(50) issues anf efects of eng as a world lang Flashcards


effects of the spread of eng & lang contact
hint: 6 effects

  1. borrowing that enriches the eng lang
    - croissant, deja ve, ciabatta
  2. lang maintenance (Fishmen, 1964)
    • continuing to use a lang in the face of competition from a more regionally and socially powerful lang
    • eg welsh, hokkien, cantonese
  3. lang shift (Fishmen, 1964)
    • replacement of one lang by another as the primary means of communication and socialisation in a community
    • eg: in sg more & more ethnic chi, malay, & indians speak SgE at home
  4. lang loss
    • gradual process that can occur at 2 levels: personal & familial OR entire lang lost (no one on earth speaks it) → eg latin
    • dom lang takes over (replaces) communications at work, socially, etc
    • can lead to lang death, but not always
  5. lang death
    • when no one uses the lang
    • eg: Cornish in England
  6. lang revival/ revitalisation
    • reversing lang shift, an attempt to halt/ reverse the decline of a lang OR to revive an extinct one
    • by those involved in linguistics, coltural grps, govt
    • BUT likely wont become mainstream again (eg latin)
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issues due to the spread of english in sh
hint: 7 issues

  1. eng as a killer language (Jenkins, 2015)
    • lang loss/ shift/ death can lead to cultural loss
  2. eng as a lingua franca + new varieties → mutual unintelligibility
    • allows ease of communications as eng is an inter- & intra-national LF
    • BUT mutual unintelligibility can occur btwn speakers of new varieties & ppl who dont speak it
    • many ppl are unable to assimilate in sg bc of it
  3. linguistic discrimination
    • unfair treatment of an indiv solely based on their use of lang
    • eg AAVE
  4. linguistic ownership (Widdowson, 1993)
    • exerting control over who speaks the lang, where its spoken, and whether it’s written → leads to lang exclusivity
  5. enrichment/ dilution of standards
    • esp bc of the internet → enriches speakers repertoire btwn multilingual & multicultural online envs & communities
  6. homogenisation of culture & linguistic diversity
    • decline of indigenous lang
    • BUT is mitigated when eng lang undergoes nativisation & indigenisation
    • BC native langs have lower prestige, and are stigmatised & discriminated against → eng is the lang of power & prestige → culture loss
    • eg: Msia refuses to acknowledge eng as a medium of lang to teach in sch
  7. identity
    • nativised varieties seen as representation of local identity in the face of the hegemonic use & spread of eng
    • eg Maori
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