4. GI Luminal Disease Flashcards
RUQ pain - dDx?
Biliary colic, cholecystitis, cholangitis, Hep,Liver abscess, pancreatitis
Epigastrium pain - dDx?
Gastritis, GORD, PUD, Gastric peforation, pancreatitis, oesophagitis
LUQ pain - dDx?
Splenic rupture/infarct/abscess, pancreatitis
Right or left flank pain -dDx?
Renal colic, pyelonephritis, colitis
Periumbilical pain - dDx
SBO, Ruptured AAA, Gastroenteritis, Mesenteric ischaemia
RIF pain - dDx?
Appendicitis, ovarian torsion, tubo-ovarian abscess, ectopic pregancy, colitis, ovarian cyst
Suprapubic pain - dDx?
Cystitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, STI, pregnancy
LIF pain - dDx?
Colitis, diverticulitis eg. sigmoid colon, ovarian torsion, TOA, ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy
Visceral abdominal pain suggestive of?
Poorly localised, autonomic pain
Which structures are colicky pain more likely to be experienced in?
Luminal structures- pain gets more sever if bowel contracts against obstruction
How is the pain of peritonitis described
Sharp, well localiseed ( dermatomal innervation), but if perforated may be generalised, pain may get very severe
How does pain from cholecystitis radiate
RUQ to right shoulder
How does pain from pancreatitis radiate and what other Sx and FHx might there be
To back, vomitting and possible hc of gallstones or alcohol access
What disease can commonly cause peritonism
What does guarding indicate, and what other sign may be observed
Peritonitis, guarding
Common obs and blood in cholecystitis?
Pain and unwell, high CRP
Common obs and blood in cholangitis
Very unwell, deranges LFT- billi and ALP raised
Is pancreatitis more likely to be epigastric or RUQ pain
epigastric pain
Can appendicitis cause RUQ pain
yes if retrocaecal
Value of CRP in RUQ pain
Check for infxn (w/ WBC)
What is lactate a marker of
Bowel ischaemia- or just not very well
What are glucose and amylase markers of
What is the role of urinalysis in abd pain
Signs of infxn or kidney stones (haematuria)
What can CXR show in abd pain
Air under diaphragm- perforation
Differnce in sensitivity of USS and MRCP for gallstones and bile duct stones
USS better for gallstones, MRCP for BDS
Appendicitis signs and Ix
Sudden, severe RIF pain, or pain from central (vague pain) to IF (Localised) , worse on coughing
Rebound tenderness
May have guarding and rigidity
Generally malaise and unwell
May have N+V+D
Mild fever,High CRP, WBC, normal Hb
If systemically unwell, may have high fever, severe abd pain and more generalised abdominal pain
ERCP findings for biliary colic and cholecystitis
Gallstones and thickened gallbladder wall resp.
Tx for acute cholecystitis
IV abx and cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis
Biliary colic treatment
Cholecystitis, but in OPD
Likely cause of small amount of free air under diaphragm
Duodenal Ulcer
What to rule out in 22 yo lady with lower abd pain, what Ix for this
ectopic pregnancy, ovarian diseases, appendicitis, pelvic USS
Possible GI causes of lower abd pain
Appendicitis, diverticulitis
70 year old male with generalised abd pain, abd distention and vomitting
Grad onset, vomitting dark green liquid
Waves for the last 48 hrs
2 similar ep over past 12 mo (colicky pain), resolved spontaneously
Possible cause? Ox and Ix?
SBO. Tympanic to percussion,
Tinkling bowel sounds on ascul, mildy tender, RIF scar, tachycardia. Do CXR, may do CTAP - eg. can show SBO with transtition point in RIF, Dilatation of bowel -
Adhesion may be caused by scar tissue
Possible causes of SBO include
Hernias, adhesion (previous operations- should check for scars), CD ( CBO rare, suacute with colickly pain more common)
Colon cancer and volvulus ( eg. that of sigmoid colon)
Na and K levels in vomitting
Early Mx for SBO
Analgesia, IV fluids + bowel rest, nil by mouth large bore NGT to decompress bowel
Conservative Mx in adhesions or partial obstruction in CD
Exploratory laoratomy to address pri cause eg. resect stricture or CRC
Operation vs observation for SBO
If ischaemic due to close loop obstruction, may need to cut scar tissue and resect bowel
If relatively well then NGT and fluids for 2? Days, pt may get better w/o op.