494 - 868 IV Flashcards
494 - 868 IV
- Neurologic examination revealed:
-miosis, ptosis, hemianhydrosis, left side
-laryngeal and palatal paralysis, left side
—facial anesthesia, left side
-loss of pain and temperature sensation
from the trunk and extremities, right side
The lesion site responsible is in the
(A) caudal medulla, ventral median zone,
right side
(B) rostral medulla, lateral zone, left side
(C) rostral pontine base, left side
(D) caudal pontine tegmentum, lateral zone,
right side
(E) rostral pontine tegmentum, dorsal median
zone, left side
B. The lesion is a classic Wallenberg’s syndrome (PICA syndrome) of the lateral medullary
zone. Interruption of the descending sympathetic tract produces ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome.
Involvement of the nucleus ambiguus or its exiting intra-axial fibers accounts for lower motor
neuron (LMN) paralysis of the larynx and soft palate. The ipsilateral facial anesthesia is due to
interruption of the spinal trigeminal tract; the contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensa-tion from the trunk and extremities is due to transection of the spinothalamic tracts. The combi-nation of ipsilateral and contralateral sensory loss is called alternating hemianesthesia.
Singultus (hiccup) is frequently seen in this syndrome and is thought to result from irritation of
the reticulophrenic pathway.
- Neurologic examination revealed:
—severe ptosis, eye “looks down and out,”
right side
-fixed dilated pupil, right side
—spastic hemiparesis, left side
-lower facial weakness, left side
The lesion site responsible is in the
(A) caudal pontine tegmentum, dorsal median
zone, left side
(B) rostral pontine tegmentum, dorsal lateral
zone, right side
(C) pontine isthmus, dorsal lateral tegmen-tum, left side
(D) rostral midbrain, medial basis pedunculi,
right side
(E) rostral midbrain, medial tegmentum, left
D. This constellation of deficits constitutes Weber’s syndrome, which affects the basis pedun-culi and the exiting intra-axial oculomotor fibers. Severe ptosis (compare mild ptosis of Horner’s
syndrome), the abducted and depressed eyeball, and the internal ophthalmoplegia (fixed dilated
pupil) are third nerve signs. The contralateral hemiparesis results from interruption of the corti-cospinal tracts; lower facial weakness is due to interruption of the corticobulbar tracts. The com-bination of ipsilateral and contralateral motor deficits is called alternating hemiplegia. In cases
of sensory or motor long tract involvement, the involved cranial nerve indicates the rostrocaudal
site of the lesion; the cranial nerve signs are ipsilateral and lateralize the lesion (the trochlear
nerve is the exception).
- Neurologic examination revealed:
-sixth nerve palsy, right side
-facial weakness, left side
-hemiparesis, left side
-limb and gait dystaxia, right side
The lesion site responsible is in the
(A) caudal pontine tegmentum, lateral zone,
right side
(B) caudal pontine tegmentum, dorsal median
zone, left side
(C) caudal medulla, ventral median zone,
right side
(D) rostral pontine tegmentum, lateral zone,
left side
(E) caudal pontine base, median zone, right
E. These signs point to the base of the pons (medial inferior pontine syndrome) on the right
side and include involvement of the exiting intra-axial abducent fibers that pass through the
uncrossed corticospinal fibers; this results in an ipsilateral rectus paralysis [lower motor neuron
(LMN) lesion] and contralateral hemiparesis. Contralateral facial weakness results from damage
to the corticobulbar fibers prior to their decussation. Involvement of the transverse pontine fibers
destined for the middle cerebellar peduncle results in cerebellar signs. Again, the involved cra-nial nerve and pyramidal tract indicate where the lesion must be to account for the deficits. An
ipsilateral sixth nerve paralysis and crossed hemiplegia is called the Millard-Gubler syndrome
- Neurologic examination revealed:
-paralysis of upward and downward gaze
—absence of convergence
—absence of pupillary reaction to light
The lesion site responsible is the
(A) rostral midbrain tectum
(B) caudal midbrain tectum
(C) rostral pontine tegmentum
(D) caudal pontine tegmentum
(E) caudal midbrain tegmentum
A. These deficits indicate Parinaud’s syndrome, dorsal midbrain syndrome. This condition fre-quently is the result of a pinealoma, which compresses the superior colliculus and the underlying
accessory oculomotor nuclei that are responsible for upward and downward vertical conjugate
gaze. Patients usually have pupillary disturbances and absence of convergence
- Neurologic examination revealed:
-bilateral medial rectus paresis on at-tempted lateral gaze
-monocular horizontal nystagmus in the
abducting eye
-unimpaired convergence
The lesion site responsible is in the
(A) midpontine tegmentum, dorsomedial
zones, bilateral
(B) rostral midbrain tectum
(C) caudal midbrain tectum
(D) caudal pontine base
(E) rostral midbrain, bases pedunculorum
A. This lesion site indicates medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) syndrome, internuclear oph-thalmoplegia. The lesion is located in the dorsomedial tegmentum and is found between the
abducent nucleus and the oculomotor nucleus.
