4c.7 & 4c.8 Flashcards
Approaches to coastal management
In the UK, we now follow the principles of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). This is where consideration is
given to how to manage large sections of the coastline, taking into account the area from the coast to several km in land,
rather than simply giving consideration of how to manage a localised area
Approaches to coastal management
Each part of the UK coast has its own Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) which applies most of the principles of ICZM.
Coastal management options range from advance the line, to hold the line, to managed retreat/realignment to do nothing.
Approaches to coastal management
Hard and soft engineering are two contrasting approaches to managing the coastline.
Whatever approach is adopted the costs of putting in defences and the benefits of doing so are analysed before a decision Is made
Sea wall, groyne, curved sea wall advantages
Effective - land protected, land stable
• Income will be possible (tourism)
Sea wall, groyne, curved sea wall disadvantages
Expensive, millions of pounds
• Needmaintenance continually
• Visual impact is poor - can harm tourism
• Interfere with natural processes, e.g. LSD can prevent beach formation downdrift
Hard engineering economic advantages
In the long term
businesses will be
Hard engineering economic disadvantages
Very expensive
Hard engineering social advantages
In the long term houses will be protected
Hard engineering social disadvantages
Likely to create short-term problems of lack of access during construction
May aesthetically look bad
Hard engineering environmental advantages
May improve the visual quality of the coastal zone
Hard engineering environmental disadvantages
May lead to problems elsewhere where there may be no to little protection
Soft engineering economic advantages
Local businesses
will benefit if more
tourists use the new
Soft engineering economic disadvantages
Soft engineering social advantages
Creates better beaches for tourists to visit
Soft engineering social disadvantages
Some people may not like the changed visual appearance