5. Product and brand decision strategy Flashcards
New Product Development Process
Development of so-called stage-gate systems for managing new product development from idea generation to product launch
Number of ways to classify products 4
- New to the world
- New to the firm
- Product-line extensions
- Product improvements
Ansoff Matrix 4
classer et expliquer les différentes stratégies de croissance pour une entreprise
- Market development
- Diversification
- Market Penetration
- Product Development
Market Penetration 3
- pousser le client à augmenter son niveau d’achat ou sa fréquence d’achat
- détourner le client des concurrents
- convaincre les clients potentiels.
introduisant de nouvelles activités susceptibles de satisfaire la même clientèle, même si la technologie est différente du métier actuel Enfin, il est possible de se diversifier en créant un conglomérat (des activités différentes pour des marchés différents).
Market development 2
- augmenter ses ventes en introduisant ses produits actuels sur de nouveaux marchés
- attirer de nouveaux segments de marché en développant des produits adaptés, en utilisant de nouveaux circuits de distribution, en faisant appel à d’autres médias de communications.
Product Development
L’entreprise cherche à augmenter ses ventes en lançant de nouveaux produits sur ses marchés actuels. Elle peut modifier le produit, créer plusieurs versions du produit, développer de nouveaux modèles et de nouvelles tailles.
Strategic Implications of the Product Life Cycle
The product life cycle model is a framework that signals the occurrence of opportunities and threats in the marketplace and the industry, thereby helping the business better anticipate change in the product’s strategic market objective, its strategy, and its marketing program
Branding Decisions 9
- Identifies and helps differentiate the goods or services of one seller from those of another
- Simplifies shopping
- Facilitates the processing of information concerned with purchase options
- Provides confidence that the consumer has made the right decision
- Helps to ensure quality
- Satisfies certain status needs
- Cobranding - Uses multiple brand names with a single product or service offering
- Global branding Corporate identity and family branding as a source of synergy
- Retailer and distributor brands
improve brand equity position 4 categories
- Brand name awareness
- Brand loyalty
- Perceived quality
- Brand association
Branding strategies 3
- Individual branding
- Family branding
- Brand extension:
Individual branding:
Requires the company to provide each product or product line with a distinctive name
Family branding:
Uses the same brand name to cover a group of products or product lines
Brand extension:
Involves the use of a family brand name established in one product class as a vehicle to enter another product class
Emotional branding 4
- Builds brand loyalty
- Loyalty to the brand beyond reason
- Brand tribes – building a sense of belonging through the brand purchase
- Brand relationships