5: Complimentary Therapies Flashcards
o Why should we know about them?
So we can have informed discussions with patients
sometimes integrated into rehabilitation settings and can be offered responsibly and in conjunction with other treatments
o alternative medicine:
practices used in place of conventional medical treatments
o complementary medicine:
practices used in conjunction and cooperation with conventional medicine
allopathic medicine
The treatment of disease by conventional means
holistic view:
See the person as a whole, including physical, mental, spiritual well-being.
integrative health :
bringing conventional and complimentary approaches together
o TCM:
Traditional Chinese Medicine
What is Qi
concept of the “vital life force” existing both inside and outside of the body, force that composes and binds all things in the universe together
· yin/yang concept:
A balanced relationship means health; a disturbed relationship is disease. A balanced (think homeostasis) relationship results in strong qi, and healthy body systems
types of treatment:
· Herbal Medicines
· Acupuncture
· Moxibustion
· Massage (Tuina)
· Cupping
· Guasha
· Qigong & Tai Chi
· Diet & Nutrition
o Ayurveda:
The Science of Life
Ayurveda basics
Started in India more than 5,000 years ago
o Each person has a unique pattern of energy
o Factors in the body, and environment, can affect this energy
o Treatment Ayurveda
maintaining balance
o Balance is the natural order; imbalance is disorder
o Each person is born with a ‘constitution’
o Diet+ lifestyle appropriate to one’s individual constitution strengthen the body, mind and consciousness.
Energies & elements:
3 energies: Vata, Pitta, Kapha
o Indigenous Healing:
Variable for each nation, with some commonal, holistic practice that aims to treat imbalances in a person’s body, mind, emotions, and spirit together
o purpose of the First Nations’ Health Authority:
supporting First Nations in protecting, incorporating and promoting their traditional medicines and practices
o Medicine Wheel
o A circle that represents the cycles of life
o Divided into four quadrants, each with a different colour, represent the 4 seasons, 4 directions, 4 sacred animals, 4 sacred plants, and elements of importance in people’s lives
o Traditional healing can also be based on season b/c seasons can influence the practices being done
o various Indigenous healers use plants, trees, herbs, soils, food, and water from the land around them
o Naturopathy: what is it?
distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional+natural forms of medicine
stimulate the healing power of the body+treat the underlying cause of disease
o Acupuncture theory
When body is healthy, Qi flows smoothly through meridians that make up a network of pathways through body
o When the balance/flow of Qi is deficient/obstructed it may be diseased/susceptible to illness
what is Acupuncture Canada:
-Often used in other practices, TCM practitioners are the most trained
-Acupuncture+ related modalities are universally available, accessible, recognized to improve health + well-being.
o Acupuncture Canada promotes acupuncture + related modalities through continuing education and support for regulated health professionals.
o In North America acupuncture is often used when western medicine has failed
o Acupressure:
Uses the same meridians+concepts of acupuncture
o Can be done at home by clients
o Use of fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities.
