4TH QTR: Vocal Music of The Romantic Period Flashcards
What is the Romantic Period?
It is an era where composers take inspirations from literature works or sceneries and singers performing in greater range of tone color, dynamics and pitch.
In this era, Opera became an important source of musical expressions and the birth of Opera houses came.
Romantic Period
Who wrote the unfinished symphony?
Franz Peter Schubert
What is the proper name of Franz Peter Schubert’s songs?
Lieder: A German word for song.
This composer focused in heavy themes of Realism.
Giacomo Puccini
What does Giuseppe Verdi’s opera end with?
“All the world’s a joke” (Falstaff)
This composer was inspired by Ludwig Van Beethoven and advocates for “music drama.” The expressiveness of his works are aided by the use of “leitmotifs.”
Wilhelm Richard Wagner
His most famous opera is “Carmen” and he focused on deep or heavy themes.
Georges Bizet
The texts of an opera
The book that the composer and librettist put together
What is Aria
Determines whether the opera will be successful or not since the public will remember the Aria best when leaving the opera house. (Dialogue)
What is Recitative?
Dialogue of an Opera
What is Acts
It is the main division of an Opera
It is the setting or place of an Opera?
What else are the other components?
Duet, trio, and other small ensemble
What are the voice classifications for male?
What are the voice classifications for female?
Mezzo Soprano
What is A Capella?
one or more singers performing w/o instrumental accompaniment
What is Cantabille?
A singing style
What is Capo?
Head, the beginning
What is Coda?
Closing section appended to a movement or song
What is Dolce?
What is falsetto?
A weaker and more airy voice
What is Glissando?
Sliding quickly between notes
What is Passagio?
Parts of singing voice where register transition occur
What is Rubato?
Slight speeding up or slowing down of the tempo of a piece at the discretion of the soloist
What is Tessitura?
Most comfortable singing range of a singer
What is Vibrato?
Rapidly repeated slight pitch variation during a sustained note
What is Falstaff all about?
The story takes place in Windsor, England, at the end of the 14th century. It centers around the lazy knight, Sir John Falstaff, who devises a wild plan to court two wealthy, married women. The women catch on to Falstaff’s plan and decide to teach the portly knight a lesson.
What is Carmen all about?
It tells the story of a hopeless soldier, Don José, who is seduced by Carmen, a fiery gypsy woman with an appetite for smuggling. Abandoning his childhood sweetheart and turning his back on his military career, the opera follows José in his pursuit of Carmen’s attention. Despite his efforts and desperation, Don José’s quest for love doesn’t end quite how he’d hoped…
The use of tones that do not normally belong in the diatonic scale of a piece of music.
A repeating melodic phrase in music that is used to represent a character, setting, emotion, or theme.