5 Habitat Loss and State Shifts Flashcards
Global habitat losses
(so far)
- 30 percent of (seagrasses) are lost
- 50 percent of coastal wetlands are filled, ditched or drained
- 75 percent of coral reefs are threatened and 25 percent are degraded
- 85 percent of oyster reefs been overfished, dredged away, buried with sediment or made unproductive by pollution, diseases and changes to river flows
predominant features that create structural complexity in the environment, such as plants (e.g., seagrass meadows, kelp forests), animals (oyster reefs), or other geological features (e.g. rocky reefs, mudflats)
measurable reduction in habitat abundance and distribution
habitat loss
often manifests as a long-term shift from complex to simple habitats
- significant change to the distribution, abundance, functioning, and species identities within a particular area
- e.g. seagrasses to soft-sediments or macroalgal canopies to turfs
habitat degradation and fragmentation are often a precursor to habitat loss
Long-term regime shifts
- duration of shift depends on recruitment, altered environmental conditions, and human intervention
- ‘long-term’, when a shift persists beyond the life-cycle of the key species
- the concept of shift is related to the concept of tipping-point and resilience and to stability theory in general
- discrete and localized event that determines the removal of individuals from the population/community and creates the opportunity for new individuals to settle
→ frees up resources, mitigating the intensity of competition, and leads to a secondary succession (patch dynamics)
refers to those external (cronic) factors that preclude or limit the productivity and growth of a population/community (sublethal)
any relatively discrete event over time that disrupts the structure of an ecosystem, community or population and alters resources, substrate availability or the physical environment
- pulse or press perturbations
concept of stability
- system in a steady state if
–> the variables that define the behavior of the system (=state variables) are unchanging in time
–> the processes are unchanging in time - stability = property of a system to maintain or return to the original steady state when disturbed
- one of the most important ecosystem properties in ecology
ecological stability
- property of a natural system to apply self-regulating mechanisms
- to maintain or return to the original steady state when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium
a stability that indicates the ability of an ecosystem to resist perturbations (disturbances) and to maintain its structure and function intact
a stability that indicates the ability to recover when the system has been disrupted by a perturbation
Resistence vs Resilience
evidence suggest, that these two kinds of stability are mutually exclusive –> difficult to develop both at the same time
expectations of resistance and resilience at ecosystems in benign physical environments
- more resistente stability
- less resilience stability
expectations of resistance and resilience at uncertain physical environments
- more resilience stability
- less resistance stability
measuring stability
- complex
- response can involve
–> structural parameters (biotic/abiotic, species diversity, habitat availability…)
–> functional characteristics (productivity, nutrient cycling)
–> socio-ecological parameters (ecosystem service provisioning) - ecosystems can be stable in some of their properties and unstable in others
possible stability change of a system affects ___ ?
the capability to respond to the same type of perturbations
effects / consequences of repeated perturbations
- if a population is stable it is able to recover after each disturbance before the next
- a less stable population has not enough time to recover before the next disturbance –> can be driven to extinction
- if disturbances are occurring further apart, a less stable population is able to recover from the same magnitude of disturbance
Varying resilience levels of an ecosystem function (Ψ) to environmental perturbations
shows a system with
-high resistance
-slow recovery
Varying resilience levels of an ecosystem function (Ψ) to environmental perturbations
shows a system with
- low resistance
- rapid recovery
Varying resilience levels of an ecosystem function (Ψ) to environmental perturbations
shows a system with
- low resistance
- slow recovery
lack of resilience
- vulnerabilty
- can be quantified as the length of time that ecosystem functions are provided below some minimum threshold (set by resource managers) up to total deficit of ecosystem function
state shifts
disturbances of sufficient magnitude or duration can force an ecosystem to pass a threshold beyond which a different regime of structures and processes predominates
–> the state of the ecosystem shifts
possible types of ecosystem responses to external perturbations
- if the feedback loops are very strong –> no going back anymore
b) almost linear
- the stability is shape
- we have a certain state “embedded” in a certain stability, then a threshold (hill in shape) then shift into other state
- how can it happen? –> human activities lower resilience (threshold)
- before: had a high resilience (hoher Hügel, den Kugel die Kugel (state) überwinden muss)
- ball (state) follows that pathway
- shift to another state depends on the pressure
system shift as consequence of press (stress) perturbations
if as environmental condition surpasses a threshold
–> stress increases (red arrow)
–> change in ecosystem state can be large and disproportional (blue arrow)
system shift as consequence of pulse (disturbance) perturbations
- under constant environmental conditions, the ecosystem can undergo a drastic change in state (red + blue arrow) if disturbance effect magnitude (red arrow) is large enough
- a larger disturbance effect is needed to get the drastic change when the ecosystem is less stressed
graph as an example of what happens due to climate change
because we push the system even if we haven’t done any more damage
versteh ich nicht so ganz
erosion of resilience due to human impact
- can lead to very rapid ecosystem shifts
e.g. by
1) removing functional groups of species (top down effect)
2) emissions of waste and pollutants (bottom-up effects)
3) alteration of natural disturbance regimes
I: state in a diversity of ecosystem
II: state alternates and looses resilience because of a named human impact (erosion of resilience)
III: then due to triggers (as named) the regime shifts (=changes in structure or function of ecosystems)
–> rapid process because earlier (II) human impact erased resilience
IV: ecosystem shift in alternate state
can resistance and/ or resilience be increased again?
