5: Obtaining pre-action remedies Flashcards
What type of injunctive relief must be sought from a High Court judge?
Freezing injunctions and search orders.
What is an interim injunction?
An interim injunction is a temporary version of the type of injunction the applicant would seek at trial.
Why are injunctions a ‘high-risk strategy’?
Injunctions can end an action as it starts and are at the top end of the tactical ‘weaponry’ a party can use.
What are the three types of injunctions?
What is a mandatory injunction?
It requires the other side to take action to do something.
What is a prohibitory injunction?
It prevents someone from taking certain steps.
What is a preventative injunction?
It requires the other side to take steps to prevent harm occuring.
What is the name of the case that governs the granting of interim injunctions?
American Cyanamid Co v Ethicom Ltd [1975]
What are the four main principles taken from American Cyanamid around interim injunctions?
- Is there a serious question to be tried?
(Is it more than a frivolous claim?) - Where does the balance of convenience lie?
(Is it worse for the claimant to lose out than the defendant in this situation, e.g. stopping D from releasing derogatory material around C is better for the C and shouldn’t affect D) - Are there any special factors that ought to be taken into account?
- Would an award of damages be an adequate remedy?
(If so and the defendant is in a financial position to pay them, no interim injunction should normally be granted.)
Where can you find the relevant guidance from the CPR around interim injunctions?
Practice Direction 25A (PD 25A)
What must you advise your client if they are applying for an injunction?
That they will have to give an undertaking in damages to the defendant for any loss suffered as a result of the injunction, should it transpire that it ought not that have been granted in the first place. (para 5.1(1) PD 25A)
Should the American Cyanamid principles be applied rigidly?
No, there must be some flexibility in connection with granting injunctions as they are discretionary remedies.
When would the American Cyanamid principles not apply?
In applications for freezing injunctions and search orders (paras 6.1 and 7.1 PD 25A).
How long could it take to obtain an injunction for a serious matter and if all evidence is in place?
It is possible to obtain an injunction in as little as 48—72 hours after the client becomes aware of the breach or serious threat to their legal rights.
Can you ask a judge for an injunction outside normal office hours, over the phone or at their home?
Yes, if it is a serious enough breach or threat to someone’s legal rights.
What is a ‘without notice order application’?
An application to make an injunction against a respondent, without giving notice to the respondent first.
If the injunction order is made by the court on a without notice application, what must be done immediately?
The order must be personally served on the defendant extremely quickly and another hearing will be arranged for a short time later.
What is a ‘return’ hearing?
When an injunction is made before the person affected by it is told, the court will list a hearing so they can object to the making of the order if they want.
What does PD 25A set out as the 3 requirements for an application for an interim remedy to be made?
Filing the application notice and a draft of the order (also on disk/digital copy) (para 2.4 PD 25A)
Paying the relevant court fee
Observing the rules of service.
What must search orders and freezing injunctions be supported by in the application?
Affidavit evidence.
What must other interim injunctions (other than search orders and freezing injunctions) be supported by in the application?
Just evidence, either in a witness statement, a statement of case or the application notice itself. These must all be verified by a statement of truth.
What is affidavit evidence?
A written statement of evidence which is sworn before a person authorised to administer affidavits. Different to the usual evidence verified by a statement of truth, because this one has to be done by a notary.
What must be included on and done to the injunction for the respondent?
The injunction must be endorsed with a penal notice when drawn up and must be personally served to the defendant.
What is a penal notice?
A penal notice is a warning to the defendant that disobedience to the order may be punishable by imprisonment, a fine, confiscation of assets or other punishment.
Why must an injunction be endorsed with a penal notice when drawn up?
Breach of an injunction is a contempt of court for which the defendant can be committed to prison.
If contempt proceedings are brought for a breach of an injunction, what could happen to the defendant?
They may be committed ot prison for up to two years, be fined or may have their assets seized.
What are the 6 grounds on which a defendant can seek to discharge an interim injunction in an application to a judge of the division or court in which the claim in proceeding?
- material non-disclosure on a ‘without notice application’
- failure by the claimant to comply with the terms upon which the injunction was granted;
- the facts do not justify interim injunctive relief;
- the injunction is oppressive;
- material change in the circumstances of the parties or in the law since the injunction was granted; and
- the claimant has failed to prosecute the substantive claim with due speed.
What is a freezing injunction?
A freezing injunction is designed to freeze the assets of a defendant if there is a risk that they may dispose of these assets before the claim proceeds to trial.
What is a freezing injunction also known as?
Mareva injunction, based on a 1975 case.
What notice is given with freezing injunctions?
Freezing injunctions rely on secrecy for their effectiveness, so any application would be made without notice to the respondent.
Who deals with freezing injunctions applications?
A High Court judge.
Which documents must be submitted at least two hours before the freezing injunction hearing?
- The application notice
- Any statements of the case
- copies of all relevant affidavits and exhibits (affidavits are required as opposed to witness statements, although in urgent cases informal evidence can be used)
- any relevant previous orders in the case
- a skeleton argument or summary
6.if it would help, a chronology
What are the requirements for applying for a freezing order?
- There is a cause of action justiciable in England and Wales
- The claimant has a good arguable case
- There is a real risk that the defendant may dispose of or dissipate those assets before judgement can be enforced
- The defendant has assets within the jurisdiction.
What must be stated on the freezing order?
