5 - Introduction to Ethics Flashcards
Set of moral principles that govern the actions and decisions of an individual/group
Vary from individual to individual
Personal ethics
Examples prescribed sets of moral principles:
- Laws & regulations
- Church doctrine
- Code of business ethics
- Codes of conduct
Characteristics & Values Associated with Ethical Behavior
- Integrity
- Honesty
- Trustworthiness & Promise keeping
- Loyalty (Fidelity) & Confidentiality
- Fairness & Openness
- Caring for Others
- Respect for Others
- Responsible Citizenship
- Pursuit of Excellence
- Accountability
Be honorable, courageous and act on convictions; do not be twofaced or adopt end-justifies-the means philosophy
Ignores principles
End-justifies-the means
Be truthful, sincere, straightforward; do not cheat, steal, deceive
Be worthy of trust, keep promises, full commitments; do not interpret agreements in a legalistic manner to create excuses for breaking commitments
Trustworthiness & Promise Keeping
Be fair & open-minded, be willing to admit error and demonstrate commitment to justice and equal treatment; do not take advantage of another’s diversities
Fairness and Openness
Be faithful & loyal; do not use information learned in confidence
Loyalty (fidelity) & Confidentiality
Be caring, kind, and compassionate; share, be of service to others, help those in need and avoid harming others.
Caring for Others
Respect for human dignity, privacy, and the right to self; be decent, provide info to make informed decisions and do not patronize, embarrass, or demean.
Respect for Others
Obey just laws; when in a position of leadership, respect and honor democratic processes and avoid secrecy of information
Responsible Citizenship
If there are unjust laws, what do you do?
Openly protest it
Pursue excellence, maintain a high degree of competence; do not be content with mediocrity; do not “win at any cost”
Pursuit of Excellence
Be accountable, accept responsibility, set an example for others
Avoids impropriety and take whatever actions are necessary to correct inappropriate conduct of others
Ethically sensitive individual
Why is ethical behavior necessary?
It is necessary for a society to function in an orderly manner.
Glue that holds a society together
Influence employees, customers, and competitors
Business decisions
Affect communities, governments, and the environment
Company operations
Conduct that differs from the way they believe would have been appropriate given the circumstances.
Unethical behavior
Two primary reasons why people act unethically:
- Person’s Ethical Standards differ from General Society
- Person Chooses to Act Selfishly
(Drug dealers, bank robbers, etc. )Most people who commit acts feel no remorse when they are apprehended because their ethical standards differ from those of society
Person’s Ethical Standards differ from General Society
Person knows that the behavior is inappropriate but chooses to do it anyway because of the personal sacrifice
Person Chooses to Act Selfishly
Business Ethics include among others
- Fair competition
- Global & domestic justice
- Social responsibility
- Concern for environment
One must understand the nature of a professions
The Need for Professional Ethics
Examples of disciplines long accorded professional status
Relatively new but has achieved widespread recognition
Public Accounting
Common characteristics in the professions recognized:
> Responsibility to serve the public
Complex body of knowledge
Standards of admission to the profession
Need for public confidence
May lead to the public to a negative view toward the entire profession
Careless work or lack of integrity
Code of Good Governance for the Profession in the Philippines
EO. No. 220
When was the Code of Good Governance for the Profession in the Philippines made?
June 23, 2003
EO. No. 220
Code of Good Governance for the Profession in the Philippines
Code of Good Governance for the Profession in the Phil. is adopted by
PRC & 42 Professional Regulatory Boards
Used to cover an environment of good governance where Filipino professionals shall perform their tasks.
Code of Good Governance for the Profession in the Philippines
Ability to discern between right or wrong
Ethical awareness
Ability to engage in sound moral reasoning and consider carefully implications of alternative actions
Ethical competency
Specific Principles of Professional Conduct (7)
- Service to Others
- Integrity & Objectivity
- Professional Competence
- Solidarity & Teamwork
- Social & Civic Responsibility
- Global Competitiveness
- Equality of All Professions
Professionals are required to have ethical commitment (both ethical awareness and ethical competency) and shall be prepared for heroic sacrifice and genuine selflessness
Service to Others
Professionals shall perform their responsibilities with the highest sense of integrity and shall be free of conflicts of interest and refrain from engaging in any activity that would prejudice their abilities
Integrity & Objectivity
Professionals shall undertake only those professional services that they can reasonably deliver with professional competence; it is their obligation to keep up with new knowledge and techniques
Professional Competence
Each profession must nurture and support one organization for all its members; each member should put the broader interest of the profession above one’s personal ambition
Solidarity & Teamwork
Professionals shall always carry out their professional duties with due consideration of the broader interest of the public. Shall server with professional concern and in a manner consistent with their responsibilities
Social & Civic Responsibility
Professional shall remain open to challengers rise up to global standards and maintain levels of professional practices fully aligned with global practices.
Global Competitiveness
Professionals shall treat their colleagues with respect and shall strive to be fair in their dealings. All professionals perform an equally important, yet distinct, service to society.
Equality of All Professions
In the eyes of __, all professions are equal and one shall be treated with respect and fairness
Professional Regulation Committee (PRC)