4E. Perform analytics in Power BI Flashcards
What is a key dependency for Power BI when it comes to using advanced analytics?
The answers are only as good as the underlying data.
What is statistical summary?
Exploring the statistical summary gives the user a high-level view of the available data, where they can see clusters, patterns on behavioral data, data averages, and more. They can gain insights about their data that will help drive business decisions.
How can you extend the statistical capabilities of Power BI?
By using statistical programming languages such as Python and R.
What are the most common visuals to display statistics, and how do you create them in Power BI?
- Histograms – you can represent a histogram with one of the bar or column chart visuals.
- Bell curves – you can represent a bell curve with an area chart visual.
To cover intervals in a “bar chart” histogram, use Groupings/Bins.
What can TOPN analysis be good for?
The Top N analysis is a great way to present data that might be important, such as the top 10 selling products, top 10 performers in an organization, or top 10 customers. Alternatively, you can look at it from the other perspective and present the bottom 10 items in a list, in other words, the worst performers.
What are the three ways of showing Top N in a report?
- Q&A visual (ask for the visual, and then save it)
- Top N filter
- DAX formula
What is the DAX TOPN function, and when might it be preferable to other ways of showing Top N?
This option could be useful if you want to present the top 10 in a different context, such as how much of the top 10 best-selling products contributed toward the overall total sales.
For example, start by creating a new measure called Top 10 Products. Then, use the TOPN function, along with the SUMX function, to calculate your top 10 products by total sales, as follows:
Top 10 Products =
SUMX ( TOPN ( 10, Product, Product[Total Sales]), [Total Sales] )
What is important about outliers?
You will want to identify outliers to isolate data points that significantly differ from other data points, and then take action to investigate the reasons for the differences. The results of this analysis can make a significant impact on business decision making.
In what ways can you identify outliers?
- By visuals, for example a scatter plot is a good option.
- DAX, for example using CALCULATE AND FILTERS
What’s the difference between grouping and binning?
- Grouping is for categories of data.
- Binning is similar to grouping, but is used for continuous fields such as numbers and dates.
How can you create groups and bins?
- In the Fields pane, right-click the data field that you want to analyze and then select New Group. You can also select several “groups” in a visual, right-click, and click New Group.
- Select your option in Group type for either List (categorical) or Bin (numerical)
- The group/bin then appears in the fields pane and you can use it in visuals, for example in a Legend well.
- To edit the group, right-click the field.
What is the difference between grouping/binning and clustering?
The Power BI clustering feature allows you to quickly find groups of similar data points in a subset of your data. It analyzes your semantic model to identify similarities and dissimilarities in the attribute values, and then it separates the data that has similarities into a subset of the data. These subsets of data are referred to as clusters.
With grouping/binning, you decide what goes into a group or bin.
Two create clusters, click the More option in the visual header.
Like with groups/bins, clusters appears as a new field in the fields pane that you can use to cross-highlight or as a legend in other visuals.
From what visuals can you create clusters, and how do they differ?
For example:
- Scatter chart
- Table
With the cluster chart, you can only find clusters by two measures. If you want to find clusters by using more than two measures, you can use a table visual instead, add all the fields you want to use, and then run the clustering algorithm by using the same process.
What are examples of visuals that are good for conducting time series analysis?
- Scatter chart
- Area chart
- Line chart
What should you consider before using a custom visual?
Some organizations prefer not to use custom visuals for security or other reasons. Before you import custom visuals, check with your organization to see if they are allowed or not.