5. The Altruistic Man Flashcards
What are the 4 criteria of the carnegie medal that rules out self-interested motives for doing good deeds?
1) Must be voluntary
2) Actor must risk his/her own life to an extraordinary degree
3) Actor must not be directly related to the victim (no kin selection)
4) The actor must not be in an occupational role in which duty would have required the act
Comparing the Genovese case where no one offered help and the NYC subway case where people offered help, what does this highlight?
The importance of communication
Genovese case – witnesses did not know that no one else rushed to woman’s assistance. Thought someone else had called the police. In the subway case, obvious that nobody else offered help, thus triggering the assistance by another passenger. Each person might want very much for someone to help the victim, and yet not want to be the one to do it.
Prisoners Dilemma – the higher the level of communication, the less likely someone will defect (more likely to cooperate) Communication established trust between the players that was hard to be betrayed afterward.
Explain the bystander effect.
The presence of multiple witnesses at a tragedy can inhibit intervention. Suggest that when more than one subject is at the scene, there is a diffusion of responsibility. Responsibility is shared among all the onlookers. Hence each may be less likely to help.
Give 2 possible reasons why economics students are more likely to act in accordance with the rationality paradigm and defect?
1) They are either indoctrinated by selfish economics theories, which causes selfishness.
2) They were already selfish rationality buffs to begin with, so they chose to study economics.
What is the rationalist’s problem that the self-interest model repeatedly overlooks?
The rationalist tends to be excluded from many profitable exchanges after antagonising people by not cooperating.
Do people cooperate more or less when they are on game shows when the stakes are high?
Cooperate more (40-50% of the time)
Why is voting behavior considered irrational?
It is unlikely that a single vote vote will affect the outcome of any national election. Self-interest dictates a “free-ride” by staying home. But what if everyone who favours your candidate did that?! Rationalists suggest that people would be much more likely to vote when an election is expected to be close. Self-interest model cannot explain this irrational behavior.
How does the commitment model explain people’s voting behavior? (2)
1) Democratic cultures teach that voting is a duty
2) There may be genuine material advantages in being known as the type of person who takes duty seriously so people strive to be such a person.
What does the commitment model argue about altruistic behavior?
Commitment model predicts that the locus of control for altruistic behavior will be emotional rather than cognitive. Altruists are neither more nor less rational than non altruists, they are simply pursuing different goals.
What is altruism correlated with?
SES! Altruists do better economically.
What are possible reasons why altruism is correlated with SES?
1) Good natured people have more friends and helps you rise up the social ladder
2) Rich people are altruistic because they can afford to
Evolutionary biology suggests 4 possible justifications for altruistic behavior, what are they?
1) kinship
2) reciprocity
3) reputation
4) Advertisement of dominance/superiority
Describe kin altruism (or genetic altruism).
Helping your genetic kin is statistically likely to benefit copies of your own genes. Animals tend to care for, defend, share resources with, warn of danger, and show altruism towards close kin. You want your own genes to survive.
Describe reciprocal altruism.
Help people in the hopes that they will help you back next time when you need it. Works well with members of widely different species (symbiosis) Reciprocal altruism works because of asymmetries in needs and in capacities to meet them. Works better between different species as the asymmetries are greater.
Describe altruism to acquire a good reputation.
We learn which individuals in the social group can be relied upon to pay our debts, and which individuals cheat. Natural selection favors genes that predispose individuals to give when they can, and to seek help when they can’t. It also favors tendencies to remember obligations, bear grudges, police exchange relationships and punish cheats who take but don’t give back. Need to foster a reputation of being a good reciprocator so we behave altruistically.