4Ds for abnormality 20 mark essay Flashcards
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AO1: abnormality
->is difficult to achieve a clear definition of abnormality
—>the kinds of abnormality that we refer to as mental illness has symptoms such as clusters of behaviour which seem to go together
—>we use the 4Ds to diagnose abnormality. deviance, distress, danger, & dysfunction.
AO3: research to support:
->Davis (2009)
—>says the 4Ds help in making a diagnostic decision by matching behaviours & beliefs to disorders in the DSM.
—>this therefore helps the therapist to
know when a condition may need a formal diagnosis
AO3: weakness
-> low validity
—>diagnosis through the use of the 4Ds is subjective
—>this is because it is based on the clinician’s views of what is abnormal
—> therefore decreased validity due to researcher bias
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-> what is diagnosis?
—>to diagnose someone is to come to a justified conclusion based on the information we have been given.
—>we use the 4Ds to help with accurate diagnosis
->so what is the purpose of diagnosis?
—>an individual cannot be successfully treated unless we understand what their condition is
AO3: strength
->the 4Ds provide a holistic approach to abnormality
—>this means it considers all aspects of environment and behaviours
—>the 4Ds can be seen as an adequate gauge of psychological abnormality
AO3: weakness
-> there is no standardised approach diagnosis through the 4Ds
—>this is because every person is
—>this method is very dependant on discussions between patient and clinician
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AO1: deviance
-> deviance is influenced by 2 factors: infrequency, & sociocultural norms.
—->abnormal behaviour is behaviour that is statistically less likely
—->if everyone behaves a certain way
it will be considered normal, whereas deviations from the norm are considered abnormal
—>sociocultural norms:
—->behaviours, emotions a thoughts that deviate from social or cultural norms are considered abnormal/unacceptable
—->eg. cannibalism, pedophilia delusions of grandeur/persecution
AO3: strength
-> deviance can be measured using statistical measures to help inform decisions
—>statistical data is an objective form of data meaning it won’t be swayed by
—> therefore increasing validity
AO3: weakness
->the clinician must interpret what the patient discloses & form a judgement based on that alone
—>this creates the possibility of both the patient withholding information, a also clinicians bias
—>increasing validity.
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AO1: distress
->abnormal behaviour is that which causes personal distress (eg. hypochondria)
—>however, diff people may find diff things distressing (eg. are auditory hallucinations abnormal? They can cause
severe distress some people, but may bring comfort to others no two
people react the same way).
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AO1: distress
->abnormal behaviour may cause distress to others, even if it doesn’t cause distress to the subject themselves
—>eg. is the behavions of a sadist serial killer normal? Their behaviour causes no stress to them, but severe trauma and distress to others
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->behaviours & feelings are dysfunctional when they interfere with the person’s ability to function in daily life, to hold a job, or form relationships. (maladaptive behaviour)
—>eg. tourette’s, MDD, agoraphobia, insomnia