What are the Values of the Department?
Integrity Courage Accountability Respect for People Excellence
What are the responsibilities of a supervisor regarding values and ethics of this department regarding employees?
- Assist employees in understanding the department’s ethical standards and values system;
- During the first quarter of each calendar year:
a. Ensure that the agency Values are discussed in a formal session;
b. Review the oath of office and Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. - Conduct the ICARE training developed and distributed by the Professional Standards Division;
- Review, on a monthly basis, the EIIP dashboard (in Blue Team) and take actions to help assist employees
as needed; - Ensure that commendable actions given at the bureau level are entered into the IA Pro system for their
employees that receive such recognition.
What is Burden of Proof according to LVMPD?
The LVMPD burden of proof for internal investigations is that of clear and convincing evidence.
Therefore, before an employee may be held accountable for their conduct, the investigation must demonstrate that
the conduct was substantially more likely than not to have occurred.
What is the purpose of the policy of this department regarding investigating all complaints of employee misconduct, including harassment and/or discrimination whether on or off duty?
to ensure effective measures to manage employee performance and
conduct and assure the public’s trust.
When it pertains to receipt of complaints, how will they be accepted?
Complaints will be accepted from any source and shall be received with a minimum of inconvenience to the
What will a supervisor do If the employee receiving the complaint is not the direct supervisor of the involved employee or IAB?
the supervisor
receiving the complaint will provide the complainant the name of the Bureau Commander of the involved
Who can complaints and/or discrimination be reported to?
- Any supervisor;
- The Director of the Employment Diversity Section (EDS);
-The Internal Affairs Bureau Commander;
- The Office of Human Resources Director.
How will complaints of harassment and/or discrimination be documented?
will be documented on a Statement of Complaint (SOC),
LVMPD 272, and forwarded to the Director of the Employment Diversity Section
What is a Customer Service Dispute?
Disputes concerning the methods and procedures used by the department to provide
various services.
Who investigates a customer service dispute and what is the goal of this investigation?
A customer service dispute is investigated by a supervisor with the goal of explaining and educating
the complainant as to the operations of the department as well as improving service delivery by the department
What are the responsibilities of a supervisor receiving or initiating a complaint?
- Interview the complainant to determine the facts and circumstances of the alleged misconduct. If the
complaint is not an allegation that involves a violation of department policy or violation of law, handle the
matter as a customer service dispute.
a. The SOC will document the nature of the complaint, the person making the complaint and any
witnesses to the allegation. If the complainant only provides partial information they will be advised
that there may be a delay in completion of the investigation;
b. Once the SOC is completed, it will be forwarded to IAB. If the complainant insists on making a
complaint that may not equal misconduct in the supervisor’s estimation, a SOC will be completed
and forwarded to IAB for review and conclusion; - Explain the investigatory process to the complainant.
If the complaint only involves the complainant’s disagreement with an established and proper department policy,
procedure, rule, regulation, law, or practice a supervisor conducting the inquiry will:
- Explain to the complainant department policy, procedures, rule, regulation, law or practice and how the
issue does not rise to misconduct; - Document the discussion in Blue Team as a Citizen Contact.
What are some examples of the types of investigations that may be waived, but not limited to?
- Abuse/Excessive use of Sick Leave;
- Reporting for duty/tardiness;
- Any case where an employee has been previously disciplined for the same or similar policy violations
and/or conduct issues, or where the discipline is specifically identified as a line item in the disciplinary
decision guide.
What is the Conflict Resolution Program (CRP)?
is a cooperative effort between LVMPD, the Clark County Neighborhood Justice Center (CCNJC), and the Citizen’s Review Board (CRB) to provide a method of resolution of some complaints alleged against employees by citizens or other employees.
What is the goal of the Conflict Resolution Program?
The goal is to resolve issues and restore relationships through
How may the Conflict Resolution Program also be used?
The CRP may also be used to resolve
differences that arise between department employees and/or citizens that have not yet been raised to the level of a
formal complaint/major allegation.
How many times can Conflict resolution be used regarding the same complaint?
Conflict resolution will not be used more than one time with the same complainant unless agreed to by all parties
involved in the dispute.
Who will be responsible for the overall administration of the conflict resolution program?
The Internal Affairs Bureau
What is the criteria regarding The Conflict Resolution Meeting?
- Participants: A mediator identified by the CCNJC; the employee involved; the complainant and, if
desired, one person to accompany them;
-The meeting will be held at a mutually agreed upon location, usually Headquarters, a Substation or
CCNJC. Department employees who are parties to the complaint are encouraged to attend the meeting.
Citizen complainants cannot be compelled to attend;
-The session will not be tape recorded nor will there be notes;
-No discipline can result from a conflict resolution meeting (excluding any misconduct that occurs within
the meeting, itself).
Complaints classified as Minor Allegations and referred to a Bureau/Area Command may be handled as?
- Formal Investigations
2. Supervisory Intervention (requires a contact report)
What are the two primary methods of investigating Bureau/Area Command Investigation?
Preliminary and Formal
When can Supervisor Intervention be used in a Bureau/Area Command Investigation?
Supervisory Intervention may be used when allegation(s) are minor in nature, and would best be addressed through
coaching, counseling, mentoring, mediation, or any component of the Early Identification and Intervention
Who makes the decision to use Supervisor Intervention?
The decision to apply Supervisory Intervention rests with the employee’s bureau/area commander.
Regarding Discipline, how is the disciplinary system designed?
designed to assist employees by providing them with an opportunity to be accountable and correct their behavior.
What are the Formal Disciplinary Methods regarding discipline?
-Written Reprimand;
-Disciplinary Transfer;
-Termination- refer to 5/101.29 Pre-termination Board;
-Removal from a Promotional List (where provided in the collective bargaining agreement).
Section 4
What are the three options for addressing Sustained Complaints?
a. Supervisory Intervention
b. Education/Abeyance Option
c. Formal Discipline
How is Education/Abeyance option determined when it comes as a form of discipline?
The decision to offer an education/abeyance option rests with the
department and is based on the nature of the performance/conduct, the level of discipline to be applied, and the
number of the offense.
How are EA suspension hours held?
The EA holds suspension hours in abeyance until the employee completes the designated class.
EA is not an option for policy violations that per established disciplinary decision guidelines involve?
- Demotion;
2. Termination.
When formal discipline is the method chosen, the Chain of Command of the involved employee will?
- Conduct a review of the employee’s personnel file;
- Review the investigative report concerning the misconduct;
- Consult with Labor Relations on application of the Disciplinary Decision guide.