5. Colorectal Disease Flashcards
What is an inflammatory cause of bowel urgency
Coffee brown vomit indicator of?
Fresh red vs dark red blood in stools
Fresh red means more recent, severe
What can cause Tenesmus
IBS or IBD- Incomplete emptying
Can be IBS or IBD- due to inflm of rectum pushing up tgt.
May be tumor- DRE to feel for lump
Weight loss in colorectal disease likely due to
Inflmtn or neoplastic
What is Thomas’ sign
ampullary carcinoma- steatorrhea + melena - silver stool
Tx for IBS
What diseases suggest increase likelihood of IBD
Diabetes, thyroid, RA, Ank spond, psoriasis- (immune mediated inflammatory disorder)
How does smoking affect risk of CD and UC
Smoker more likely to get CD but decreases UC risk while smoking, doubles after quitting smokinng
What drugs may cause microscopic colitis, what is common Px and which pop is it more common in
antidepressants like SSRIS and PPIs like Lansaprazole, profuse water diarrheoa, more common in older women
Tx for microscopic colitis
In what disease can dairrheoa be exacerbated by alcohol
What is one parasitic cause of diarrheoa in travellers
What is a histological finding in coeliac disease and what other tests can be done
- Lymphocytes in villi and epithelium
-Anti-TTG (if gluten has been taken) - Gastroscopy @ duodenum
Red flag for colon cancer
Change in bowel habit over age of 50
Another AID common in IBD pts
heat intolerant, losing weight, horrible diarrhoea
Dx and Tx for SIBO
Rifaximin course- see if it resolves. Lactulose can see if bacteria is metabolising but not very specific
Sx and Tx of Bile Acid Malabsorbtion
- Secretory Diarrhoea, Steatorrhoea
- Colestyramine
Where is B12 absorbed
What tumours may cause diarrheoa
NETS - due to carcinoid syndrome, serotonin is produced. If meta to liver, may have diarrheoa, wheezing, hot flushes
General Ix for Diarrheoa
- coeliac serology on almost all pts esp those young
- FC to exclude CD or UC
- Qfit - above 10 cant exclude cancer if hv symptoms , need to do colonscopy
- CT colonoscopy
- CT CAP esp if hv weight loss
SB MRI for intestinal CD- hyper enhanced or narrowed
5 Yr intermmitent Sx, 3/day, mushy and hard rock stool alternating, FC <20 - likely Dx and possible other Sx
- Mixed type IBS
- Abd pain better when move bowels
- Sx worse on bread, milk, tomatoes and diet drinks
6mo mushy stools, 4.day on bad say, BS=6, Normal 1 EOD, BS-4
No nocturnal urgency
Weight loss
Assoc abdominal pain
Pain better when bowels moved
Worse with bread
Likely Dx?
Other Sx?
- Coeliac, Dematitis herpetiformis- rash on arms, knees, assoc with coeliac
- FMhx thyroid
6mo prog fluffy stools
7/day BS=6
Urgency and 2 ep incont
Bleeding mixed in stool
Overnight x2 /2 weeks
Weight loss
Rash on shins
FC >2000
Likely Dx?
Ix and Obs?
- Low ani-TTG
Erythema nodosum - rash on shins, may be in IBD
80+ yo
4 wk explosive watery diarrheoa
Bad - 4 day , BS=7
2 ep incont
Ondanston 4mg TDS
Likely Dx?
XR appearace?
FC, RBC and anti-TTG?
- Drugs can lead to overflow diarrhoea- slow bowel movement- impacted stool
- Speckled appearrance on X ray
- Low FC
- Slightly anaemic,
- Low anti-TTG
2mo light grey porridge like stools
Diff to flush smelly
Oil droplets
Prev alc dep
Recurrent abd pain
Likely Dx?
- Pancreatitis (calcified) , possibly due to alcohol
- BM= 18
- Vit ADEK all low
- Faecal elastase low pancreatic exocrine insufficient BUT may give false +ve in very water diarrheoa
- Usually give creon as tx