The assets that will be frozen
How long the injunction will last
How the respondent is entitled to discharge the injunction.
What happens if third parties are involved in a freezing order?
The third parties must be notified of their right to apply to the court for directions or for a variation of the order.
What is a search order?
A search order is a specific type of without notice order against the defendant, which allows the claimant to search for and seize evidence which would otherwise be destroyed if the defendant would not obey rules relating to disclosure.
What is a search order also known as?
Anton Piller order
How does CPR r25.1(1)(h) define a search order?
CPR r25.1(1)(h) defines a search order as an order under s7 Civil Procedure Act 1997, which empowers the court to make an order for the purpose of securing, in existing or proposed proceedings:
- the preservation of evidence which is or may be relevant; and
- the preservation of property which is or may be the subject matter of the proceedings or to which any question arises or may arise in the proceedings.
What kind of injunction is a search order?
A special type of mandatory injunction, usually used against alleged infringements of copyrights, patents and trademarks, including video/audio pirating.
Would a judge grant a search order freely?
No, only if there is no alternative. It is regarded as a ‘relief of last resort’.
Will a respondent have notice of a search order application?
No, it will be a without notice application. It will usually be made after the issue of the claim form, but before the claim is serviced to the respondent.
Who will a search order application go to ?
High Court judge
What three documents must be included in a search order application?
- the claim form or draft claim form (and any statements of case that exist)
- affidavit or draft affidavit (not witness statements)
- draft of the proposed order.
Can a search order have other interim relief applications entered at the same time?
Yes, other interim relief may be sought at the same time, e.g. with a freezing injunction for audio or video pirating cases.
What are the 3 basic requirements that must be satisfied before the court may grant a search order?
- There must be an extremely strong prima facie case on the merits.
- The defendant’s activities must cause serious (potential or actual) harm to the claimant’s interests.
- There must be clear evidence that the incriminating documents or things are in the defendant’s possession and that there is a real possibility that such material may be destroyed before any on notice application can be made.
Even if these three requirements are met by the claimant, the granting of the order is still at the discretion of the court.
What key points should you be aware of when considering with your client whether to apply for an injunction?
- Expense
- Whether damages would be an adequate remedy
- Whether the application will bully the opponent
- Undertaking of damages to defendant
- Urgency
- Full and frank disclosure on a without notice application
- American Cyanamid principles
What is a pre-action disclosure?
An order obligating the party likely to be the defendant to make certain disclosures before the claimant issues the claim form.
What is the notice requirements of pre-action disclosure?
The party intending to apply for the remedy should warn the other party in writing first, with a view to the voluntary provision of the information requested.
What happens if an informal warning letter is not sent first before pre-action disclosure?
If an informal warning letter is not sent, the party making the application may not succeed and may also be punished by way of a costs sanction.
Where do the court’s powers come from in relation to pre-action disclosure?
Under s33 Senior Courts Act 1981 and s52 County Courts Act 1984, the court has the power to order a person who appears likely to be a defendant in subsequent proceedings to disclose documents to the proposed claimant before a substantive claim is issued.
What are the prerequisites for an application for pre-action disclosure be made?
- the application is by and sought against parties who are likely to be party to a subsequent action.
- the application relates to documents that fall within the definition of standard disclosure.
What 3 kinds of scenarios lend themselves well to pre-action disclosure applications?
Clinical negligence cases where the validity of the claim is uncertain, until medical records are seen by a medical expert.
Personal injury cases where safety documents are in the possession of the employer where an employee has been injured at work.
Road traffic accidents where documents about the condition of the vehicle are in the possession of the driver.
What are the 7 steps in the procedure for pre-action disclosure?
- Complete an Application Notice (Form N244)
- File Application Notice and supporting evidence and pay issue fee.
- The court sets a date for a hearing.
- The notice and evidence are served on the respondent three days before
- Respondent may file evidence in reply
- The hearing will be public and representations made should be based on the written evidence previously submitted.
What is the name of the Application Notice form and what purposes is it used for?
Form N244 - for all sorts of applications to the court, e.g. pre-action disclosure, seeking default or summary judgment, request for further information, interim hearing evidence, specific disclosure, used whether or not any notice is given to other parties.
What would be within the Application Notice?
The order sought (e.g. pre-action disclosure)
Brief reasons for the application
Full name of the applicant
Details of your firm with the address for service
A request for a hearing date
Signed statement of truth at the end of the form.
Attach a copy of the draft order you are seeking to the completed Form N244.
Where should the application for an order be made?
It should be made to the court where it is likely the claim will be started.
What are the two options for the court serving copies?
- The court will serve copies on the respondent with one copy to you as acting for the client
- The court will return copies to you for service, retaining one for the court.
How soon should the notice and accompanying evidence of an application be served on the person against whom the order is sought?
As soon as is practicable and in any event, at least three clear days before the hearing.
What CPR part is non-party disclosure governed by?
Part 31
What is non-party disclosure?
The making of orders for disclosure against a person who is not a party to the proceedings at hand. E.g. a bank is asked to disclose information or documents held in relation to an account holder, such as their name, address and banking history.
What does the court have jurisdiction to order in terms of non-party disclosure?
Notably, the court only has jurisdiction to order non-party disclosure where the documents sought are likely to either support the case of the applicant or adversely affect the case of one of the other parties to the proceedings, and disclosure is necessary to dispose fairly of the claim or to save costs.