500-01 Effecting Arrests and Searches Flashcards
The highest regard possible shall be given to…
arrested individuals’ and officers’ safety and well-being
Prisoners shall be thoroughly searched at the time of arrest and by _____to ensure no weapons, contraband, or evidence remains on the prisoner.
each employee in the chain of custody
Except as noted in this General Order, all persons under arrest shall be _____ prior to being thoroughly searched and shall remain handcuffed while being transported in any police vehicle.
properly handcuffed behind the back
Officers may exercise full police powers within the city limits of Houston. Further, officers may arrest a person for a violation of Transportation Code, Subtitle C, Title 7 (Rules of the Road) occurring in the officer’s presence or view anywhere in any…
county in which any part of the city of Houston is located.
Outside the city limits of Houston, but within the state of Texas, officers may arrest without warrant a person who _____, remembering that the jurisdiction to make arrests for violation of Transportation Code Rules of the Road noted above extends to only those counties in which _____ -currently Harris County, Fort Bend County, and Montgomery County.
Arrests made outside Houston city limits should, whenever possible, be made in cooperation with the law enforcement agency having primary jurisdiction in order to facilitate _____ as required by the Code of Criminal Procedure.
For additional parameters, refer to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 14, Arrest Without Warrant.
1) commits an offense in the officer’s presence or view
2) a part of the city of Houston is located
3) the presentation of the person arrested before a magistrate
When suspects are arrested, they shall be told as soon as possible _____ and _____.
If custodial interrogation is to take place, suspects shall be given the legal warnings as set out in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.
1) they are under arrest
2) the charge or cause for the arrest
When dealing with citizens, suspects, or prisoners, employees shall…
See General Order 600-17, Response to Resistance.
limit their use of force and physical contact to only the amount reasonably necessary to protect themselves or others, to effect an arrest, or to bring an incident under control.
Officers who use force against any person must be able to…
If force is utilized during an incident, the officer and the supervisor must ensure that such force is…
1) state in detail the specific reasons for using the force
2) documented according to General Order 600-17, Response to Resistance.
Suspects Who Ingest Contraband
The department’s primary objectives in dealing with suspects who are believed to have ingested narcotics or other contraband are…
The secondary objective is to _____ whenever possible.
Officers are prohibited from _____ in an attempt to extract contraband from the suspect’s mouth. Officers using reasonable force to extract contraband from a suspect’s mouth should be cognizant of the risks and dangers associated with putting the officer’s hands in or near the suspect’s mouth.
1) the preservation of life and the safety of the officer.
2) preserve and recover evidence
3) choking and/or restricting the airway of a suspect
Suspects Who Ingest Contraband
Employees should be aware of and look for potential signs of distress following an ingestion, which could include, but are not limited to, loss of consciousness, trouble breathing, choking, profuse sweating, non-responsiveness, loss of mobility, and/or vomiting.
When an employee reasonably believes that a suspect has ingested narcotics or other contraband, which could present a health hazard, the employee shall…
immediately summon emergency medical personnel to provide assessment and treatment.
Suspects Who Ingest Contraband
When a suspect has been transported to a medical facility after ingesting narcotics or other contraband, the arresting officer shall:
a. _____ as soon as is practical.
b. Advise _____ of the situation, including an estimate of the amount of time elapsed since the ingestion and, if possible, the type, quantity, and packaging of the item(s) ingested.
c. _____ that includes a detailed statement of the incident, medical treatment received (if known), and any actions taken by those on the scene.
1) Notify a supervisor
2) the attending physician
3) Generate an incident report or supplement
Suspects Who Ingest Contraband
Employees are advised that when a suspect ingests narcotics or other contraband and evidence is destroyed, they are to consult with the appropriate district attorney’s office to discuss the acquisition of a _____, if necessary, and the possibility of filing all applicable charges including, but not limited to, _____.
1) search warrant
2) Tampering with Evidence
Suspects Who Ingest Contraband
In the event that, after medical evaluation, medical personnel release the prisoner back to the officer, the officer shall:
d. Immediately transport the prisoner to _____.
e. Document in the RMS “Arrest Tab” under “physical condition” that the prisoner “_____”
f. Notify the_____ of the incident upon arrival at the jail facility.
1) the designated jail facility
2) possibly ingested narcotics/contraband.
