5. Development of the GI Part 2 Flashcards
What does the midgut give rise to?
- Small intestine, including most of duodenum
- Caecum & appendix
- Ascending colon
- Proximal 2/3 transverse colon
What is the first thing to happen to the midgut when it elongates enormously and runs out space?
It loops forming the primary intestinal loop
What connects the primary intestinal loop to the yolk sac?
Vitelline duct
What does the part of the midgut that is connected to the yolk sac by the duct develop into?
What forms the axis of the primary intestinal loop and what is the midgut above and below the axis called?
Superior mesenteric artery. Cranial and caudal limbs
Why does physical herniation of the midgut occur?
Liver grows rapidly along with the primary intestinal loop, abdominal cavity too small to accommodate both
Where does the intestine herniate into in physiological herniation and what week does it occur?
Umbilical cord. 6th week
what does the carnial part become?
small intestine
what does the caudal part become?
large intestine
describe the Midgut rotation in steps
• There is a cranial limb and a caudal limb with an axis comprising the Superior Mesenteric Artery
• This group go through a series of counter clockwise 90 degree rotations (if viewed from the
• The result of this is the caudal derivatives end up lying to the right of the cranial derivatives and the transverse colon being on top of the duodenum
What does the midgut rotate around?
superior mesenteric artery
What happens in the first rotation of the midgut?
Cranial limb moves to the right of the SMA, caudal limb moves to the left. Small intestine begins to develop, and herniates into the umblical cord.
What happens in the second rotation of the midgut?
Cranial limb moves below SMA, and caudal limb above. Caecal swelling develops from the caudal limb. Transverse colon begins to move in front of duodenum
What happens in the third rotation of the midgut?
Cranial limb moves to the left of SMA, and caudal limb to the right. Caecum remain at the sub-hepatic region.
At what stage in the rotation of the midgut does it return into the abdominal cavity and which part reenters first?
Returns during the third rotation(10th week), cranial limb enters first and moves to left side. (presence of caecal swelling stops it from entering)
What happens after the third rotation of the midgut?
Elongation of the ascending colon and decent of the caecal bud
what are midgut rotational problems?
Reversed rotation
describe malrotation
• Incomplete rotation
• Midgut loop makes only one 90° rotation
Left-sided colon
describe reversed rotation
- Midgut loop makes one 90° rotation clockwise
* Transverse colon passes posterior to the duodenum
What is the main risk associated with midgut defects?
What is a volvulus?
twisting of the bowel
What can happen to a volvulus?
Can become strangulated and ischaemic
What are 3 abnormalities resulting from persistence of the vitelline duct?
Vitelline cyst, vitelline fistula, Meckel’s diverticulum