中間テスト 第5課と第6課の読み物 Flashcards
Japanese high schoolers must pass an entrance examination in order to enter university.
For that reason, students who want to enter a famous university study with utmost effort.
This is because if you enter a famous university, it will be easier to get a job at a first-rate company, etc.
At a Japanese high school, third-year students are the highest up; (the number of) students who quit club activities and only study when they become a third year student is increasing.
Going to school every day is natural, but even when classes end, they– without returning home right away– go and study at places like cram school and/or schools designed to prepare students for college entrance exams.
The scenario in which they pass the entrance exam and were able to enter their prospective university is good, but students who fail the exam, either enter an easier university or spend a year after graduating to preparing for next year’s exam.
In other words, for a year, they wait for the next year’s entrance exam while studying at a school designed to prepare students for college entrance exams, or some place like that.
However, this tendency is recently beginning to change, a bit.
Certainly, there are high school students who study in this way, but it seems that the number of high school students who think that studying isn’t important is increasing.
According to a survey in 2005, even though 74% of American high schoolers believe that “improving grades” is important, Japanese high schoolers who think that was 33%.
Furthermore, despite the fact that the majority (83%) of American high schoolers want to become “students who can study well,” in Japan, high schoolers who replied that they want to become “students who are liked by everyone in the class” was the most frequent, at 48.4%.
I think that there are many reasons for this, but recently, Japan has had a declining birth rate and the number of children is becoming smaller, so entering university might be getting easier than before.
Alternatively, it might be that the feelings that “even if you study, you won’t necessarily have a good future” are getting stronger.
If I am able to discuss matters in relation to university, Japanese university students are, generally speaking, without hardships/at ease.
At Japanese universities, things like homework, exams, and reports are few, and instances of being made to do things like buying and reading lots of books for courses are also few.
If you go to class, listen to the teacher’s lecture carefully, take good notes, and study those well, you can receive a good mark on the exams.
If you ask what is important in university student life, students who reply with “things like studying and research are first and foremost” are increasing every year.
In the 90’s, it was 20.3%, but in 2004, it was 27.6%.
Students who replied with “going out with friends is first and foremost” has been decreasing every year, and it is about 10% lower than in the 90’s.
Perhaps it is that, as the era changes, the students’ mindset/thinking also changes.
One of the things that Japanese people find bothersome when they travel to America is tipping culture.
For example, when they arrive at the hotel from the airport via taxi, before they disembark, they must give tip to the driver.
If they have their luggage carried to their room by the porter, they tip, they also tip the maid who cleans their room for them, they tip the waiter, waitresses, etc. if they eat in the dining hall, they furthermore tip if, when they’re leaving, the doorman calls a taxi for them; in this way, tip is taken from them many times.
In Japan, there is no tipping culture, so this point is simple.
If you stay at a hotel or a Ryokan, a service fee IS taken, but that is generally predetermined to be 10% of the hotel fees, and is included in the invoice/bill, so you don’t have to calculate it yourself.
Even places like expensive restaurants take a service fee in the same way, but if it’s restaurants like normal sushi restaurants, soba restaurants, etc. tip is unnecessary.
It’s okay to not pay tip even if you ride a taxi, and tip is not needed even at places such as the barber shop and the beauty salon.
The fact that you don’t need to worry about whether to tip 10% or 15% is truly something to be grateful for.
Americans are used to paying tips at places like restaurants and barber shops, so they might worry that the service might become bad if you don’t tip in Japan, but it can be said that Japan’s restaurants, barber shops, etc. service is, compared to America, rather good.
The fact that Japan’s commodity prices are expensive is well-known, even in America, but the fact that there is no tipping culture is surprisingly not known.
Perhaps it is that it would be good to advertise (the fact that there is no tipping culture) more.