3) jail HPD sergeant and jail personnel
An exception to the handcuff policy is if a _____(e.g., suspect’s age or size) precludes handcuffing behind the back. Then the prisoner shall be _____before being placed in a police vehicle.
If a prisoner cannot be handcuffed, the transporting officer shall clearly document the reasons and specific justifications for not doing so in the incident or supplement report. The safety of the officer and the suspect or prisoner must be _____before the decision to transport without handcuffs is made. Unless otherwise approved by a supervisor, only _____ shall transport prisoners without handcuffs.
1) medical or specific physical condition
2) secured in the safest possible manner
3) assured
4) two-officer units
Whenever handcuffs are used, they shall be secured by _____ to prevent them from being inadvertently tightened. Officers shall not tighten handcuffs to the extent that circulation is impaired, or allow handcuffs that are clearly interfering with circulation to remain tightened. Prisoners who remain handcuffed for an extended period of time shall be…
1) double-locking the cuffs
2) checked often to ensure proper blood circulation.
When placing a prisoner in a police vehicle, officers shall position the prisoner’s back toward the upper back seat with the prisoner sitting upright and facing forward. Officers shall then properly secure the prisoner in the seat restraint (seat belt and shoulder harness). The transporting officer shall watch the prisoner and ensure the prisoner does not…
If the design or configuration of the transporting vehicle is such that it cannot safely transport a prisoner in accordance with this General Order, a…
1) become entangled in the seat restraint and that the seat restraint does not wrap around the prisoner’s neck.
2) more appropriate unit shall be dispatched
Interlocking Technique
The interlocking technique shall be used by only…
No _____ are permitted to approved leg restraints or interlocking devices.
1) officers trained in and utilizing the approved interlocking devices.
2) changes, alterations, or modifications
Interlocking Technique
In all arrest or transporting situations, especially those involving an interlocking technique, employees shall ensure prisoners are placed in a position that…
Additionally, while officers may use their weight to initially gain control over a prisoner and to maintain control if necessary, officers are to use caution that the resulting compression of the chest or abdomen does not interfere with the _____
1) enables them to breathe freely and is the most comfortable position possible.
2) prisoner’s breathing.
Interlocking Technique
WARNING: DO NOT leave the prisoner face down when using the interlocking technique as _____ may occur.
Interlocking is meant only as a temporary measure and suspects must be released from the interlocked position as soon as…
1) positional asphyxia
2) it is safe and practical.
Interlocking Technique
A prisoner who initially appears to be in little or no distress after being interlocked may still develop respiratory difficulties. Therefore, whenever the interlocking technique is used:
a. A supervisor shall be dispatched to ensure…
b. The prisoner shall be transported by only a _____ unless otherwise approved by a supervisor.
1) the technique conforms to department policies.
2) two-officer unit
Interlocking Technique
When the interlocking technique is used, officers shall:
c. Ensure there are at least ____inches between the interlock (wrist to ankle).
d. Constantly ascertain the ____.
e. Maintain _____with and keep a close watch on the prisoner.
1) 12
2) prisoner’s condition
3) verbal contact
Use of Spit Covers
Officers may encounter individuals who attempt to spit on them or others. Due to the potential health hazards associated with bodily fluids, officers shall have the option of employing department-issued spit covers on aggressive individuals. The use of a spit cover shall be only in response to…
Only _____ spit covers shall be used.
1) the behavior exhibited or the immediate threat made by the person.
2) department-issued
Use of Spit Covers
Spit covers shall be applied as described below:
a. Officers shall first ____the person before attempting to apply the spit cover.
b. When practicable, officers shall _____ when applying and removing a spit cover.
c. When applying a spit cover, officers should safely approach the individual from the rear and place the spit cover over the person’s head. This is best accomplished with _____.
d. The suspect’s _____should be removed prior to a spit cover being applied.
e. Officers shall ensure that the spit cover is in a position to allow the suspect adequate ____ afforded by the mesh.
a. Officers shall first handcuff the person before attempting to apply the spit cover.
b. When practicable, officers shall wear protective gloves when applying and removing a spit cover.
c. When applying a spit cover, officers should safely approach the individual from the rear and place the spit cover over the person’s head. This is best accomplished with at least two officers.
d. The suspect’s head gear and eyewear should be removed prior to a spit cover being applied.
e. Officers shall ensure that the spit cover is in a position to allow the suspect adequate ventilation for nasal breathing and sight afforded by the mesh.
