5. sleep-wake regulatoion & 2-process model Flashcards
sleep initiation is dependent on:
- sleep homeostasis
- circadian time
+ metabolic state, immunological state
+ environment: e.g. predation, mating, season, etc.
sleep initiation thanks to homeostasis is mediated by different kinds of homeostasis proposed. which ones:
- synaptic homeostasis
- firing rate homeostasis
- ion homeostasis
- energy homeostasis
what is the molecular mechanism of synaptic homeostasis?
mGluR1/5 receptor on dendritic spines signals for LTP, when bound to IP3R with the Homer1a-long variant.
The homer1a-short variant is inhibited by noradrenalin (during wake).
During sleep the homer1a-short is promoted by adenosine and absence of noradrenalin. This causes no connection between mGluR1/5 and IP3R to form -> LTD.
what is the mechanism behind the energy homeostasis theory of sleep?
Adenosine theory:
neuronal activity induced energy depletion: ATP -> ADP -> AMP -> Adenosine.
Adenosine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, that decreases neuronal activity and promotes sleep.
- adenosine is thought to be made in neurons and astrocytes
how is sleep homeostasis regulated in drosophilia:
waking to sleep: waking -> R2 increase -> dFB neurons activity increase (thanks to internalized sandman channel and open ShakerKv channel) -> sleep
- dopamine can switch dFB activity to wake
what is SIK3:
AMP-activated protein kinase-related kinase
- regulates sleep homeostasis
- mutation in SIK3: NREM increase thanks to decreased PKA recognition