16: Interim applications Flashcards
What is an interim application?
An application made to the court during the period before the trial of the case to ensure compliance with case management directions, vary steps required, grant interim remedies, or make other necessary adjustments.
List some reasons for making an interim application.
Permit service of documents by an alternative method
Amend a statement of case
Grant permission to add, remove, or change the names of parties
Set aside default judgment
striking out powers or summary judgment
Extend time for compliance with case management directions
Vary the case management timetable more generally
To compel a party to respond to a Part 18 request for further information
Impose sanctions for non-compliance with case management steps
Grant relief to a defaulting party from a previously imposed sanction
Grant a specific interim injunction
What should parties attempt before applying to the court for an order?
Reach an agreement on disputed matters to save time, effort, and costs.
What sets out the procedure for interim applications?
Part 23.
What process is followed for normal applications made without notice?
Applicant files Form N244 Application Notice (with by application fee, draft order, and supporting evidence)
Application issued by the court
Court fixes hearing date if requested
Documents and Notice of Hearing Date served on respondent
Respondent files evidence in response
Determination of application at hearing or on paper
Court determines liability for costs if not agreed
When is an interim application considered made?
On the day the application notice and fee are received by the court.
Where should an interim application generally be made?
At any hearing already listed, such as a case management conference (CMC) or pre-trial review (PTR).
To which court should an interim application be made if the application is pre-action or in the County Court?
To the court where the action is likely to be commenced.
Where should an application be made if a trial date has been fixed?
To the trial court.
What documents should the applicant send to the court for an interim application?
Two copies of the Form N244 Application Notice, the draft order, and any evidence in support.
What must the N244 Application Notice include?
Title of the claim, parties, and reference number;
Full name of the applicant and their status (e.g., party or legal representative);
The order being sought (r23.6(a));
Reasons for the order (r23.6(b));
Whether a draft order is attached;
How the application should be dealt with (e.g., without a hearing);
Whether the application should be served on anyone and their details;
Evidence in support of the application;
Level of judge needed to determine the application.
What is required for applications dealt with by a district judge or more senior judge?
A time estimate for the hearing.
Is a fee payable for issuing an interim application?
Yes, unless the applicant obtains an exemption on grounds of financial hardship.
When should a draft order be attached to the Form N244?
In all but the simplest applications.
What methods can be used to determine an interim application?
On paper without attending court;
Face-to-face hearing at court;
Remote hearing via telephone or video-conferencing.
Which hearings can be conducted by telephone?
Allocation hearing
Listing hearing
Hearings of interim applications, CMCs and PTRs which will be under 1 hour.
Which hearings cannot be conducted by telephone ?
Without-notice hearings;
All parties are unrepresented;
More than four legally represented parties wish to make representations.
What is the general rule for applications for interim remedies around oral/written evidence?
They must be supported by written evidence rather than oral testimony.
What should be included in evidence for a straightforward interim application?
A concise statement on the Form N244 Application Notice, plus a statement of truth.
What should be included in evidence for more complex interim applications?
A separate witness statement signed by the witness and including a statement of truth.
When can a statement of case already filed at court be relied upon?
If the evidence is already with the court.
What must the applicant decide regarding notice of the application?
Whether to give notice to other parties or proceed without notice.
How can notice be given informally before the application notice is processed by the court?
By sending the respondent a copy of the application and supporting documents in any event.
How is formal notice given after the application notice is processed by the court?
By serving the respondent a copy of the application, draft order, evidence, and Notice of Hearing Date.
What additional steps must be taken if the application is “on notice”?
Sending copies of documents for every respondent to the court for sealing and service.
Who sends the notice of hearing to the applicant and respondents?
The court.
When should notice be served after filing the application and before the hearing?
As soon as practicable and at least 3 days before the court deals with the application.
What is the time frame for filing the application notice for a telephone hearing?
5 days before the hearing.
What factors should the applicant consider when deciding whether to give notice of the application?
The nature of the application, whether immediate action is required, and whether the other party should have an opportunity to respond.
What is the general rule for applications in litigation?
An order should not be made against a party without giving them an opportunity to be heard, meaning applications must be made on notice to the other parties.
When can a without notice application be given?
- exceptional urgency
- for overriding objective
- not enough time before hearing
- defendant can only be identified by description and not name
What happens if an application is wrongly made without giving notice?
The application will be dismissed or adjourned until proper notice is given.
How can an application made without notice be decided?
By a judge without a hearing, or at a hearing (in person, by telephone, or video conference), with only the applicant attending.
What must be served on the respondent if an order is made on an application made without notice?
The application notice;
The evidence relied on by the applicant;
The order, including a statement of the respondent’s right to apply to set aside or vary the order.
What is the respondent’s right regarding an order made without notice?
They can apply to set aside or vary the order within 7 days of service.
Who will determine an interim application?
Most interim applications are dealt with by a master or district judge.
What can a party invite the court to do at the conclusion of an interim application hearing?
Make an order for costs.
What is the default position for drawing up the order?
The court will draw up the order and send it to the parties unless they are ordered or agree to do it themselves.
What is a consent order?
An order approved by the court without a hearing, provided it is by consent and contains agreed terms.
What can the court do if a party fails to attend a hearing?
Proceed in their absence and may impose costs for non-attendance unless there is a reasonable explanation.
Under what conditions can a judgment be set aside if a party did not attend the hearing?
The party must show they acted promptly, had a good reason for not attending, and have a reasonable prospect of success.
What must the court include when making an order on its own initiative?
A statement that affected parties may apply within 7 days to set aside or vary the order.
What are interim remedies?
Court-ordered measures taken before trial to establish case merits or secure payments (e.g., interim payments, injunctions).
Under what conditions can a court grant a remedy before a claim is issued?
If the matter is urgent or desirable in the interests of justice.
Who can grant freezing injunctions and search orders?
High Court Judges or other duly authorized judges.
What is an interim payment?
An advance payment in respect of damages likely to be awarded at trial.
What are the grounds for ordering an interim payment under r25.7(1)?
Defendant has admitted liability;
Judgment is obtained but the sum is not assessed;
The court is satisfied the claimant would obtain judgment for a substantial sum if the action went to trial;
Strong case on liability with multiple defendants.
What must the court consider when awarding an interim payment?
The court must ensure it is not more than a reasonable proportion of the likely final judgment amount.
What details must an order for interim payment by installments include?
Total sum awarded,
amount of each instalment,
number of instalments,
and recipient of payments.
What should the claimant do before applying for an interim payment?
Make a written request to the defendant for voluntary interim payment.
When can a claimant make an application for an interim payment?
After the end of the period for the filing of an acknowledgment of service by the defendant.
What additional details are required in a personal injury claim for an interim payment?
Special damages and past and future loss details, and medical reports.
What is the procedure for making an application for an interim payment?
File Form N244 Application Notice, draft order, and pay the application fee;
Court issues application and fixes a hearing date;
File evidence in support not less than 14 days before the hearing;
Respondent files and serves written evidence at least 7 days before the hearing;
Applicant files and serves further written evidence at least 3 days before the hearing;
Court determines the application.
What is the court’s discretion in deciding an interim payment application?
The court has discretion to make an order and determine the amount, exercising discretion first to consider if an order should be made and then the amount.
What is the rule regarding secrecy of an interim payment order?
The order should not be disclosed to the trial judge until after judgment unless the defendant consents.