4b: M-L bonding Flashcards
Name and define the greek letters for labelling ligands.
η = hapacity - adjacent linked atoms coordinating to a metal
κ = denticity - non-adjacent linked atoms attached to a metal
μ = number of metal atoms bridged by a ligand
What is the orbital order for metals?
3d is lower than 4s due to orbital shielding.
What is the equation for oxidation state for a metal?
Name common ligand charges with examples.
Complex charge - ligand charge
+1 = NO (linear)
0 = CO, NR3, PR3, N2, O2, H2, C2H4, H2O, C6H6
- 1 = F, Cl, Br, I, H, CN, NR2, NO (bent), C5H5
- 2 = O, S, CO3, NR
- 3 = N, P
What is the equation for d electron count and total valence electron count (TVEC)?
Name the common numbers of electrons donated by a ligand and give examples.
d-electron count = group no. - oxidation state
TVEC = d-electrons + electrons from ligands
2e = CO, NR3, PR3, N2, O2, H2, C2H4, H2O, H-, CH3-, X-
4e = en, η4-dienes, NR2-, O2-
6e = (η5-C5H5)-, η6-C6H6, NR2- (linear), O2-
What rule defines the most stable complexes? What are exceptions to this?
The 18 electron rule decide how stable a molecule is. The metal electrons plus the donated electrons.
Exceptions are: 1st row complexes with mainly ionic bonding
Square planar d8 complexes (16e-)
Early metal (low d electrons) with π-donor atoms
Paramagnetic complexes
What are the 3 types of ligands and some examples of each?
σ donor: H-, R-, NH3, H2O
σ donor, π acceptor: CO, CN, NO, H2, N2, O2, C2H4, PR3
σ donor, π donor: X-, O2-, S2-, RO-, N3-, NR2-, NR2-
Describe COs σ donor and π acceptor interactions. How does this affect CO bonding?
The CO homo, 5σ, donates into the metal d orbitals and the lumo, 2π (antibonding), accepts the d orbital electron density. The two reinforce each other, called synergic bonding.
As the density from the metal increases and the anti-bonding π orbital is filled and the σ donation increases. M-C≡O → M=C=O
Describe the trends in (CO)ν, where a lower ν means a weaker CO.
(CO)ν decreases as the oxidation state decreases as complexes are more electron rich.
(CO)ν decreases with fewer ligands as the electron back donation is less shared.
(CO)ν decreases as other ligands donate more electron density into the metal.
(CO)ν decreases as other ligands accept less electron density.
In summery - CO gets weaker when more electron density is donated to it.
Why are isoelectronic ligands such as CN- and NO+ are good ligands but N2 is a poor ligand?
The nitrogen atoms have the same energy so the orbitals are the same size. On the other ligands the donating orbital has a lower energy orbitals so they have a larger orbital density where the density is being donated from.
Describe and draw the 2 different σ donor, π acceptor interactions that O2 can have.
O2 can have η1 or η2 bonding but in both cases the homo and lumo are the half filled π* orbital.

What extreme states can oxygen as a ligand exist in and how does this come about?
The oxygen is very oxidising so it can take the electrons being back donated to it and form the superoxide O2- or the peroxide O22-.
How are the O2- and N3- ligands formed?
O2 and N2 coordinate to a powerful reducing agent such as Ta(OSi(tBu)3)3 which occupy the π* and σ* orbitals of the diatomics, breaking the diatomic bond.
How many electrons does NO donate in its bent and linear form?
Linear NO donates 3 electrons - 2 electrons from the homo and and one free electron given to the metal.
Bent NO donates 1 electron - 2 electrons from the homo but takes one electron to form NO-.
How do you find the TVEC and oxidation state for metals with complex ligands such as NO?
Ignore the complex ligands and find the ox. and TVEC.
Add 1 or 3 electrons to the TVEC to get as close as possible to 18, the closest without going over is the state the NO takes.
Adjust the ox. state according to NO (+ if bent, - if linear).
What is the proccess of forming 2 hydride molecules from H2 coordinating to a metal called and how does it occur?
Oxidative addition. The π back donation fills the σ* orbital and breaks the H2 bond.
Describe how alkenes act as ligands. How can this be monitered?
The homo is the π orbital so with low back donation the alkene remains intact and donates from one orbital. As back donation increases into the π* orbital the alkene bond weakens and the carbon atoms change from sp2 to sp3.
The alkene can rotate easily with no back donation and at a high energy cost when the back donation is large however sometimes other orbitals can form which stablise the rotation.
Why is PR3 a good ligand?
It is a π acceptor ligand with strong σ donation. The back donation can stablise low oxidation states and the strong σ donation stablises high oxidation states.
What ligands are π donors? What metals are best suited to this?
Ligands that can form multiple bonds to the same atom (without back donation) such as oxide and nitride.
The metals best suited are high oxidation state/low d electron count as there must be an empty d orbital.
How many electrons does oxide donate? Draw out this interaction. How does it compare for NR2-?
Oxide is a 4-6 electron donor.
NR2- is the same except 2-4.

How does the nature of the t2g orbital change with different types of ligands? Draw a diagram to show how Δoct changes.

