504 Terminology Quiz Flashcards
Communication Management (Occupations)
Sending, receiving, and interpreting information using systems
and equipment such as writing tools, telephones (including
smartphones), keyboards, audiovisual recorders, computers or
tablets, communication boards, call lights, emergency systems,
Braille writers, telecommunication devices for deaf people,
augmentative communication systems, and personal digital assistants
Symptom and Condition Management (Occupations)
Managing physical and mental health needs, including using
coping strategies for illness, trauma history, or societal stigma;
managing pain; managing chronic disease; recognizing
symptom changes and fluctuations; developing and using
strategies for managing and regulating emotions; planning time and establishing behavioral patterns for restorative activities (e.g., meditation); using community and social supports; navigating and accessing the health care system
Social Participation (Occupations)
Activities that involve social interaction with others, including family, friends, peers, and community members, and that support social interdependence
Support and Relationships (Context)
People or animals that provide practical physical or emotional support, nurturing, protection, assistance, and relationships to other persons in the home, workplace, or school or at play or in other aspects of their daily activities
Attitude (Context)
Observable evidence of customs, practices, ideologies, values, norms, factual beliefs, and religious beliefs held by people other than the client.
Individual attitudes of immediate and extended family, friends and acquaintances, peers and colleagues, neighbors and community members, people in positions of authority and subordinate positions, personal care providers and personal assistants, strangers, and health care and other professionals
Societal attitudes, including discriminatory practices, Social norms, practices, and ideologies that marginalize specific populations
Routines (Performance Patterns)
Patterns of behavior that are observable, regular,
and repetitive and that provide structure for daily
life. They can be satisfying, promoting, or damaging. Routines require delimited time commitment and are embedded in cultural and ecological contexts
Grips vs Manipulates (Performance Skills-Motor Skills)
Grips—Effectively pinches or grasps task
objects such that the objects do not slip
(e.g., from between fingers, from between teeth, from between hand and supporting surface)
Manipulates—Uses dexterous finger movements, without evidence of fumbling, when manipulating task objects
Calibrates (Performance Skills-Motor Skills)
Calibrates—Uses movements of appropriate force, speed, or extent when interacting with task objects (e.g., does not crush task objects, pushes a door with enough force to close it without a bang)
Paces (Performance Skills-Process Skills)
Paces—Maintains a consistent and effective rate or tempo of performance throughout the entire task performance
Notices and responds (Performance Skills-Process skills)
Notices/responds—Responds appropriately to (1) nonverbal task-related cues (e.g., heat, movement), (2) the spatial arrangement and alignment of task objects to one another, and (3) cupboard doors or drawers that have been left open during task performance
Approaches/Starts (Performance Skills-Social Interaction skills)
Approaches/starts—Approaches or initiates interaction with the social partner in a manner that is socially appropriate
Expresses Emotion (Performance Skills-Social Interaction skills)
Expresses emotions—Displays affect and emotions in a socially appropriate manner
Beliefs (Client Factors)
Beliefs—“Something that is accepted, considered to be true, or
held as an opinion”
* One is powerless to influence others.
* Hard work pays off.
* Teaching others how to garden decreases their reliance on
grocery stores.
* Writing letters as part of a neighborhood group can support the creation of a community park
Temperament and Personality (Client
Extroversion, introversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness,
emotional stability, openness to experience, self-control, self-expression, confidence, motivation, impulse control, appetite
Muscle Power vs. Muscle Endurance
(Client Factors)
Tone-Degree of muscle tension
Endurance-Sustainability of muscle contraction
Space Demands (Activity Demands)
Space demands: Physical environment
requirements of the occupation or activity
(e.g., size, arrangement, surface, lighting,
temperature, noise, humidity, ventilation)
Social Demands (Activity Demands)
Social demands: Elements of the social and attitudinal environments required for the occupation or activity
Interoception (Client Factors)
Internal detection of changes in one’s internal organs through specific sensory receptors (e.g., awareness of hunger, thirst, digestion, state of alertness)
Gender Identity (Client Factors)
Falls under experience of self and time within Mental Functions of Client factors
Sequencing and Timing Demands (Activity
Sequencing and timing demands: Temporal process required to carry out the activity or occupation (e.g., specific steps,
sequence of steps, timing requirements)