4th Quarter 2020_2 Flashcards
Second to none
Nothing compares to that
turn the corner
bounce back
turn the tide towards ____
turn the situation toward _____
Go haywire
go off the chain
Keep something at bay
Circumvent/curtailing something
Gear toward
Customized for
Tally on
Keep counting
Take the wind out of the sails of sb/Sth
removing the momentum
The snitches get the stitches
The whistleblower gets into trouble.
tied down with
tangled up with
a recipe for
a situation very likely resulting in ….
Keep somebody in the dark
Keep somebody uninformed
You’re not off to a good start
You’re not starting it well
Beat his head against the wall
Striving very very hard
Clambering over each other
Climbing up stepping over each other
Tribal folktales
The length that people are willing to go
How much people would do
Something proves too …..
Something is/becomes too adjective
Twist the arm of somebody
Force somebody to do something
Grease some palms
Bribe somebody
Cut corner
Take shortcuts
Putting someone on the pedestal
Think of someone as perfect and flawless
I will keep my ear to the ground
I’ll pay attention and keep looking
You are far and away my only choice
You are by far the best choice
Holding my tongue
Keeping my mouth shut
Hold someone in a very low esteem
Have no respect for somebody
Full throttle
Maximum amount
On the heels of
Right when
Looming over me
Hovering over me
Look it square in the face
Face something directly
Face something directly
Look it square in the face
Hovering over me
Looming over me
Right when
On the heels of
Maximum amount
Full throttle
Have no respect for somebody
Hold somebody in a low esteem
Keep my mouth shut
Holding my tongue
You are my best choice by far.
You are far and away my only choice
Nothing compares to that
Second to none
bounce back
turn the corner
turn the situation toward _____
turn the tide towards ____
go off the chain
Go haywire
Circumvent/curtailing something
Keep something at bay
Keep something at bay
Keep something in check
Customized for
Gear towards
Keep counting
Tally on
removing the momentum
Take the wind out of the sails of sb/Sth
The whistleblower gets into trouble.
The snitches get the stitches
tangled up with
tied down with
a situation very likely resulting in ….
a recipe for
Keep somebody uninformed
Keep somebody in the dark
You’re not starting it well
You’re not off to a good start
Striving very very hard
Beat his head against the wall
Climbing up stepping over each other
Clambering over each other
Tribal folktales
How much people would do
The length that people are willing to go
Something is/becomes too adjective
Something proves too …..
Force somebody to do something
Twist the arm of somebody
Bribe somebody
Grease some palms
Take shortcuts
Cut corner
Think of someone as perfect and flawless
Putting someone on the pedestal