- yes, due to protection (from human pressures)
effects of functional redundancy on resilience of ecosystem functions
- when multiple species perform similar functions –> redundancy between the species in their contributions to ecosystem processes
- if those species have differing responses to environmental perturbations –> higher resistance go ecosystem function
–> “insurance effect” of biodiversity
what is a “protection paradox”?
- loss of species due to disturbance in MPA (Marine Protected Area) and outside MPA
- species loss in MPA higher than outside
-healthy ecosystems are more resilient
What are the consequences of habitat loss?
- loss of physical complexity
- loss of facilitated species
- loss of food resources
- loss of functional diversity
- expansion of invasive species
- biotic homogenization
- loss of ecosystem services
Loss of physical complexity (consequence of habitat loss)
the loss of physical engineers (e.g. seagrass) leads to:
- fragmented landscapes and even local extinction
- reduced potential for recruitment and recovery (fewer adults to produce gamets, space competition)
- altered local environment e.g. gorgonians loss and increased sediment stability)
physical engineers
organisms that strongly shape the physical environment
- light conditions
- hydrodynamics
- sedimentation
- shelter and refuge
e.g. seagrass
loss of facilitated species (as consequence of habitat loss)
- loss of many species because they depend on their biogenic habitat
the loss of food resources (consequence of habitat loss)
- losses can cascade through the system and alter food webs and other species interactions
- effects can cascade through to humans (e.g. fisheries)
loss of functional diversity (consequence of habitat loss)
the loss of species is not randomly distributed among ecological and functional categories (top-down)
–> loss of ecological functions can be disproportionately greater than what would be predicted from a decline in species richness
(loss ecological functions > loss of species)
expansion of invasive/noxious species (consequence of habitat loss)
- possible expansion of “invaders”
- empty system –> new species come and replace old ones
- there is a trend towards smaller forms with generalist, opportunistic and/or invasive traits
biotic homogenization
(consequence of habitat loss)
due to reduction in
- overall structural complexity
- native biota
- functional traits
–> expansion of few widespread and less complex but broadly tolerant biota
loss of ecosystem services (consequence of habitat loss and homogenization)
e.g. loss of
- primary productivity
- nutrient cycling
- carbon sequestration
- maintenance of regional diversity
- some of these services provided by biogenic habitat-formers, others by facilitated species
- small habitat losses can often be tolerated
- large losses can change ecology of e.g. entire coasts
natural recovery / passive restoration
- process by which an ecosystem returns to a prior state following the cessation of some impact or alteration
- system is able to fully recover
disturbance and recovery mechanisms
- recovery can be very different from the response to a disturbance
- processes that control disturbance and recovery determine the vulnerability of an ecosystem
- if NOT easily disturbed: resistant ecosystem, resilient ecosystem if recovery is quick
- recovery is often a slow process (decades to centuries)
novel ecosystems
Concept elaborated by Hobbs et al. (2009):
- varying degrees of alteration of abiotic and /or biotic components result in systems that move far away from their historical configuration and dynamics
- result is: different configurations
- there’s levels of change as (1) hybrid state with moderately changed systems and (2) novel state with extensively changed systems
- idea of the concept: theat there are thresholds (ecological and social) that effectively prevent the return of the system from a novel state to a less altered state
How to value novel ecosystems?
- some provide a continuation of benefits to people
- may provide new and improved benefits to people
- if properly managed they can provide increased resilience and conservation capacity in a rapid changing world
why is Hobb’s concept contentious? (umstritten)
- can be seen as inevitable or necessary consequence of the challenges and opportunities facing conservations
- some fear that it can be seen as “license to trash” nature or as a “get out of jail free card” for prospective harmful developments
consequences of shifting baselines
- a baseline is a reference point from the past (how things used to be)
- if we allow the reference points of the baseline to shift, we loose track of our standards
- they reduce expectations of scientists and managers
- we eventually accept the degraded state as being natural
Active restoration
actions included in process of assisting recovery are
- acceleration and enabling of the recovery when natural recovery process is slow or lack
- forming functional and healthy ecosystems (can differ from “pre-human-times”) and enabling the renewal of services –> forming a “target-designed novel ecosystem”