o When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and Qi to aid healing
o Qi Gong:
typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and calm meditative state of mind
o Tai Chi:
moving form of yoga and meditation combined, 108 movements
o Herbal Medicine:
Used in both TCM and Ayurveda
o Some herbs are common in both (ex: turmeric)
o herbs balance the body
o Ayurvedic treatment often also include massage
o Yoga: 2 types
o resorative yoga: props are used for support the body so that you can hold poses for longer, allowing you to open your body through passive stretching
o chair yoga: adapted to seated position
o Metta:
means unconditional and unattached loving-kindness
o The object of mettā meditation is to cultivate goodwill and compassion towards all sentient beings
o Healing circle:
-convened to discuss a problem or question
o Members sit in a circle, the leader, facilitator, or elder opens with a prayer
o A talking stick is passed around the circle; only the person holding the stick can speak and the circle ends when the talking stick has passed one time around the circle without anyone being interrupted
o the healing circle is a place to pour out thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and get support and healing
o Sweat Lodge:
Dome-shaped structure used for purification and healing rites
Inside, stones are heated on a fire and water is poured on the stones to create steam which helps ceremony participants sweat out toxins and impurities and is thus thought to promote healing
o Smudging:
A ceremony to cleanse a person/place of negative thoughts and feelings, purify the soul, + bring clarity to the mind
o In a shell or small container, the four sacred plants (sage, sweetgrass, cedar, and tobacco) ignited
o The flames are blown out + the resulting smoke is wafted around a person or place with a hand or eagle feather
o After the ceremony, the ashes are disposed of on the bare soil - these ashes are thought to contain the negative thoughts and feelings
o Homeopathy:
Symptoms are recorded and closely matched to material that causes similar symptoms in a healthy person
o Homeopathic theory states that a small diluted amount of this substance will help to direct a body’s innate healing mechanisms towards balance (treating like with like)
o Vitamins & Minerals:
Naturopaths check imbalances in many ways: symptoms analysis, lab tests, physical exam, etc.
o Deliver vitamins orally, infusions, injections
o Hypnotherapy:
o What it treats:
May help in pain management to avoid use of opoids, IBS, PTSD, Mental illness, endometriosis
Hypnotherapy process
Often begins with calm visualization
o Followed by a deepening procedure
o And then introduces affirmations
o Guided or self-hypnosis are both possible
Hypnotherapy: What is happening
o Dampens frontal cortex activity, which reduces our focus on decision making, planning, etc.
o Activity is increased in other areas
o Become more open, suggestible, and capable of creating intense sensations
o **There is lots of research into this and the actual neurophysiology is not known 100%
o Feldenkrais: Theory
: believed that if the body’s large muscles and bones perform as much of every movement as possible, then smaller muscles are free to perform precise, repetitive actions efficiently and without strain
o The method shows participants how the simplest action - breathing, sitting, standing, turning - can create habitual tension or prevent the body from moving with the efficiency for which it was designed
Does Feldenkrais Theory work?
A 2022 systematic review showed “therapeutic effects comparable to other physiotherapy techniques in patients with spine pain”
o Also saw “improvements in mobility and balance…in the elderly and people with neurodegenerative diseases”
o Osteopathy: Training:
o A profession on its own, but also practiced by PTs, RMTs, etc.
o There are doctors of osteopathy, and osteopathic manual practitioners
o The Drs are trained in the US as MDs, can practice in Canada
o Focus: Osteopathy
Focuses on medical treatment through manipulation of joints, stretching, fascial work, etc.
o Usually a gentle approach
o Craniosacral: Theory:
Theoretical basis is an assumed disruption of the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid and an altered craniosacral rhythm
o Rolfing: Theory:
found it useful to approach the body as a group of units (head, shoulders, trunk, pelvis, and limbs) interacting with each other and gravity
Rolfing Treatment:
friction massage focusing on releasing restrictions in the deep fascial planes in the body allowing shortened muscles to relax and lengthen, with the goal of aligning the body
o Reiki: Theory:
energy healing that usually involves the practitioner laying his of her hands slightly off 12 specific location of the body of the person being treated allowing ki (or vital life force) flow from the practitioner to the person
o Pilates: Cadillac bed:
apparatus to rehabilitate them right from their hospital beds and wheelchairs
glides forward & backward on rollers and uses springs for resistance, along with other attachments, for a wide variety of exercises and positions
Focus: Winsor:
postural awareness, breathing control, core stability and body balance
o Stott:
Focus on optimal strength, flexibility and endurance
o Stress-relieving method
o IMS: Technique:
Utilizes acupuncture needles carefully inserted into shortened muscles to stimulate the relaxation and lengthening of the muscle
IMS Theory
Based on the theory of releasing super sensitized muscle spindle
o Tight palpable band
o The “ twitch response” is considered a sign of a successful treatment