- Neurologic examination revealed:
-ptosis, miosis, and hemianhydrosis, left
—loss of vibration sensation in the right leg
—loss of pain and temperature sensation
from the trunk, extremities, and face,
right side
—severe dystaxia and intention tremor, left
The lesion site responsible is in the
(A) rostral midbrain tegmentum, right side
(B) rostral pontine tegmentum, dorsal medial
zone, left side
(C) pontine isthmus, dorsal lateral zone, left
(D) rostral medulla, lateral zone, left side
(E) caudal medulla, lateral zone, right side
C. These deficits correspond to a lesion in the dorsolateral zone of the pontine isthmus, lateral
superior pontine syndrome. Interruption of the descending sympathetic pathway to the cil-iospinal center of Budge (T1-T2) results in Horner’s syndrome (always ipsilateral). Involvement
of the lateral aspect (includes the leg fibers) of the medial lemniscus results in a loss of vibration
sensation and other dorsal column modalities. Damage to the trigeminothalamic and spinothala-mic tracts at this level results in contralateral hemianesthesia of the face and body. Infarction of
the superior cerebellar peduncle leads to severe cerebellar dystaxia on the same side.
- Neurologic examination revealed:
-weakness of the pterygoid and masseter
muscles, left side
-corneal reflex absent on left side
-left facial hemianesthesia
The lesion site responsible is in the
(A) midpontine tegmentum, lateral zone, left
(B) midpontine base, medial zone, left side
(C) caudal pontine tegmentum, lateral zone,
left side
(D) caudal pontine tegmentum, dorsal medial
zone, left side
(E) foramen ovale, left side
A. These signs indicate lateral midpontine syndrome. This lesion involves the motor and prin-cipal trigeminal nuclei and the intra-axial root fibers of the trigeminal nerve as it passes through
the base of the pons. AH signs are ipsilateral and refer to CN V. The afferent limb of the corneal
reflex has been interrupted. This syndrome results from occlusion of the trigeminal artery, a
short circumferential branch of the basilar artery.
- Neurologic examination revealed:
-loss of the stapedial reflex
-loss of the corneal reflex
-inability to purse the hps
—loss of taste sensation on the apex of the
The lesion site responsible is in the
(A) stylomastoid foramen
(B) basis pedunculi of the midbrain
(C) rostral lateral pontine tegmentum
(D) caudal lateral pontine tegmentum
(E) rostral medulla
D. These signs constitute lateral inferior pontine syndrome (AICA syndrome). The neurologic
findings are all signs of a lesion involving the facial nerve (CN VII). The facial nerve nucleus and
intra-axial fibers are found in the caudal lateral pontine tegmentum. A lesion of the stylomastoid
foramen would not include the absence of the stapedial reflex or the loss of taste sensation from
the anterior two-thirds of the tongue. The stapedial nerve and the chorda tympani exit the facial
canal proximal to the stylomastoid foramen.
- Paramedian infarction of the base of the
pons involves which one of the following struc-tures?
(A) Trapezoid body
(B) Descending trigeminal tract
(C) Rubrospinal tract
(D) Pyramidal tract
(E) Ventral spinocerebellar tract
D. The base of the pons includes corticospinal (pyramidal), corticobulbar, and corticopontine
tracts, pontine nuclei, and transverse pontine fibers. At caudal levels, intra-axial abducent fibers
of CN VI pass through the lateral pyramidal fascicles.
- All of the following statements concern-ing the anterior spinal artery are correct
(A) is a branch of the vertebral artery
(B) irrigates the medullary pyramid
(C) irrigates the root fibers of the hypoglos-sal nerve
(D) irrigates the inferior olivary nucleus
(E) irrigates the medial lemniscu
D. The anterior (ventral) spinal artery, a branch of the vertebral artery, irrigates the ventral
median zone of the medulla, which includes the pyramid (corticospinal tracts), the medial lem-niscus, and the exiting intra-axial root fibers of the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII). The inferior oli-vary nucleus lies in the paramedian zone of the medulla and is supplied by the short lateral
branches of the vertebral artery.