Use of Spit Covers
Spit covers shall not be used on anyone who is…
Spit covers shall not be used on anyone who has been _____ and who has not been properly decontaminated.
Under no circumstances shall a person wearing a spit cover be _____; officers shall constantly monitor the suspect due to the risk of asthmatic attack, vomiting, and/or suffocation
1) vomiting, having difficulty breathing, bleeding profusely from the mouth or nose area, or exhibiting signs of lethargy or drowsiness.
2) sprayed with oleoresin capsicum (OC)
3) left unattended
Use of Spit Covers
If a suspect should spit on an officer or other public servant, the officer shall…
Officers are reminded that the use of spit covers constitutes a response to resistance and shall be reported as described in General Order 600-17, Response to Resistance.
Transporting officers shall _____ in the event a spit cover was used on a suspect.
1) contact the appropriate district attorney’s office to discuss possible felony harassment charges.
2) notify jail personnel
Use of Spit Covers
Spit covers are to be used once and then disposed. Officers shall not reapply a used spit cover.
If a subsequent application is required for the same individual, a _____ shall be used.
Due to possible biological contamination, spit covers shall be disposed of properly as described in General Order 300-21, Communicable Disease Policy.
new spit cover
Use of Spit Covers
If a spit cover has been applied to an individual who subsequently dies in custody, the spit cover shall be _____ pursuant to the evidentiary property procedures outlined in General Order 700-01, Property and Evidence Control Regulations.
placed in an evidence bag
Terry Frisk/Pat Down:
When an officer temporarily detains a person without probable cause because the officer has a reasonable suspicion that the person has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime and has a reasonable belief that the person may be armed and presently dangerous, the officer may perform a…
limited protective search for weapons of the outer clothing and of those areas which may be within the suspect’s wingspan and therefore pose a danger to the officer
High Risk Search:
Persons who must be_____ shall be handcuffed behind the back and searched for weapons. This high risk search shall include the outer garments, waist, groin, hip areas, ankles, and feet. Immediately upon reaching a safer environment, the officer shall stop and perform a systematic search of the person.
If a weapon is located on a person being searched, steps should be immediately taken to _____. Once it is safe to do so, the weapon shall be removed from the person.
1) immediately transported out of the area for the safety of an officer
2) prevent the person from gaining access to it
Search Incident to Arrest:
Whenever practicable, person searches ____be performed by employees of the same sex or gender identity as the prisoner.
When an officer of the opposite sex or gender identity searches a prisoner, that officer shall…
1) shall
2) document the justification for the search in an incident or supplement report.
Search Incident to Arrest:
If the gender of an individual needing to be searched comes into question, officers should respectfully inquire as to whether the individual identifies as transgender.
When an individual self-identifies as transgender, officers shall not _____; nor shall an officer inquire about intimate details of an individual’s anatomy to determine gender.
Officers needing to search a person who identifies as transgender, should,…
1) question this identity absent articulable, compelling reasons
2) when practicable, conduct the search based on the gender with which the individual identifies.
Search Incident to Arrest:
An employee who searches a person shall…
Whenever practicable, officers should have a ____to the search.
An officer taking custody of a prisoner shall search the prisoner for weapons and contraband even if…
1) document the search and the results in an incident or supplement report
2) witness
3) the prisoner was searched by another officer.
Search Incident to Arrest:
If an officer becomes aware of the presence of contraband or evidence on a person, whether as the result of a search, Terry pat down, or the receipt of credible information, the officer shall…
attempt to safely secure the contraband or evidence.
Evidence or Contraband in Sensitive Areas:
If an officer has reasonable suspicion that evidence, contraband, or a weapon is located in a sensitive area of a person’s body, including the person’s genitalia, breasts, or buttocks, the officer may _____, which includes questioning, to determine the nature of the contraband and whether it poses a danger to the person or the officer.
conduct an inspection
Evidence or Contraband in Sensitive Areas:
An inspection of the sensitive area may be conducted either in the _____
Officers shall take steps to ensure that the _____ of the person being searched is maintained and, if necessary, the person should be shielded from public view.
1) field or in a City facility.
2) privacy and dignity
Evidence or Contraband in Sensitive Areas:
If contraband cannot be easily and safely removed, a supervisor shall be called to the scene.
The supervisor shall determine if _____ and if not, shall then consider the effectiveness of conducting a strip search.
The supervisor shall have the person _____ and the person shall be handcuffed and closely monitored.
