5 Flashcards
what is meant by patients’ rights?
They are the moral and legal entitlements of an Competant
patient while being
treated at any health care institution.
1-Patients’ rights are one of the most important ethical issues related to patients, their family, and the community.
2-Patients’ rights include many important ethical issues, e.g., autonomy,informed consent, grivácy, confidentiality, risk information, refusal of treatment, personal safety and protection, and the process of & resolution for patients’ complaints; all these are related to patients’ rights. When these problems are solved, many ethical issues will be
solved in our communities.
3-Supporting these rights will improve health care systems and safety.
4-Supporting these rights will improve trust between patient and
Patients have the following rights,
1-Receive the health care needed regardless of race, creed, age, color, beliefs, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, or disability. (justice)
2-Be treated with dignity and respect in a safe environment free ofthreat and harm. (no malifacince)
3-Have an interpreter present if unable to understand or speak thelanguage used, e.g. English. 4-Request assistance if having visual and/or hearing impairment.
5-Express personal religious and culturalbeliefs as cultural beliefs as long as the exercise of these beliefs does harm others and interfere with the medical treatment or the rights or others.
6-Sign an advance directive so providers know what care is desired in the event of near death and inability to communicate personal wishes.
7-Decide who can make decisions about care and treatment in the event one isn’t able to communicate personal wishes.
8-File a dispute or grievance for any issues, like care or access, that haven’t been resolved with doctor or nurse by calling the Patient Assistance Coordinator or the Department of Health.
9-Speak to a member of the Ethics Committee when there are ethica issues about care.
10-Have a family member, representative, or physician notified when
admitted to the hospital.
11-Know the members of the health care team providing care.
12- Get information needed to understand what is thought to be the health concern, as well as the risks, benefits, and choices of treatment.
13-Participate with the treatment team in making decisions about care and treatment.
14- Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law.
15 -Get a second opinion.
Trust is most important aspest betwren
Patient + Doctor
Patients’ responsibilities:
1-Treat other patients, hospital staff, and the property of others with respect.
2-Give correct and complete information to the treatment team.
3-Ask questions or request more information when unable to understand information or instructions.
4-Follow treatment plan, or tell health care team member inability to follow it.
5-Tell doctor about any changes in health.
6-Cancel appointments that cannot be kept.
7-Follow hospital rules and regulations.
8-Meet financial obligations.
9-Express opinions and concerns in a helpful way to the right people, including doctor, nurse, or the Patient Assistance Coordinator.
10Keeping appointments and informing hospital when unable to attend
for any reason.
Patients’ rights include many issues
such as autonomy, information
disclosure, privacy, “confidentiality, informed consent, refusal of
treatment, protection of patient safety, and the right to seek a second