3B. Choose a Power BI model framework Flashcards
What is a Power BI data model?
A query-able data resource that’s optimized for analytics. Reports can query data models by using one of two analytic languages: Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) or Multidimensional Expressions (MDX). Power BI uses DAX, while paginated reports can use either DAX or MDX. The Analyze in Excel features uses MDX.
What is a Power BI dataset?
You develop a Power BI model in Power BI Desktop, and once published to a workspace in the Power BI service, it’s then known as a dataset. A dataset is a Power BI artifact that’s a source of data for visualizations in Power BI reports and dashboards.
What is an analytic query?
Power BI reports and dashboards must query a dataset. When Power BI visualizes dataset data, it prepares and sends an analytic query. An analytic query produces a query result from a model that’s easy for a person to understand, especially when visualized.
An analytic query has three phases that are executed in this order:
- Filtering (sometimes known as slicing) narrows down on a subset of the model data. Filter values aren’t visible in the query result. Most analytic queries apply filters because it’s common to filter by a time period, and usually other attributes. Filtering happens in different ways. In a Power BI report, you can set filters at report, page, or visual level. Report layouts often include slicer visuals to filter visuals on the report page. When the model enforces row-level security (RLS), it applies filters to model tables to restrict access to specific data. Measures, which summarize model data, can also apply filters.
- Grouping (sometimes known as dicing) divides query result into groups. Each group is also a filter, but unlike the filtering phase, filter values are visible in the query result. For example, grouping by customer filters each group by customer.
- Summarization produces a single value result. Typically, a report visual summarizes a numeric field by using an aggregate function. Aggregate functions include sum, count, minimum, maximum, and others. You can achieve simple summarization by aggregating a column, or you can achieve complex summarization by creating a measure using a DAX formula.
What is a tabular model?
A Power BI model is a tabular model. A tabular model comprises one or more tables of columns. It can also include relationships, hierarchies, and calculations.
What is a star schema design, and how does it relate to analytic queries?
A mature modeling approach widely adopted by relational data warehouses. It requires you to classify model tables as either dimension or fact. A fact table forms the center of a star, and the related dimension tables form the points of the star.
In an analytic query, dimensions table columns filter or group. Fact table columns are summarized.
What are the table storage modes?
Each Power BI model table (except calculated tables) has a storage mode property. The storage mode property can be either Import, DirectQuery, or Dual, and it determines whether table data is stored in the model.
- Import – Queries retrieve data that’s stored, or cached, in the model.
- DirectQuery – Queries pass through to the data source.
- Dual – Queries retrieve stored data or pass through to the data source. Power BI determines the most efficient plan, striving to use cached data whenever possible.
What is a model framework?
Table storage mode settings determine the model framework, which can be either import, DirectQuery, or composite. The following units in this module describe each of these frameworks and provides guidance on their use.
- An import model comprises tables that have their storage mode property set to Import. It includes calculated tables, which you define with a DAX formula, too.
- A DirectQuery model comprises tables that have their storage mode property set to DirectQuery, and they belong to the same source group. Source group is described later in this module.
- A composite model comprises more than one source group.
What are the benefits of Import models?
- Support all Power BI data source types, including databases, files, feeds, web pages, dataflows, and more.
- Can integrate source data. For example, one table sources its data from a relational database while a related table sources its data from a web page.
- Support all DAX and Power Query (M) functionality.
- Support calculated tables.
- Deliver the best query performance. That’s because the data cached in the model is optimized for analytic queries (filter, group, and summarize) and the model is stored entirely in memory.
In short, import models offer you the most options and design flexibility, and they deliver fast performance. For this reason, Power BI Desktop defaults to use import storage mode when you “Get data.”
What are the limitations of Import models?
- Model size. Power BI imposes dataset size restrictions, which limit the size of a model.
- Data refresh. Imported data must be periodically refreshed. If you prefer data to always be up-to-date, use DirectyQuery or set up a real-time data set.
What are the size limits to Power BI datasets, and how can you reduce their size?
