5 - Sensory Mechanisms Of Host Plant Recognition Flashcards
reaction chain
each step dependent on outcome of preceding step
sensory modalities
what sensory modalities do insects use to find/eval suitability of potential plant host?
sense of smell
sense of taste?
how do olfactory and gustatory sensilla differ in structure?
where are sensory adapters located?
sensory adapters
Why isn’t the cabbage butterfly attracted to an oak tree?
role of odorant binding proteins in host recognition?
basic idea of ‘labelled line model’ of sensory processing
Lock and Key model
attempt to explain broader range of plants accepted by generalists vs specialists…
Lock and Key model’s central question
Do generalists’ brains have a broader neurological ‘lock’ that can be opened with more diverse plant cues (‘keys’)?
Rolling Fulcrum model
models host plant acceptance or rejection
Hierarchy Threshold model
Why do female butterflies ‘drum’ with forelegs when investigating plants for egg-laying?
Can understanding of insect host-finding behavior have practical applications in pest management?
YES. ##
maxillary styloconica
(of caterpillars)