5 - River Basin Hydrology Flashcards
naturally flowing water courses
water vapour that falls from the clouds due to gravitational pull
What are the main types of precipitation?
Convectional, orographic (important for rivers) and cyclonic
Drainage basin
ll flowing surface water converges to a single point, such as a river mouth or flows into another body of water, e.g. lake or ocean
Amazon is the largest river basin (7 million km2)
Perennial river
uninterrupted flow of water regardless of season
Intermittent river
occasionally cease to flow (every year or 2/5 years)
only flow when heavy rainfall
What are the most intermittent rivers?
Small rivers where there are only pulses of rain or glacial melt
Method of classifying rivers?
Strahler stream order
Amazon most complex and has max score (9)
Anastomosing rivers
similar to braided but have vegetated islands
what determines drainage pattern?
- Rock type/ grain size
- Slope
- Stream power = amount of energy in a river
River discharge
volume of water flowing through a river channel (m3/s)
How is river discharge measured?
- Current meter = measure w and d of each subsection and measure V using a current meter (looks like rotating plastic thing). Can be fixed. Old but still used.
- ADCPs = determine water velocity by sending sound pulses into the water. Often installed on passenger ships to get frequent measurements
Fluvial floods
when water rises above riverbanks. Often annual but can be every 100/1000 years
Flash flood
rapid flooding of low lying areas typically caused by heavy rainfall
a barrier that stops or restricts the flow of surface waters or underground streams
- Control water and sediment flow (often halt sediment from reaching coastal zone)
- Reduces sediment in rivers leading to instability and erosion of coastal deltas
Geopolitical issue
moveable gate that controls water flow, levels and velocities (water gate)
waterways or engineered channels built for drainage management *e.g. flood control or irrigation) or for conveying water transport
barrier used to regulate or hold back water from a river, lake or ocean.
shore protection structure built perpendicular to the shoreline in order to reduce longshore drift and trap sediments
Why was Rhine straightened?
More flood control, less swamps and malaria, more agricultural land, navigation and regional development