5. Defences Flashcards
What is required for infancy as defence?
Under 18 years of age
What remedies are available for infancy?
Infant can affirm contract (after 18)
- Expressly
- Implicitly (fail to disavow contract after 18)
- By conduct (encourage other party to perform)
=> To be governed by NEW terms (NOT original terms)
Infant can disaffirm contract (before/after 18)
- Infant to pay necessaries (food/shelter/clothing/medical care) for Infant’s health/education (quasi-contract liability)
UNLESS Infant lied about his age => Other party can void contract based on fraud
What is required for mental incapacity as defence?
NOT able to understand the contract’s nature/significance
Able to understand the contract BUT acted unreasonably + Other party knows he acted unreasonably
What remedies are available for mental incapacity?
Adults (voidable)
- Affirm contract (complete recovery/during lucid interval)
- Disaffirm contract (legal rep appt/during lucid interval)
Children (void)
- Pay necessaries (food/shelter/clothing/medical care) for child’s health/education (quasi-contract liability)
What is required for intoxication as defence?
1) Intoxicated party incapable of understanding the contract’s nature/significance
2) Other party had reason to know of intoxication
1) Intoxicated party incapable of understanding the contract’s nature/significance
2) Other party had NO reason to know of intoxication
What remedies are available for intoxication (if voidable contract)?
- After recovery
- After recovery
Recover necessaries
What is required for duress as defence?
Improper threat towards innocent party to procure assent (Physical duress)
Withhold innocent party’s economic needs (Economic duress)
1) Threat to reduce party’s property/finance
2) Innocent party has NO available adequate means to prevent threatened loss
What remedies are available for duress?
- Affirm
- Disaffirm
What is required for undue influence as defence?
1) Undue susceptibility to pressure
2) Excessive pressure
3) Confidential/Caregiver relationship (most cases)
What is required for mistake as defence?
1) Both parties made mistake
2) Basic assumption of ‘existing’ fact
3) Material to contract
4) Party seeking avoidance did NOT assume risk of mistake
1) One party made mistake
2) Innocent party knew/should have known of mistake
3) Material to contract
4) Party seeking avoidance did NOT assume risk of mistake
What are examples of assuming risks of mistake?
Party seeking avoidance was in position to know better
Both parties knew the assumption was doubtful
What remedies are available for mistake?
Voidable (by mistaken party)
What is required for misrepresentation?
- Spoken
- Written
- Non-disclosure (maybe)
1) Inducement by fraud (knowledge of untrue info)
2) Justifiable reliance
- Even if reasonable care could reveal misrep
- Even if failure to read contract
1) Reasonably knew innocent party would be induced
2) Justifiable reliance
What remedies are available for misrepresentation?
- Affirm/Disaffirm
Breach remedies
What is required for illegality as defence?
Illegal consideration/subject matter => Void
- UNLESS Plaintiff is not aware
- UNLESS Defendant is aware
- UNLESS Neither is aware
Illegal purpose => Voidable (by party seeking avoidance)
- Party not aware
- Party aware + not facilitate purpose + no moral turpitude
What is required for unconscionability as defence?
(E.g. Big company vs average consumer)
Unfairness in bargaining procedure (at time of contract)
- Boilerplate clauses (shift risk to another)
- Adhesion (take it or leave it) (not procure necessary goods unless agreement)
- Exculpatory clauses (release from intentional wrongful/negligent act)
- Limit remedies (fails of its essential purpose)
What remedies are available for unconscionability?
Not enforce contract
Enforce contract
- NOT unconscionable clause
Limit enforcement of any clause
- Avoid unconscionable result
What is required for misunderstanding/ambiguity as a defence?
1) At least 2 possible meanings in term
2) Parties’ awareness (subjective)
- Both/Neither aware => NO contract
- One aware/Both intended same meaning => Contract (term based on innocent party’s reasonable meaning)