5. occupation Flashcards
background to the occupation of poland:
-poland was created at the end of WW1
-before this it had been part of germany
-the nazis saw it as their right to take their land back
-after invading in oct 1939 the nazis divided the country & began to remove all polish control and culture
-they considered the poles to be racially inferior
eastern general plan (occupation of poland)
-many native poles were moved into the general government region
-it was governed by a nazi who introduced a rule of terror and set about destroying culture, education and leadership
-30,000 of the most talented people in poland were arrested, many were tortured and murdered
-1.5 million poles were deported to work in labour camps
-poles were forced to wear a P on their arm
-from 1940, many polish citizens were expelled
-500,000 ethnic germans settled in their houses & land
warsaw ghetto
-ghettos were enclosed areas that isolated jews
-hundreds were set up in oland, the largest being the warsaw ghetto (completed nov 1940)
-by early 1941 the ghettos had 445,000 jewish inhabitants (a third of warsaw’s population, they lived in 2.4 per cent of the space
-the poor conditions led to disease and death
-over 140,000 died in the ghetto’s three year existence
liquidation of the ghetto (poland)
july 21st 1942
-the nazis began the mass deportation of inhabitants to the treblinka death camp
-300,000 had perished in the gas chambers
-in april 1943, the surviving inhabitants started a final battle against the nazis
-it was unsuccessful and by mid-may the ghetto was destroyed
where is poland?
where is the netherlands?
the occupation of netherlands (invasion)
may 1940
-the nazis invaded the netherlands
-after 4 days of ground fighting the luftwaffe began a bombing campaign
-fearing continued destruction, the dutch government surrendered
the beginning of occupation (netherlands)
-the nazis saw the dutch as sharing the same racial background as germans and therefore were treated very differently to the poles
-education system was kept the same -civil servants could keep their jobs if they wanted to
-there was general compliance with the regime
turning point of the occupation of the netherlands
-in feb, the first 425 jewish men were rounded up for deportation
-dutch communists decided to retaliate with a strike
-the nazis responded violently: nine were killed and hundreds were arrested
-after the first death sentences were issued against the dutch people
intimidation & violence in the netherlands
-in 1943, the nazis began to deport jews
-76% of dutch jews were deported
-with severe shortages of workers in germany, the nazis announced they would take dutch ex-soldiers to work as forced labourers
-strikes erupted across the country and the nazis responded brutally -dutch resistance developed
-20,000 resistance members were arrested
-most were sent to cc camps
-2000 were executed
late 1944 to 1945 in netherlands
-the exiled dutch govt called for railway strikes-
-30,000 rail workers went into hiding, causing transport shortages
-food shortages meant 20,000 dutch people died of starvation
-on may 5th the netherlands was liberated by the canadians
occupation of france in north
-swastika flags draped over buildings
-germans plundered food & other supplies causing severe shortages
-strict censorship
-night curfew
-100s of workers taken to germany for forced labour
-those who refused went into hiding
-over 70,000 jews wee deported today
death camps
occupation of france in free zone
-french allowed to govern & collaborated with germans
-everyday life was same as north
-less german control
occupation in the east v west
-relatively humane
-whilst daily life wasn’t pleasant & all jews were persecuted, the nazis did not attempt to exterminate entire western populations
-however, they did react brutally towards resistors
-citizens of occupied countries were forced to work for the nazis
-brutal and cruel
-the nazis viewed the east as living space for germany
-to do this the nazis believed the east needed to be ‘cleansed’ of non-aryan populations
-jews and slavic populations were especially targeted
-when germany invaded the soviet union in 1941, einsatzgruppen followed the German army with the orders to kill every Jew they found
-labourers from the east were essentially slaves, and endured terrible conditions
-about 2 million poles were forced into slave labour
working with the nazis to help them rule
obeying nazi rule
opposing the nazis
someone who actively takes part in committing a crime
the utasa
-extreme right wing political party
-inspired & encouraged by the nazis to build their own cc camps
-they killed 25,000 jews
the devlag movement
-wanted stronger ties with nazi germany
-helped the nazis recruit members to the waffen-SS & had 50,000 members by 1943
-the danes were allowed to keep their government in return for establishing favourable relations
-production & trade was redirected towards germany
-in return laws against the jews were rejected
-the ‘french Resistance took action against nazi occupation
-published underground newspapers & provided intelligence to the allies
-in june 1944, the french interior force was formed to help the allies push out the nazis
latvian auxillary
-in latvia, the SS created the latvian auxiliary security police
-the group took up the job of purging all internal enemies by killing jews and communists
-the group alone murdered 26,000 jews (half the Jewish population of latvia)
bielski partisans
-4 brothers who escaped a polish ghetto
-100s of men, women & kids joined
-at peak there were 1236 members
-lasted 2 years in forests
-completed sabotages on nazis
-serbian nationalists
-agreed to work w the nazi forces that invade yugoslavia
-polish gov escaped to london in 1939
-made delegatura, secret polish state
-in august 1944, the poles staged an uprising in warsaw that lasted 2 months
-uprising was crushed by nazis
how did jews get to camps?
-jews were told they were being ‘evacuated’ to the east
-the aim was hide their intention to avoid mass panic
what happened to jews on arrival at camps?
-all possessions would be confiscated for use by the nazis
-arrivals were then sorted
-the majority were sent straight to the gas chambers disguised as shower blocks
-some jews were selected as workers
what happened to jews who were selected as workers?
-their head is shaved
-a identification number is tattooed on to their arm and were issued with a striped uniform
-the workers were used to complete tasks to keep the camps running, for example transporting bodies to the crematoria and checking bodies for valuable items like gold teeth
-few of those selected for work survived more than a few months
-when they were to sick or weak go work, they were killed
-others were selected to be subjects for medical experiments
the first solution (jews)
-jews forced to leave the country
-jews beaten & humiliated by being forced to scrub the pavements & get rid of pro-austrian graffiti
-mass looting & aryanisation of property first done by individuals, then SS
-persecution led jews to consider emigration, which the nazis encouraged
the second solution (jews)
-ghettos = enclosed districts that isolated
jews, separated jews from non-jews
-largest ghetto = warsaw (3m high walls with barbed wire )
-by march 1941, the warsaw ghetto held 445,500 jews
-1/3 of the city’s population was in 2.4% of the area
-on average, 15 ppl shared a small apt,
conditions lead to death & disease
-in autumn 1941, 900 cases of typhus
-in 3 years of ws ghetto, over 140,00 died
the final solution (phase 1)
-men who carried out the mass murders in the east belonged to einsatzgruppen: mobile killing units consisting of ss men, police & auxiliary units
-the einsatzgruppen rounded up jews & communists
-men, women & children were taken to secluded areas (often woods) forced to dig large pit, they were lined up at the edge of the pit & shot
the final solution (phase 2)
- chelmo
-jews were being murdered by exhaust fumes in vans because more jews could be killed without the risk of traumatising the ss - autumn 1941
-operation reinhard, extermination of all jews in general gov was agreed to and more death camps were created - jews are deported from ghettos
-they arrive at ‘train stations’
-they are stripped of clothes & possessions
-gassed in chambers that looked like showers
-slave labourers removed bodies & burnt/ buried them
4.to stop mass panic
-jews were tricked into thinking they were being resettled in the east
how were people murdered in auschwitz?
-mass murder using zykon b gas
why was auschwitz II made?
auschwitz was overrun
how were jews transported to auschwitz?
in cattle trucks/trains with no water & no toilets