urine yellow
Darkens why

abnormal constituents

Min urine output per hour

min required


Urine is coloured yellow by the pigments urochrome and uroerythrin, but urine darkens when left to stagnate due to the oxidation of urobilinogen to urobilin.

Abnormal constituents of urine include:

Large numbers of leucocytes, and

The urine of patients on long term sedation using propofol is frequently coloured green.

Normal urine output in temperate climates is 800-2500 ml/day, which is about 1 ml/kg per hour.

Despite the concentrating ability of the kidney, a minimum of 500 ml/day is required to eliminate the urea and other electrolytes.

Oliguria is defined as a urine production <0.5 ml/kg per hour (approximately less than 50 ml).


TBW is what

What happens ECF in obesity

Normal Na concentration

ECF is composed of what

is the tonicty the same throughout ECF


Total body water is approximately 37.5 litres (0.5 × 75), of which 1/3 is ECF (13 L) and 2/3 (22 L) intracellular fluid.

In the obese, ECF is relatively contracted.

Normal sodium concentration is approximately 135-145 mmol/L.

ECF is composed of intravascular fluid and extravascular fluid. Both contain plasma proteins.

The ECF compartment consists of:

Interstitial fluid (ISF) has the compositional characteristics of ECF (as mentioned above) but in addition it is distinguished by its usually low protein concentration (in comparison to plasma)
Transcellular fluids (CSF, gastric juice, urine, aqueous humor)
These compartments are distinguished by different locations and different kinetic characteristics. The ECF compositional similarity is in some ways, the opposite of that for the ICF (ie low in potassium &amp; magnesium and high in sodium and chloride). Transcellular fluids are much less likely to be isotonic.

Infusion of 1l 5% dex


Total body water (TBW) is one-third extracellular fluid (ECF) and two-thirds intracellular fluid (ICF).
ECF is one-quarter plasma and three-quarters interstitial fluid (ISF).
The threshold of the volume receptors is 7-10% blood volume change. The osmoreceptors are sensitive to a 1-2% change in osmolality. 

Plasma osmolality is normal prior to the transfusion (that is, 287-290 mOsm/kg).
5% dextrose (d-glucose) is isosmotic and an acute infusion of 1000 ml is the same as administering 1000 ml of water because the glucose is taken up into the cells. The water is distributed evenly throughout the body in the proportions of the body compartments (ICF 670mL, ECF 330mL). Of the ECF the fluid is distributed into the interstitial compartment 250mL and plasma 80mL.
Volume increase of intravascular compartment will be approximately 2% (5000mL to 5080mL), below the threshold for activation of the atrial stretch receptors.
The osmolality of the plasma will fall by approximately 2.5%, above the threshold.
The osmolality of plasma (3,200 mls) will decrease by: [ 287 - (287 x 3.20 / 3.28) ] which is about 7 mOsm/kg or an approximate 2.5% decrease.
The primary function of arginine vasopressin (AVP) or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) in the body is to regulate extracellular fluid volume by affecting renal handling of water, although it is also a vasoconstrictor and pressor agent (hence, the name “vasopressin”). AVP acts on renal collecting ducts via V2 receptors to increase water permeability, which leads to decreased urine formation (hence, the antidiuretic action of “antidiuretic hormone”). This increases blood volume, cardiac output and arterial pressure.
Five per cent dextrose solution is isotonic and is not sufficiently concentrated to produce an osmotic diuresis.

Specialised cells (macula densa) of distal tubules lie adjacent to the juxta-glomerular cells of the afferent arteriole. The macula densa senses the amount of sodium and chloride ion in the tubular fluid. When NaCl is elevated in the tubular fluid, renin release is inhibited.

The hormonal changes are slower in onset than the physical changes governing glomerulotubular balance. Any potential fall in serum sodium would be accompanied by a stimulus of renin secretion.

Response acute blood loss cartoid chemo recerpots what doesnt constrict pulse pressure Kidney RR
Carotid chemoreceptors are stimulated by hypoxia (PaO2), hypercarbia (PaCO2) and H+ ions (acidosis) and lead to stimulation of the respiratory and vasomotor centres. Most of the circulation constricts except cerebral and cardiac. Pulse pressure is decreased. There is decreased glomerular filtration rate and some blood may be shunted in the medullar avoiding the cortical glomeruli. Tachypnoea occurs by stimulation of the carotid bodies and medullary chemoreceptors
CSF is what type of fluid what are the main differences between these types of fluid and plasma What is the make up of CSF What is the make up of synovial ICF ISF
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a "trans-cellular" fluid. The key differences in the biochemistry compared with plasma are: ``` Lower pH (less buffering capacity) Lower total protein Lower calcium Lower fasting glucose Higher chloride ``` Sodium 140 mmol/L, potassium 2.5 mmol/L, chloride 124 mmol/L, calcium 1.2 mmol/L, pH 7.3, protein 300 mg/L, glucose 3 mmol/L 'Protein 20 g/L, glucose 6 mmol/L, hyaluronic acid 0.4 g/L, uric acid 6 mg/dL, lactate 20 mg/dL' approximates to the biochemical profile of synovial fluid, another trans-cellular fluid. 'Sodium 13 mmol/L, potassium 140 mmol/L, chloride 3 mmol/L, calcium <0.01 mmol/L, phosphate 107 mmol/L, protein 40 g/L' approximated to the biochemical profile of intracellular fluid. 'Sodium 140 mmol/L, potassium 4.6 mmol/L, chloride 98 mmol/L, calcium 2.4 mmol/L, pH 7.4, protein 70 g/L, glucose 4.5 mmol/L' approximated to the biochemical profile of interstitial fluid.
What is TBW what is the split how may it be measured
Total body water (TBW) is roughly 60% of body weight in males (or 50-55% in females), so in a 70 kg man TBW would be roughly 42 litres. Of this extracellular fluid (ECF) would be roughly a 14 litres with intracellular fluid (ICF) making up 28 litres. TBW may be measured using a dilution technique with heavy water (deuterium oxide). Obviously, the distribution of body water is affected by the osmolality (protein concentrations both intra- and extracellularly) of the various compartments.
Peripheral oedema is clinically detectable in an adult with: What pressure predicats oesophageal varices
A urinary albumin excretion of 12 g in 24 hours (nephrotic range proteinuria) A serum albumin of 20 g per litre (oedema likely because of reduced oncotic pressure) A mean right atrial pressure of 25 cm of water. An increase in the extracellular fluid volume of 500 ml is too small to be detectable unless it were placed subcutaneously in one area. A portal venous pressure of greater than 12 mmHg predicts formation of oesophageal varices (not 7 mmHg).
Plasma protein exert how much pressure on plasma
3.5KPa - predom second to albumin
What pressure drop can cause oedema
40% pressure drop
how oncotic pressure measured
Red cell fragility test
abnorm rcc low osmolarity - water dissovle into rbc crit hydrostat = burst abnormal burst at lower hydrostatic pressr