5 Flashcards
Process safety
Process safety is concerned with the control of those accidents which are special and characteristic of the process industries.
Uses a blend of engineering , management and leadership skills
Focused on preventing major accidents; particularly explosions, fires and toxic releases
3 key aspects:
* Plant (hardware)
* Process (systems)
* People
Prevention of accidents by
identification and elimination
of hazards
Condition that has potential to
cause harm to people,
property or environment
Measure of harm in terms of
incident likelihood and
magnitude of damage
1-Sudden failure – unplanned reactions, blockage
2- Weakened containment – gasket or seal failure, fabrication defects
3- External energy – lightning, floods, extreme temperature fluctuations
4- Gradual failure – erosion, creep, fatigue, friction
5- Accidental release – incorrect operation of sample points, drains, filling operations
Factors which determine magnitude of incident
rate of release and time for emergency action
the larger the inventory, the greater the potential for loss
the hazards of the particular materials
the higher the energy, the larger any flammable toxic vapour cloud is likely to be
the number of people that could be exposed
To improve safety we use barriers to block the pathway
These barriers are known as
layers of protection or lines of defence
Risk reduction measures
if a hazard isn t present it can t cause a problem!
measures to stop an event from happening
measures to prevent a hazardous event escalating into major event
measures to protect people, environment and property from consequences of incident
measure to reduce the effects of hazardous event and prevent escalation
Types of barriers/strategy
*Eliminate or
reduce hazards
rather than
developing add
on protective
*Examples: Use
technology with
lower operating
*Don t require
action by a
person or device
*Examples: Fire
resistant coatings
to vessels or
steelwork, bunds,
blast walls, flame
*Require detection
of a hazardous
condition and
some kind of
action to prevent
or mitigate
*Examples: High
pressure trip
which shuts down
reactor, sprinkler
*Procedural safety
implemented or
carried out by
Barrier integrity
No barrier is perfect
All have weaknesses or holes
The number of barriers required depends on:
Extent of the
Barrier vulnerability
Barrier & asset integrity
slide 13
reduce these to lower likelihood
*Sudden failure
*External energy
*Gradual failure
reduce these to lower consequences
Definition : hazard and examples
A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm
- Driving a car is a hazard because you could crash
- Electricity is a hazard because it can electrocute people of cause a fire
- Acid is a hazard because it is corrosive
- Working at height is a hazard because you could fall
- Kettles are a hazard because they are hot
- Process operating at high pressure because the tank could rupture
- A wet floor as people may slip
Process hazards
Loss of containment
Overpressure – pressure exceeding the design conditions of the plant is one of the most dangerous hazards in process plant operation. If pressure exceeds the design pressure, then failure of the vessel can occur, usually at a joint or flange.
Under pressure – vessels should also be protected from under pressure or vacuum – as this can lead to buckling and collapse of vessels.
Excessively high temperature, above design levels, can cause structural failure and initiate an accident. High temperatures can result from loss of control of reactors and heaters, and externally from fires.
Extremely low temperatures can also be hazardous. This can be caused by ambient conditions, cryogenic processes, flashing of liquids and endothermic reactions., it can cause stress cracking and embrittlement.
Excessive noise is a hazard to health and safety. Prolonged exposure can cause permanent hearing loss. Excessive noise can also lead to complaints from locals. When I worked at the paper mill, we had to wear ear defenders, and our ears were assessed every year
The primary means to protect people from exposure to harmful chemicals is the plant itself. Loss of containment can occur due to:
- Pressure relief events
- Operator error – leaving a drain open
- Poor maintenance procedures – isolation failure
The intervention of well-trained operators is a vital layer of process safety, as it is usually the last opportunity to restore safe conditions. But there is always the possibility for human error. The likelihood is increased if operating procedures are not documented and followed or there are lapses in training.
What is a major accident hazard?
Concerns the potential for a major accident event
What is
What is a major accident event?
major emission, fire, or explosion resulting from uncontrolled developments in the course of operation of any installation, and leading to serious danger to human health or the environment
Hazard effect
A hazard can lead to several different consequences and each will have a different severity
Definitions: risk
The factors that influence the extent of the risk:
Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed if
exposed to the hazard
The factors that influence the extent of the risk:
- The likelihood or probability of the harm occurring
- The consequence and severity of the harm
(For common risks e.g. risk of crashes from driving your car, the risk may be obtained from statistics
For less common risks, the risk needs to be estimated)
Examples of risk
- The risk of dying in a plane crash is around one in 125 million
- The risk of being struck by lightening in the US is 1 in 700,000
In process engineering we can estimate risk for things like:
- Loss of cooling water to exothermic reaction, resulting in
explosion - Extreme weather causing a helicopter to crash into an offshore platform
- Multiple fatalities from release of toxic gas that drifts over a village
Probability & frequency
Probability is the likelihood and is dimensionless
Frequency is not dimensionless
It is the probability that an event will happen per unit time
Hazard identification & evaluation tools
Risk assessments
Bow tie diagrams
Check lists
What if analysis
Check lists
A list of questions and checks on a particular aspect of a project/task.