When you publish the model to a shared capacity, there’s a 1-GB limit per dataset. When this size limit is exceeded, the dataset will fail to refresh. When you publish the model to a dedicated capacity (also known as Premium capacities), it can grow beyond 10-GB, providing you enable the Large dataset storage format setting for the capacity.
You should always strive to reduce the amount of data stored in tables. This strategy helps to reduce the duration of model refreshes and speed up model queries. There are numerous data reduction techniques that you can apply, including:
- Remove unnecessary columns
- Remove unnecessary rows
- Group by and summarize to raise the grain of fact tables
- Optimize column data types with a preference for numeric data
- Preference for custom columns in Power Query instead of calculated columns in the model
- Disable Power Query query load
- Disable auto date/time
- Use DirectQuery table storage, as described in later units of this module.
What are the limits on data refresh of Import models, and what might determine if those limits are acceptable?
Imported data must be periodically refreshed. Dataset data is only as current as the last successful data refresh. To keep data current, you set up scheduled data refresh, or report consumers can perform an on-demand refresh.
Power BI imposes limits on how often scheduled refresh operations can occur. It’s up to eight times per day in a shared capacity, and up to 48 times per day in a dedicated capacity.
You should determine whether this degree of latency is tolerable. It often depends on the velocity (or volatility) of the data, and the urgency to keep users informed about the current state of data. When scheduled refresh limits aren’t acceptable, consider using DirectQuery storage tables, or creating a hybrid table. Or take a different approach, and create a real-time dataset instead.
What are incremental refreshes of Import models, and what their benefits?
You must also consider refresh workload and duration. By default, to refresh a table, Power BI removes all data and reloads it again. These operations can place an unacceptable burden on source systems, especially for large fact tables. To reduce this burden, you can set up the incremental refresh feature. Incremental refresh automates the creation and management of time-period partitions, and intelligently update only those partitions that require refresh.
When your data source supports incremental refresh, it can result in faster and more reliable refreshes, and reduced resource consumption of Power BI and source systems.
What are source groups?
A source group is a set of model tables that relate to a data source. There are two types:
- Import – Represents all import storage mode tables including calculated tables. There can only be one import source group in a model.
- DirectQuery – Represents all DirectQuery storage mode tables that relate to a specific data source.
What are some benefits of DirectQuery models?
- They can handle large data source. Because DirectQuery tables don’t require refresh, they’re well suited to large data stores, like a data warehouse. It’s impractical and inefficient, if not impossible, to import an entire data warehouse into a model.
- They handle fast-changing data well. When the source data changes rapidly and users need to see current data, a DirectQuery model can deliver near real-time query results.
- They can enforce source RLS (row-level security). Instead of replicating RLS rules in your Power BI model, the source data base can enforce its rules. This approach works only for some relational databases, and it involves setting up single sign-on for the dataset data source.
- Data security/sovereignty restrictions. If your organization has security policies that restrict data leaving their premises, then it isn’t possible to import data. A DirectQuery model that connects to an on-premises data source may be appropriate. (You can also consider installing Power BI Report Server for on-premises reporting.)
- You can also create specialized datasets, by making a local copy of a remote DirectQuery relational model, and chain them together. This allows you to rename elements in the remote model, etc. However, note that this will turn your model into a composite model.
What are some limitations of DirectQuery models?
- Not all data sources are supported. Typically, only major relational database systems are supported. Power BI datasets and Azure Analysis Services models are supported too.
- All Power Query (M) transformations are not possible, because these queries must translate to native queries that are understood by source systems. So, for example, it’s not possible to use pivot or unpivot transformations.
- Analytic query performance can be slow, especially if source systems aren’t optimized (with indexes or materialized views), or there are insufficient resources for the analytic workload.
- Analytic queries can impact on source system performance. It could result in a slower experience for all workloads, including OLTP operations.
How can you improve DirectQuery model performance?
- Optimize the data source. Specifically, you can create indexes and materialized views, and ensure the database has sufficient resources for all workloads.
- You can add user-defined aggregation tables to a DirectQuery model. User-defined aggregation tables are special model tables that are hidden (from users, calculations, and RLS). They work best when they satisfy higher-grain analytic queries over large fact tables. When you set the aggregation table to use DirectQuery storage mode, it can query a materialized view in the data source.