1) the removal of the contraband in the field can be safely accomplished
2) transported to a police or jail facility by a two-officer unit
Evidence or Contraband in Sensitive Areas:
If the suspect is under arrest and there continues to be reasonable suspicion that a weapon or contraband is being concealed, a _____ may be conducted in compliance with the parameters set out in this General Order.
If the suspect is not under arrest, but fully-documented consent is obtained, a strip search may be conducted in compliance with the parameters set out in this General Order.
If the suspect does not give consent and there is reasonable suspicion that a weapon or contraband is being concealed, the supervisor shall…
1) strip search
2) contact the district attorney’s office to determine if the facts support an exigency that would serve as an exception to the warrant requirement.
Strip Search:
Permission to perform a strip search shall be obtained from a supervisor prior to the search.
Strip searches shall be conducted:
a. Discreetly and with the _____.
b. By an officer of the _____ as the prisoner.
c. In a _____ room. Public strip searches are prohibited.
d. With the _____ during the strip search. Whenever practicable, officers should have a witness to the search. Nonpolice personnel should be present only as an extreme necessity.
Following a strip search, an incident or supplemental report shall be generated and shall include the result of the search and the names and identifying information of all persons who witnessed or participated in the search.
a. Discreetly and with the utmost respect for the suspect’s privacy and dignity.
b. By an officer of the same sex or gender identity as the prisoner.
c. In a private and secure room. Public strip searches are prohibited.
d. With the minimum number of police personnel necessary during the strip search. Whenever practicable, officers should have a witness to the search. Nonpolice personnel should be present only as an extreme necessity.
Body Cavity Search:
Body cavity searches may be conducted only _____ in a body cavity.
Only _____ shall conduct body cavity searches.
1) subsequent to an arrest when there is probable cause to believe that weapons, contraband, or other evidence of a crime has been concealed
2) medical personnel at medical facilities
Body Cavity Search:
A supervisor shall be notified of the necessity to conduct a body cavity search prior to the search. Upon approval from the supervisor, the prisoner shall be…
The supervisor shall ensure that…
A police officer shall accompany the prisoner to the hospital and…
The prisoner shall be booked into jail by the police officer when the search is completed.
Body cavity searches shall be conducted privately and with the suspect’s dignity as a consideration. A minimum number of medical and police personnel shall be present.
1) transported to the closest available hospital
2) all necessary documents (e.g., consent form, search warrant) are presented to medical personnel with the prisoner.
3) take possession of any weapons, contraband, or evidence discovered during the search.
Body Cavity Search:
Whenever a body cavity search is conducted, an incident report shall be initiated or supplemented containing the following information:
a. The name of the _____who authorized the search.
b. The _____ for the search.
c. The _____of the search.
d. The names and identifying information of all persons who _____
e. ____of the search.
a. The name of the supervisor who authorized the search.
b. The probable cause for the search.
c. The date, time, and location of the search.
d. The names and identifying information of all persons who witnessed or participated in the search.
e. Results of the search.
Officers may search a vehicle when at least one of the following applies:
a. There is _____ to believe that there is evidence of a crime within the person’s reach.
b. The officer reasonably believes a search is necessary for _____.
c. Contraband is ____.
d. The search is _____.
Inventory of a vehicle is required when a _____.
a. There is probable cause to believe that there is evidence of a crime within the person’s reach.
b. The officer reasonably believes a search is necessary for the officer’s own safety (weapon).
c. Contraband is found in plain view.
d. The search is related to the suspect’s arrest.
1) vehicle is to be towed
Officers may search a residence or other premises without a search warrant or consent when any of the following exigent circumstances apply:
a. A person is in _____.
b. The ______ suspect.
c. Reasonable belief that ______
d. A welfare check of the property for persons who may _____
e. Reasonable belief that _____ is about to be destroyed.
The above is not an exhaustive list of exigent circumstances. Officers shall continuously assess the situation as the scene develops and additional factors are revealed in order to make the appropriate decision in regards to searches.
a. A person is in imminent danger.
b. The escape of a suspect.
c. Reasonable belief that a suspect poses a danger to the public and/or officers on a scene.
d. A welfare check of the property for persons who may need medical assistance.
e. Reasonable belief that contraband or evidence is about to be destroyed.
Both federal and state constitutions provide every individual with the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Consent to search is considered a waiver of what would otherwise be a warrant requirement and, as such, the waiver must be voluntary and knowing.
