5. Measuring Variables and Sampling Flashcards
nominal scale
variables that are categorical in nature. They have no innate ranking or order, and only serve to describe the type of an attribute. If only two types are possible, the variable can also be called binary or boolean.
(eg. gender, marital status, memory strategy, personality type, college major, type of therapy, experimental condition [treatment vs. control] )
a condition or characteristic that can take on different values
variables that have an innate ranking, but the distance between the rankings is not necessarily the same.
(eg. position in the family, placement in a race, strength of agreement or disagreement)
a variable which can be quantitatively measured, where the distance between rankings is the same, but the measurement of 0 does not imply the absence of the thing being measured. (ie. an arbitrary 0 point)
(eg. temperature scales (Farenheit or Celsius), IQ scores
ratio measurement
a quantitative measurement with an absolute zero point
eg. age, Kelvin temperature measurement, response time, height, income
What are the four distinguishing characteristics of the four levels of measurement?
The four levels of measurement can be distinguished by whether they refer to a quantity or type (nominal), whether the distance between increments is the same or different (ordinal), and whether the scale has an absolute zero point (interval or ratio).
What are the two necessary properties for good measurement?
reliability and validity
the consistency (or stability) of the measurements
the extent to which the measurements actually measure what the researchers intend for them to measure. Accuracy of the interpretations, inferences or actions made on the basis of the measurements.
reliability coefficient
a specific correlation coefficient that acts as an index to suggest the reliability of a measure. The stronger and more positive the better. (ie. > 0.70)
What are the types of reliability tests?
test-retest reliability
equivalent-forms reliability
internal consistency
interrater reliability
test-retest reliability
refers to the consistency of measures over time. to evaluate this reliability, the second set of measurements should be taken without a treatment condition present, seeking to maximize reliability. It is challenging to determine the appropriate time interval, and generally the longer the time interval, the lower the reliability coefficient will be.
equivalent forms reliability
refers to the consistency of measurement across two different research instruments, designed to measure the same thing. In order to have a high reliability coefficient, individuals should have similar scores on each instrument.
(eg. ACT / SAT or GRE/MAT )
internal consistency reliability
the consistency with which the items on a single instrument measure a single construct. Generally, as the length of these instruments grows, so too does the internal consistency reliability. Measuring this only requires one administration of the instrument. (generally called coefficient alpha or cronbach’s alpha)
(eg. personality tests)
interrater reliability
the consistency or degree of agreement between two or more scores, raters, judges, etc. (also measured by inter-observer agreement - the percentage of time that different observers’ ratings are in agreement)
How does a researcher obtain evidence of reliability in measurement?
Depending on the type of reliability they seek to determine :
- repeat the measure on the same group after a time interval - measures test-retest reliability
- measure the # of agreement between different judges of the same observation measures interrater reliability
- measure the degree of consistency between items that measure the same construct measures internal consistency reliability
- measure the degree to which individual scores are consistent across two different instruments measures equivalent forms reliability
operational definition
the way a construct is defined, represented, and measured in a research study. (ie. set the definition for the construct for the purposes of the study)
(eg. “disadvantaged people” may be operationalized as “individuals who have incomes below the poverty level for the past six months”
What is the key challenge in creating an operational definition?
An operational definition must be specific enough to be VALID for the study you are conducting, but not so specific that it lacks ecological validity and therefore has no relevance in the outside world.
“Is your definition truly representative?”
the continuous process of gathering evidence regarding the soundness of inferences made from measurements
content validity
judgement by experts of the degree to which items, task or questions on a test adequately represent the construct. (ie. prima facie - do they appear to measure it? is anything excluded? in anything extraneous included? generally requires the judgement of multiple experts
multidimensional construct
a construct consisting of two or more dimensions, as contrasted with a unidimensional construct. (ie. MBTI test measures personality type on the basis of four constructs - E/I , N/S, F/T, P/J)
Factor analysis
a statistical analysis procedure used to determine the number of dimensions present in a set of items. this is important because it is necessary in order to correctly interpret the resulting scores of the instrument.
the degree to which a set of items measures a single construct or trait.
validity coefficient
a correlation coefficient used in validity evidence
criterion-related validity
the degree to which scores predict or relate to a known criterion such as a future performance or an already-established test
predictive validity
the degree to which scores obtained at one time correctly predict the scores on a criterion at a later time
concurrent validity
the degree to which test scores obtained at one time correctly related to the scores on a known criterion obtained at approximately the same time
convergent validity evidence
validity evidence based on the degree to which the focal test scores correlate with independent measures of the same construct
discriminant validity evidence
validity evidence based on the degree to which the focal test scores do not correlate with measures of different constructs
known groups validity evidence
the degree to which groups that are known to differ on a construct actually differ according to the test used to measure the construct