4.Methods of Propagation from Seed Flashcards
Describe key considerations when using fine seed with named example
- Begonia semperflorens
- Must be treated with care
- Use a specially prepared seed compost if grit/perlite is used ensure top layer is compost only
- Sew seeds thinly
- Cover with thin layer of fine grit or fermiculture
- Water pot with upturned fine rose
- Label
- Cover with plastic bag or glass sheet.
- Place in temperature of 18-21 and out of direct sunlight
Describe key considerations when using medium seed with named example
- Lactuca salvia (Lettuce)
- Use a specially prepared seed compost which has 50% grit/perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage
- Sow thinly
- Cover the seed with thin layer of compost or vermiculite - ensure no lumps
- Water with rose, don’t overwater.
- Label
- Cover with plastic bag or glass sheet.
- Place in temperature of 18-21 and out of direct sunlight.
Describe key considerations when using large seed in container and example name
- Phaseolus vulgaris
- Use a specially prepared seed compost which has 50% grit/perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage
- Insert 2-3 seeds into soil to depth advised on seed packet (approx 1cm down)
- Firm compost around the seed and cover to depth the size of seed
- If long time to germinate cover with grit to prevent weeds
- Label
- Cover with plastic bag or glass sheet.
- Place in temperature of 18-21 and out of direct sunlight.
Aftercare of container grown seeds
- Do not allow compost to dry out
- When seedlings emerge remove lid or bag and allow maximum light without direct sunlight
Aftercare of ground sewn seeds
- Needs less attention than container grown plants
- Weeding is important - as they can smother seedlings
- Protect from predators
- Watering is best put off, occasional but generous to encourage roots to go deeper
- E.g Peas, can be sewn in early spring but need protection from birds. they will also need some support/something to climb up
Describe process of pricking out
- The removal of seedlings from seed tray into larger pot or ground
- Gently remove seedling, never hold on the stem but use leaf
- Carefully break up root mass
- Re-pot - consider size needed for developing plant, fast growing need bigger pot
- Water with fine rose
- Shade from sun for a few days and avoid exposing to frost
- Check moisture regularly
- Grown in greenhouse, cold frame or windowsill to gradually acclimatise /harden off
Describe ground preparation for sowing outside
- Prepare a stale seed bed (no weeds/perennial roots) by hoeing or use of weed killers such as glyphosate 3-4 weeks in advance
- Addition of organic matter such as well rotted farmyard manure
- Prepare a good tilth no more than 3mm crumb structure by Raking to break up soil
- Level and firm with back of the rake
- Water ground and allow to drain
- Leave soil to consolidate before sowing
- e.g carrot
Describe station sowing
- Useful in plants with low levels of germination
- 3-5 seeds grown in one location to increase chances of survival
- Strongest are kept and weak plants thinned out
- e.g Parsnip
Describe sowing in drills
- V profile trench is dug
- Filled with water which is soaked into soil
- Seeds are spread along the trench
- Top soil added to protect
Describe broadcast sowing
- Seeds are scattered over a wide area
- Even distribution is key (should only be done on a day with little wind)
- Snake in on direction then back across the other
- Layer of soil raked over the top
- E.g Lawns
Describe propagation of ferns by spores
- In summer examine back of fronds to see sporangia (dust type spores)
- Cut off a frond and lay on a piece of paper in a warm dry place (spores will shed looking like brown dust)
- Sterilise a pot of seed compost by pouring boiling water over or putting in microwave - Allow to cool
- Sow spores thinly over surface of pot and cover with cling film or heated propagator.
- Mist spray regularly with cool boiled water
- Remove film when moss like Prothali appear.
- Lift small pieces of moss into new pots of sterile seed compost.
- Spray with cooled boiled water
- Cover again and wait for plantlets to appear spraying daily with Luke warm water
- Grow in shade