4th Quarter 2020 Flashcards
Every so often
Every now and then
Bashing you so hard
Beating you up / shooting you down
More often than not
Very often
Doesn’t add up
Doesn’t line up
Talk out of the back of one’s head
Talking rubbish
Brooding in the dark
living in the lowest valley
Over my head
beyond one’s comprehension
Get out of your way
Taking an extra step
Taking an extra step
Going an extra mile
Crystal clear
Big time
a large scale
Once and for all
for the last time
This is where I’m getting at
This is where I’m driving at
A little bit of both
a combination of both
At my wit’s end
ran out of solutions
Grasping/clutching at straws
running on fumes
The tip of the iceberg
a drop in the bucket
Stand in the way
be a drag on sb/sth
All in all
By and large
Rhetorical question
Manipulative question
in favor of..
in support of
Come to terms
Accept with a sense of resignation
See to it that
Make sure that
Things go my way
Things go as I wish
too close to home
too personal
That thought hit home with me
That thought dawns on and inspires me
give him the benefit of the doubt
not assume malice
Pitch in
chip in
Hindsight is 20/20
Of course, we would know in retrospect
Electric ants all over me
goosebumps all over my body
They look like they have seen better days
They are pretty beat-up and weary
feigning interest in things
pretend to be interested
Out of sheer spite
Out of ill-will
Give props when props are due
pay the due respect
Come out on the other side stronger/evil
survive it and become …..
Come out on the right side
make it through and thrive
That new phone looks slick
That new phone looks lit
Every now and then
Every so often
Beating you up / shooting you down
Bashing you so hard
Very often
More often than not
Doesn’t line up
Doesn’t add up
Talking rubbish
Talk out of the back of one’s head
living in the lowest valley
Brooding in the dark
beyond one’s comprehension
Over my head
Going an extra mile / Taking an extra step
Get out of your way
Crystal clear
a large scale
Big time
for the last time
Once and for all
This is where I’m driving at
This is where I’m getting at
a combination of both
A little bit of both
ran out of solutions
At my wit’s end
running on fumes
Grasping/clutching at straws
a drop in the bucket
The tip of the iceberg
be a drag on sb/sth
Stand in the way
By and large
All in all
Manipulative question
Rhetorical question
in support of
in favor of..
Accept with a sense of resignation
Come to terms
Make sure that
See to it that
Things go as I wish
Things go my way
too personal
too close to home
That thought dawns on and inspires me
That thought hit home with me
not assume malice
give him the benefit of the doubt
chip in
Pitch in
Of course, we would know in retrospect
Hindsight is 20/20
goosebumps all over my body
Electric ants all over me
They are pretty beat-up and weary
They look like they have seen better days
pretend to be interested
feigning interest in things
Out of ill-will
Out of sheer spite
pay the due respect
Give props when props are due
survive it and become …..
Come out on the other side stronger/evil
make it through and thrive
Come out on the right side
That new phone looks lit
That new phone looks slick