When a person consents to a search the officer shall remember the following:
a. A person with a possessory or proprietary interest in the property or place to be searched may give consent.
b. A person can refuse to consent to a search. However, if consent is granted, the person remains in control of the search and may limit the scope of the search or revoke the consent entirely.
c. All searches shall be conducted with dignity and courtesy. Officers shall also explain to the person being searched the reason for the search and how the search will be conducted.
d. When the search involves property, the property being searched, when feasible, shall be returned to its original condition prior to the search.
a. A person with a possessory or proprietary interest in the property or place to be searched may give consent.
b. A person can refuse to consent to a search. However, if consent is granted, the person remains in control of the search and may limit the scope of the search or revoke the consent entirely.
c. All searches shall be conducted with dignity and courtesy. Officers shall also explain to the person being searched the reason for the search and how the search will be conducted.
d. When the search involves property, the property being searched, when feasible, shall be returned to its original condition prior to the search.
Search Protocol
When practicable, the voluntary consent should be obtained in _____ form.
Non-written or non-recorded consent shall be fully documented in an incident report if one is generated. When an incident report is not generated, such as a traffic stop, full documentation must be _____.
1) written or audio recorded
2) included in the required database entry
Search Protocol
Officers shall utilize only department approved Consent to Search forms located in the Departmental Forms section on the HPD Intranet Portal. Any exceptions require approval by_____.
the Chief of Police
Search Protocol
A consent form for biological searches (Voluntary Consent to Give Specimen or Specimens) and a consent form for searches of computer or other electronic devices (Voluntary Consent to Search Computers) are located on the HPD Intranet Portal.
Employees are reminded that these types of searches have specific protocols, may require specific training, and shall be _____. These specific types of consensual searches shall always be documented in the appropriate incident report.
conducted in consultation with the concerned division and the district attorney’s office
Search Protocol
If the person granting consent is not present during the search, as in the case of electronic or digital devices that are removed to a police facility for examination, the case investigator shall provide the owner of the property…
If the property to be searched is being removed by officers not assigned to the division handling the investigation, those officers shall provide the person granting consent the…
1) a telephone number where the investigator may be contacted.
2) telephone number to the proper concerned investigative division
On-Scene Supervisor Responsibilities
On-scene supervisors shall:
a. Make the scene of all consent searches of_____. ____ searches do not require the presence of a supervisor.
b. _____the entire consent to search process once they arrive on the scene.
c. Ensure the citizen giving consent to search has _____.
d. Ensure any consent to search form is accurate and complete. Supervisors shall ensure the _____of the individual giving consent is obtained and documented on the form.
e. Review any consent to search form and ____the completed form.
a. Make the scene of all consent searches of residences, buildings, businesses, and other premises. Vehicle searches do not require the presence of a supervisor.
b. Supervise the entire consent to search process once they arrive on the scene.
c. Ensure the citizen giving consent to search has the authority to give a consent to search.
d. Ensure any consent to search form is accurate and complete. Supervisors shall ensure the signature of the individual giving consent is obtained and documented on the form.
e. Review any consent to search form and sign the completed form.
On-Scene Supervisor Responsibilities
If a supervisor is unable to be at the scene in a reasonable amount of time, the officer shall, with approval from the supervisor, _____.
The supervisor, however, is expected to arrive on the scene as soon as practicable and shall…
1) continue the investigation
2) supplement the original incident report documenting the circumstances.
Verbal Consent
When an officer receives only verbal consent to proceed with a search, the officer shall document the outcome of that consent to search request (granted, refused, withdrawn) in the _____ as a “non-vehicle” entry and in the incident report if an incident report is created.
In the case of a vehicle at a traffic stop, supporting documentation shall be found in the entry made in either the _____
1) Demographic Tracking Database in RMS
2) Demographic Tracking Database or an Electronic Ticket Writer device.
Recorded Documentation
Audio/video recordings shall be handled under the appropriate department guidelines, depending on the type of audio/video recording. Examples include, but are not limited to, mobile video, body worn cameras, and/or personal recording devices.
See General Orders 400-28, Body Worn Cameras and 400-23, Mobile Video Equipment.
If an officer records a verbal consent to search request, the officer shall document the outcome of that consent to search request (granted, refused, withdrawn) in the _____ and in the incident report if an incident report is created.