- Generated and used in every phase of a process from design to commissioning
- Should be comprehensive and used systematically
- Should include learning from previous projects/problems
- Response is often yes/no , with space for additional comments
where necessary - Response may sometimes need specific information e.g. final temperature
- Intended to promote thought and raise questions
What if analysis
Widely used method
Brainstorming technique in which group of experienced people familiar with the process ask questions and voice concerns about possible hazards
Typically 4 6 people
Focus on a defined section of the process using a layout drawing, P&IDs and other relevant documents
The team work logically thought the process following the sequence or stream
Can be unstructured
Often use guidance based on initial review of process or checklist of questions and areas of concern
More structure version SWIFT (structured what if technique)
Bow tie diagram
The knot in the middle represents the hazardous event or risk
A number of initiating causes can lead to this event
There will be barriers that reduce the likelihood of the event happening (LHS of diagram)
If the event does occur there may be more than one consequence
If the event occurs there will be barriers to prevent or reduce the severity of the consequences (RHS of diagram)
Each barrier may block one or more of the accident pathways
Advantages of bow tie diagrams
Visual representation of causes, outcomes and barriers
Easily understood
May be developed in workshop setting as part of hazard
identification process
Helps to identify pathways with inadequate barriers
Hazard and operability
study (HAZOP)
Widely used hazard identification method
Structured analysis of a system,
process or line carried out by multi disciplinary team
Uses guidewords in combination with system parameters to study deviations from the design intention
When a problem found, team
decides whether a change or further investigation required
Safeguards help to reduce the occurrence frequency of the
deviation or to mitigate its
consequences. They may already exist in the P&ID (often the case) or may be identified as
requirements following a HAZOP study.
In principle, there are five types of safeguards, that:
1. Identify the deviation
2. Compensate for the deviation
3. Prevent the deviation from occurring
4. Prevent further escalation of the deviation
5. Relieve the process from potential hazardous deviation
HAZOP advantages
Due to the structured approach there is a high probability of identifying the hazards Wide range of hazards can be assessed
Method can identify operational problems as well as hazards
New and novel processes can be investigated
Team gains a good understanding of how the process is likely to operate
Can lead to financial payback from faster start up, fewer
operational problems and reliability issues
HAZOP disadvantages
High resource requirement (manpower and data)
Need to multidisciplinary team and experienced leader
Needs to be done at the correct time, whilst changes can still be
made to plant design
Doesn’t address spatial issues, such as siting and layout
What are the potential impacts of major accident events?
There is no single correct answer here. Students get marks for listing a number of potential impacts from a major accidents, such as loss of life, injury, damage to the environment etc. In an exam, the number of marks allocated to the question will give a clue as to the number of impacts required.
Give examples of process safety hazards and the harm that each hazard could cause.
As above, there is no single correct answer here. Students get marks for thinking about the process hazards and giving examples of the harm
e.g. Storage of flammable liquids – potential harm from fire due to loss of containment
What is the barrier model and how does it apply to the bow-tie methodology and the management of risk?
In process safety a barrier is used to interrupt the hazard pathway, in order to prevent or mitigate a hazardous event. These barriers are known as layers of protection or lines of defence.
You are then expected to relate this to the bow-tie model – by drawing a diagram indicating where these barriers are placed.
In terms of management of risk you can talk about the Swiss cheese model.
What is the difference between prevention and mitigation barriers?
Prevention barrier – measures to stop an event from happening
Mitigation barrier – measures to protect people, environment and property from consequences of incident
Give examples of prevention and mitigation barriers and explain how they can stop an accident causal pathway.
As above, there is no single correct answer here. Students get marks for thinking about the examples of prevention and mitigation barriers. E.g. prevention barrier – operate process at lower temperature, stops the pathway to over temperature
Mitigation barrier – fire alarm and evacuation helps to reduce risk to personnel from fire
If barriers were categorised as passive, active and administrative which would be the most reliable and which the least? Explain your reasoning.
Most reliable is passive – as it requires no action by a person or device
Least reliable is administrative – as it is carried out by people
Why are process alarms not effective barriers?
They only raise an alert, they do not stop or start things from happening
Identify the initiation, propagation and termination steps for the following accident. Suggest ways to prevent and contain the accident.
A contractor cuts into a propane line operating at high pressure, at a liquid natural gas storage terminal. A large vapour cloud soon covers 50 acres and is ignited 4-5 minutes later by an unknown source. Liquid products from the storage tanks feed the fire for 7 hours before being blocked in. Both fire water pumps failed because heat damaged the control wiring on one, and a sight glass broke on another spilling diesel and setting the engine on fire.
Here a few answers. There may be more suggestions. T3 table :)