5 - Safeguarding Flashcards
Define children in need.
Those who require additional support or services to achieve their full potential
Define child protection.
Activity to protect specific children who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm
Define safeguarding children.
measures taken to minimise the risk of harm to children
- protecting children from maltreatment
- preventing impairment of children’s health or development
- ensuring children are growing up in a safe and caring environment
Define child abuse and neglect.
Anything those entrusted to look after children do, or fail to do (neglect), which damages the prospects of the safe and healthy development of a child
What elements must be present to constitute child abuse?
- significant harm to child
- carer has some responsibility for said harm
- significant connection between carer’s responsibility for child and the harm to the child
What is GIRFEC?
- getting it right for every child
- named person for every child to be the point of contact regrading the child’s wellbeing
- shared approach to identifying concerns, recording and sharing information about the child
What are the factor that allow a child to be “ready to succeed”?
- nurtured
- achieving
- healthy
- safe
- included
- responsible
- respected
- active
What is the UNCRC?
- right to respect
- right to information about yourself
- right to be protected from harm
- right to have a say in your life
- right to a good start in life
- right to be and feel secure
What are contributing factors to child abuse? (adult)
- drugs
- alcohol
- poverty
- unemployment
- marital stress
- mental illness
- disabled
- domestic violence
- step parents
- isolation
- abused a child (intergenerational cycle)
- unrealistic expectations
- violence towards pets
What are contributing factors to child abuse? (child)
- crying
- soiling
- disability
- unwanted pregnancy
- failed expectations
- wrong gender
- product of forced or coerced sex
What are contributing factors to child abuse? (community)
- dwelling place
- housing conditions
- neighbourhood
What are the big 3 concerns in parenting capacity?
- domestic violence
- drug and alcohol misuse
- mental health problems
What are the categories of child abuse?
- physical
- emotional
- neglect
- sexual
- non-organic failure to thrive
Which children are most at risk of child abuse?
- under 5s
- irregular attenders
- medical problems and disabilities
What is the effect of neglect of nutrition?
- failure to thrive
- short stature