How do each type of ligand affect the 18 electron rule?
With π donors the t2g orbital is antibonding so it is often more stable with less than 18 electrons.
In the spectrochemical series, where are the different types of ligands?
π-acceptor are stong field, σ-only are in the middle and π-donor are weak field.
What is the trans effect and what are the major influences of this?
The trans effect is where a non-labile ligand influences the rate of substitution on the ligand trans to it. The ligands with the greatest labilising effect are CO and CN-.
What are the 5 types of inorganic mechanism?
Ligand substitution, association, dissociation, redox reactions and reactions of coordinated ligands.
What are the different types of ligand substitution reactions?
They range from dissociative to associative with most inbetween, called interchange.
Give examples of labile and inert complexes.
Labile: d10 complexes (no CFSE)
3d M(II) ions
Inert: d3 and low spin d6 complexes
4d and 5d complexes
cheleating ligands
Name the 3 activation parameters.
ΔV‡ is the volume of activation, the difference between the activation state and the ground state
ΔH‡ is the enthalpy of activation
ΔS‡ is the entropy of activation
How do square planar complexes (normally d8) undergo ligand substitution?
What is the rate of the reaction?
Are the reactions stereospecific?
By an associative mechanism with either the solvent or the ligand before the leaving group leaves.
This is evidenced by negative activations of entropy and volume.
Rate = k1[ML3X] + k2[ML3X][Y] where [solvent] = constant
Berry psuedorotation can occur in the 5-coordinate intermediate.
What 5 factors affect the rate of substitution of ligand?
- The entering group - nucleophilicity and well matched hardness
- The leaving group - hardness and stability
- The trans effect - competition over the same orbital, strong σ donors are strong influences of this: H-, R-, CO, PR3, I-
- Stabilising the transition state - π-acceptors stablise charge build-up. The combination of stablisation and the trans influence means the best ligands for a trans substitution are CN-, CO, NO+, C2H4
- The metal centre - 3d reacts quicker than 4 and 5d due to worse M-L overlap and therefore lower lower activation energy
What are the substitution reactions for octahedral complexes and how can they be differentiated?
Ia and Id represent interchange initiated by either an associative or a dissociative process.
They can’t be distinguished by the rate law as the solvent masks the associative reaction as first order.
Evidence for Id:
- The entering group has small effect on the rate
- There is a linear relationship between logK (reflects bond strength) and logk (rate of addition) hence the RDS slows when the M-LG bond gets stronger
- Steric effects, if L is large, are much more prominent
- Electron count favours 16e intermediates over 20e.
Overall: square planar = associative, octahedral = dissociative
What types of electron transfer are there? Define them.
Outer sphere - no bonds broken or formed
Inner sphere - bridging ligand links the complexes which may transfer
What are the three steps of outer sphere transfer?
What three factors affect the rate of OS?
Forming the precursor complex, then transfering an electron, then dissociating.
ΔG‡ = ΔGt‡ + ΔGO‡ + ΔGi‡
ΔGt‡ = the energy to overcome the coulombic potential energy and bring the complexes together
ΔGO‡ = the energy to reorganise the solvent molecules around the complexes to form the precursor complex
ΔGi‡ = the energy to adjust the M-L bond lengths so the orbitals have the same energy
What are the requirements which limit the rate of OS electron transfer?
Between which orbitals is OS fast?
It requires orbital overlap and orbitals of the same symmetry with orbitals of the same energies.
As eg is a σ* orbital in octahedral complexes the ligands sterically interfere with it so a large change in bond length is required. Therefore eg to eg transfers are very slow.
t2g orbitals are π or π* so the change in bond length required is much smaller and there is better overlap. This makes the transfer fast.
What may slow OS electron transfer down?
Small orbitals on higher up metals. Activation energy to transfer electrons into a configuration able to transfer electrons.
Describe how bond lengths change during OS electron transfers.
The bond lengths average between the reactant and product, then the electronic-vibrational coupling, ΔEc, determines the probability(they are proportional), κel, the electron will transfer.
The bond length difference, Δr, is related to ΔG‡ (activation energy) by r2 ∝ G.
What is the Marcus inverted region and how did it come about?
Plotting ΔG‡ (free energy of activation) against ΔGº (free energy of reaction) is an x2=y plot.
The rate of transfer increases as the energy of the reaction increases until there is no longer an energy barrier. Then as the energy of the reaction continues to increase, the reaction barrier increases again so the rate slows down.
How can you predict the rate of an electron transfer react?
Account for the differences between the predicted rates and the observed.
Using the Marcus cross-relation. kAB = (kAAkBBKAB)½ where KAB can be caluclated from constants.
Differences: No differences in attractions from self exchange assumed
Some reactions may not procced due to the electronic-vibrational coupling
Not all cross reactions go by outer sphere
What steps have to be taken for octahedral atoms to under IS electron transfer?
When is it faster than OS?
Ligand dissociation from one atom, bridging complex forms, transfer, breaks, ligand assocaition.
IS is faster when OS requires a large reorganisation as the eg orbitals overlap with the ligands. However large ligands heavily influence the ability to form bridging ligands.
How do you distinguish between a IS or OS transfer?
Is there a vacant coordination site?
Is there a labile reactant for substitution? (d0,1,2,4 HS, 5 HS, 7 HS)
Has ligand transfer occured?
Does the rate change when a bridging ligand is added/substituted?
Is the rate with N3- faster than with NCS-?