5 Proofs Of Aquinas Flashcards
Proof 1?
Argument of movement
Nothing moves unless something starts it moving. Something must have caused the first movement- the first mover was God.
What is a pro of the first proof?
If god is spiritual he does not require a mover, as he isn’t physical
What is a con of the first proof?
Why is God the exception to the rule? If all things that move are a mover, who moved God or why does he not require one?
What is proof two?
An argument based on the idea of cause
Everything that exists must have a cause Nothing can cause itself because it would have had to exist before it existed! There must have been a first ‘causer’ of other things. The uncaused cause was God
Pro of proof 2
Science cannot fully explain the big bang theory so god could have caused it
Con of proof 2
Science suggest reasons why the big bang began ie white holes giving there no need for god.
What is the third proof?
The argument of necessity
Things can either exist or not exist, things that live and then die and so go out of existence. Some things have contingent existence and are dependant on someone or something to their existence. But there must be something that is necessary existence and isn’t reliant on anything else -God
Pro of proof 3
God is spiritual and not caught in time this makes it possible for him to not have a beginning middle or end. He can just exist
Con lf proof 3
It is generalisation, argument from silence and argument of tradition. Why does there have to be a god that necessarily exists?
What is proof 4?
Argument based on degree
There are things in the world that have goodness, truth and nobility to varying degrees. There must be something that has these quality completely to the highest degree, and that is the cause of these qualities in other things. This is god.
Pro proof 4
Suffering doesn’t go against gods omnibenevolence as he gave people the gif of free will.
Con proof 4
Many things done by god that are cruel, flood in noahs ark, punishment of Adam and eve, 10 plagues of eygpt
What is proof 5
Argument based on government and direction
There are many things in the world that have no way of knowing there proper purpose. Yet they’re are frequently doing there proper job. It is clear that this cannot be just by chance it must be by the intention of some intelligent being - god
Con proof 5
Not everything in the natural world functions with order and purpose- some things have defections and die
For proof 5
Living organisms with a brain seem to function with order towards a goal. There is no way this can happen in such an ordered way without a guiding hand.