What is a composite model?
It comprises more than one source group. Typically, there’s always the import source group and a DirectQuery source group.
What are some benefits to composite models?
Composite models provide you with design flexibility. You can choose to integrate data using different storage modes, striking the right balance between imported data and pass-through data. Commonly, enterprise models benefit from using DirectQuery tables on large data sources and by boosting query performance with imported tables. Power BI features that support this scenario are described later in this unit.
Composite models can also boost the performance of a DirectQuery model by providing Power BI with opportunity to satisfy some analytic queries from imported data. Querying cached data almost always performs better than pass-through queries.
Lastly, when your model includes DirectQuery tables to a remote model, like a Power BI dataset, you can extend your model with new calculated columns and tables. It results in a specialized model based on a core model.
What are some limitations to composite models?
Import (or dual, as described later) storage mode tables still require periodic refresh. Imported data can become out of sync with DirectQuery sourced data, so it’s important to refresh it periodically.
When an analytic query must combine imported and DirectQuery data, Power BI must consolidate source group query results, which can impact performance. To help avoid this situation for higher-grain queries, you can add import aggregation tables to your model (or enable automatic aggregations) and set related dimension tables to use dual storage mode. This scenario is described later in this unit.
When chaining models (DirectQuery to Power BI datasets), modifications made to upstream models can break downstream models. Be sure to assess the impact of modifications by performing dataset impact analysis first.
Relationships between tables from different source groups are known as limited relationships. A model relationship is limited when the Power BI can’t determine a “one” side of a relationship. Limited relationships may result in different evaluations of model queries and calculations.
How can you boost DirectQuery model performance with import data (i.e. why are composite models sometimes a good idea compared with DirectQuery models)?
- Import aggregation tables. You can add import storage mode user-defined aggregation tables or enable automatic aggregations. This way, Power BI directs higher-grain fact queries to a cached aggregation. To boost query performance further, ensure that related dimension tables are set to use dual storage mode.
- Dual storage mode. Dual storage mode tables work well with import aggregation tables. They allow Power BI to satisfy higher-grain queries entirely from cached data.
Slicer visuals and filter card lists, which are often based on dimension table columns, render more quickly because they’re queried from cached data.
What is dual storage mode?
A dual storage mode table is set to use both import and DirectQuery storage modes. At query time, Power BI determines the most efficient mode to use. Whenever possible, Power BI attempts to satisfy analytic queries by using cached data.
How can you ensure import and DirectQuery data remain in sync?
When you set up an import table with incremental refresh, you can enable the option: Get the latest data in real-time with DirectQuery.
By enabling this option, Power BI automatically creates a table partition that uses DirectQuery storage mode. In this case, the table becomes a hybrid table, meaning it has import partitions to store older data, and a single DirectQuery partition for current data.
When Power BI queries a hybrid table, the query uses the cache for older data, and passes through to the data source to retrieve current data.
This option is only available with a Premium license.
Which types of organizations may have to take most care in selecting the right storage model>
Organizations with enterprise solutions, where data volumes are large, query throughput is high, and fast responsiveness is important.
When should you choose Import mode?
Whenever possible. This framework offers you the most options, design flexibility, and delivers fast performance. Be sure to apply data reduction techniques to ensure that Power BI loads the least amount of data possible.
When should you choose the DirectQuery model?
When your data source stores large volumes of data and/or your report needs to deliver near real-time data.
When should you choose a Composite model?
- Boost the query performance of a DirectQuery model.
- Deliver near real-time query results from an import model.
- Extend a Power BI dataset (or AAS model) with additional data.
What is important to remember when using Import aggregation tables to boost DirectQuery performance?
Be sure to set related dimension tables to use dual storage mode. That way, Power BI can satisfy higher-grain queries entirely from cache.
What is a hybrid table, and what is its benefit?
Power BI adds a DirectQuery partition for the current period, earlier periods are Imported. With this, you can deliver near real-time query results from an import model.