5 - Energy systems Flashcards
What is the sub maximal deficit?
Occurs as a result of going through the ATP-PC + alactic system to get to the aerobic energy system
What is the maximal deficit?
When the anaerobic system is used on its own and a greater oxygen debt is built up
What is EPOC?
The amount of the oxygen consumed after excerice above that which would have been consumed at rest
What are the two stages of EPOC?
Fast component (Alactacid)
Slow component (Lactacid)
What is the aim of EPOC?
To return the body to pre-exercise state
What happens in the fast component of EPOC?
ATP resynthesised
P-C resynthesised
Myoglobin resaturated
How long does complete restoration of P-C take?
3 mins
(50% replenished in 30s but requires 3L of oxygen)
What happens in the Slow component of EPOC?
Lactic acid removed
Maintain breathing and heart rate
Glycogen replenished
Increase in body temperature
How long does resaturation of myoglobin take and how much oxygen is used?
2 mins and uses 0.5L
What does the replacement of glycogen stores depend on?
Type of excercise
How much carbohydrate is consumed after
What should be consumed 30 mins after excersice?
Both carbs and proteins in a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio
- Helps with glycogen resynthesis
What should be consumed 1-3 hours after excersice?
A meal high in protein, carbs + fats
How is lactic acid removed from the body?
Lactic acid is converted to pyruvic acid and then CO2 and water
Converted to glucose in liver
or converted into proteins and excreted
What is beta oxidation ?
The breakdown of saturated fat to aid the energy system
Describe the process of beta oxidation
stored fat is broken down into glyercol +free fatty acids -> undergoes beta oxidation -> converted into acetyl coA -> enters the Kerb cycle
Where is fat used as an energy source?
In low intensity, long duration excerise
How is glycogen restored from lactic acid?
Lactic acid converted into glucose + glycogen in the liver via Cori Cycle
What is the threshold point?
The point at which 1 energy system is exhausted + the body moves into another
What is the source of the ATP-PC system?
What is the source of the aerobic energy system
Glycogen + free fatty acids
What is the source of the Alactic system?
Glucose/ glycogen
Describe the ATP-PC system
Phosphocreatine breaks down into phosphate and creatine
This energy release is used to resynthesise 1 ATP
Disadvantages of ATP-PC system
PC is limited and only lasts 8-10s in the body
PC takes 2-3 to be replenishedA
Advantages of ATP-PC system
No harmful waste products
Energy is produced quickly
ATP reysnthesised quickly
Describe the Anaerobic Glycotic System
Glucose -> Glucose 6 phosphate -> pyruvic acid -> lactic acid
Disadvantages of Alactic energy system
Produces lactic acid
Advantages of Alactic energy system
Lasts 2-3 mins (longer than ATP-PC)
What are the 3 stages of aerobic respiration?
Kerb cycle
Electron transport chain
Describe Glycolysis
Occurs in sacroplasm of muscle cell
Breakdown of glucose to pyruvic acid
Resysnthesis 2 ATP
Describe the Kreb Cycle
Pyruvic acid oxidises into 2 acetyl groups
Combines with oxaloacetic acid to from citric acid
Then undergoes oxidative carboxylation
Where does the Kreb Cycle happen?
Matric of mitochondria
Describe the Electron transport chain
Hydrogen carried to ETC from Kreb cycle
Hydrogen spilts into ions +electrons
Ions are oxidised to form water
Electrons provide energy to resynthesise 34 ATP
Where does the ETC take place?
Cristea of mitochondria
What is VO2 max?
Maximal volume of oxygen that can be taken up and used by muscles per min
Why is a high VO2 max advantageous?
You can consume more oxygen and so will work predominantly in aerobic energy system -> produce less lactic acid
How much oxygen do we consume at rest?
How much oxygen is consumed during exercise?