Demographic Tracking Database as a “non-vehicle” entry
Consent Form Disposition
If a consent form is completed and no charges are filed and no contraband or evidence is seized, the original consent to search form shall be _____.
If the original is placed in the case file then a copy shall be forwarded to the division commander’s administrative office. The consent request, including the outcome of that consent to search request (granted, refused, withdrawn), shall be documented in the Demographic Tracking Database as a “non-vehicle” entry.
A copy or the original shall be kept in the division commander’s administrative office for ____.
1) submitted at the end of the shift with the officer’s work card or placed in the case file
2) two years
Consent Form Disposition
If a consent form is completed and the person is arrested and/or contraband or evidence is seized, the original consent to search form shall be…
scanned into the incident report and tagged in the Property Room under the appropriate incident number.
Data Collection
All consensual searches involving vehicles relating to traffic stops shall be documented in either the Demographic Tracking Database or an Electronic Ticket Writer device, but not ____.
All consent to search requests involving non-traffic related incidents shall be documented in the Demographic Tracking Database.
When an officer completes a written consent form, receives verbal consent, or records consent on a recording device, the officer shall document the outcome of that consent to search request (granted, refused, withdrawn) in the____
1) both
2) Demographic Tracking Database as a “non-vehicle” entry.
The trespass affidavit, which assists the department with enforcing trespass laws, continues to be a valuable law enforcement tool. It is in no way mandatory that a particular location have a trespass affidavit on file and officers shall provide a consistent level of service to all locations.
Given the proven usefulness of these affidavits, divisions should feel free to encourage citizens, especially owners or the agents of owners of apartment complexes and businesses, to execute and keep a current trespass affidavit on file with…
1the HPD patrol division having jurisdiction over the location.
Officers utilizing trespass affidavits shall follow the current Guidelines for Obtaining and Maintaining Trespass Affidavits found on the department’s ____ to assist citizens who wish to file a trespass affidavit with HPD.
Each patrol division shall maintain original trespass affidavits for the division’s jurisdiction as well as a database listing locations for which citizens have supplied trespass affidavits. Each patrol division shall review existing trespass affidavits and corresponding complainant data sheets for the division’s jurisdiction to verify that…
1) Intranet Portal
2) the information in each document is up to date.
Any time an arrest is made that directly or indirectly involves the use of a trespass affidavit for a location, the on-scene officer shall verify that a trespass affidavit for the location is on file with the concerned patrol division and…
In addition, officers shall _____ and complete a detailed report. The original affidavit shall be placed back in the divisional trespass affidavit files.
1) notify a field supervisor that a trespass affidavit was used in an arrest.
2) scan the trespass affidavit, if utilized, into the incident report
Trespass affidavits shall be kept at the _____ and retained according to the division’s records retention schedule.
division commander’s administrative office
Off-duty officers shall not initiate traffic stops using a non-HPD marked police vehicle equipped with emergency equipment unless _____ and the officer’s vehicle meets the requirements as stated in General Order 600-04, Motor Vehicle Pursuits.
If an off-duty officer does initiate a traffic stop using a motor vehicle qualified by this policy, the officer shall…
1) the officer suspects felony activity (not including Evading as a state jail felony)
2) immediately notify dispatch of the stop location and request that a supervisor respond to the scene.
Off-duty officers shall not arrest traffic violators on sight unless…
the violation poses an immediate threat of bodily injury.
An officer, whether on or off duty, shall not arrest any person involved in a personal dispute involving the officer or a member of the officer’s family unless _____.
If police action is required, the officer shall contact _____ and request that a police unit and a supervisor be dispatched to the scene to investigate the incident.
Also, if police action is required and the _____ is unknown or cannot be determined, the officer may detain such person.
1) there is an immediate threat of serious bodily injury or death
2) Emergency Communications Division
3) suspect’s identity
Officers shall not communicate in any manner, directly or indirectly, information that may ____.
Officers shall not _____persons who have committed criminal acts to escape arrest or punishment, dispose of property or goods obtained illegally, or destroy evidence of unlawful activity.
1) delay an arrest
2) enable
Officers shall not exercise police authority while under the influence of any drug, medicine, alcoholic beverage, or substance that affects the normal use of mental or physical faculties, unless…
In the case of alcohol, “under the influence” means having _____ concentration of alcohol in one’s blood, breath, or urine.
1) under an exception outlined in a division’s standard operating procedures.
2) any measurable