- All of the following statements concern-ing the posterior inferior cerebellar artery
(PICA) are correct EXCEPT it
(A) is a branch of the vertebral artery
(B) supplies the vestibular nuclei in the
(C) supplies the medial lemniscus in the
(D) supplies the inferior cerebellar peduncle
(E) supplies the lateral spinothalamic tract
C. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA), a branch of the vertebral artery, perfuses
the lateral zone of the medulla, which includes the medial and inferior vestibular nuclei, the infe-rior cerebellar peduncle, and the lateral spinothalamic tract.
- All of the following statements concern-ing the anterior inferior cerebellar artery
(AICA) are correct EXCEPT it
(A) gives rise, in most cases, to the labyrin-thine artery
(B) supplies the cochlear nuclei
(C) supplies the facial nucleus
(D) supplies the medial longitudinal fascicu-lus (MLF)
(E) supplies the spinal trigeminal tract and
D. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) usually (in 85% of cases) gives rise to the
labyrinthine artery. The AICA supplies the lateral zone of the caudal pontine tegmentum
(including the cochlear nuclei, the facial nucleus, and intra-axial fibers) and the spinal trigeminal
nucleus and tract. The medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) is irrigated by paramedian penetrat-ing branches of the basilar artery.
- All of the following statements concern-ing internuclear ophthalmoplegia are correct
(A) results from a lesion in the dorsal pon-tine tegmentum
(B) has no affect on convergence
(C) is frequently seen in multiple sclerosis
(D) results in monocular horizontal nystag-mus
(E) results in a lateral rectus palsy on at-tempted lateral conjugate gaze
E. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia results from a lesion of the medial longitudinal fasciculus
(MLF), which extends in the dorsomedial tegmentum from the abducent nucleus of CN VI to the
oculomotor nucleus of CN III. Transection of the MLF results in medial rectus palsy on
attempted lateral gaze and monocular nystagmus in the abducting eye. Convergence is normal.
Bilateral MLF syndrome is a common ocular motor manifestation of multiple sclerosis
1. The most common cause of anterior vermis syndrome is (A) alcohol abuse (B) an abscess (C) a tumor (D) vascular occlusion (E) lead intoxication
A. Anterior vermis syndrome is a result of chronic alcohol abuse. Patients present with dys-taxia of the lower limb and trunk. Posterior vermis syndrome involves the flocculonodular lobe;
it is most frequently caused by an ependymoma or a medulloblastoma. Patients have truncal
dystaxia. Hemispheric syndrome usually is the result of a tumor (astrocytoma) or abscess;
patients have arm, leg, trunk, and gait dystaxia.
2. The most common cerebellar tumor in chil-dren is (A) astrocytoma (B) ependymoma (C) glioblastoma multiforme (D) oligodendrocytoma (E) medulloblastoma
A. Astrocytomas (30%) are the most common cerebellar tumors in children; they are fol-lowed by medulloblastomas (20%) and ependymomas (10%).
- A tumor that is derived from the external
granular layer of the cerebellar cortex is
(A) astrocytoma
(B) chordoma
(C) ependymoma
(D) germinoma
(E) medulloblastoma
E. Medulloblastomas are derived from the external granular layer of the cerebellar cortex.
Medulloblastomas give rise to posterior vermis syndrome.
4. The inferior cerebellar peduncle contains all of the following afferent connections EXCEPT the (A) cuneocerebellar tract (B) ventral spinocerebellar tract (C) dorsal spinocerebellar tract (D) olivocerebellar tract (E) trigeminocerebellar fibers
B. The ventral spinocerebellar tract enters the cerebellum via the superior cerebellar
- All of the following statements concerning
the superior cerebellar peduncle are correct
(A) connects the cerebellum to the midbrain
(B) is primarily an efferent bundle of fibers
(C) represents the major output from the
(D) contains dentatothalamic fibers
(E) contains the juxtarestiform body
E. The inferior cerebellar peduncle includes the restiform body and the juxtarestiform body.
The juxtarestiform body contains vestibulocerebellar, cerebellovestibular, and cerebelloreticu-lar fibers.
- All of the following statements concerning
the vestibulocerebellar pathway are correct
(A) plays a role in the initiation, planning,
and timing of voluntary motor activities
(B) projects via the medial longitudinal
fasciculus (MLF)
(C) receives input from the cristae am-pullares
(D) receives input from the maculae of the
utricle and saccule
(E) includes the flocculonodular lobe
A. The vestibulocerebellum (archicerebellum) plays a role in the maintenance of posture
and balance and in the coordination of head and eye movements.
- All of the following statements concerning
the red nucleus are correct EXCEPT
(A) it influences the cerebellum via the infe-rior olivary nucleus
(B) its primary effect is on truncal and proxi-mal muscles
(C) it receives bilateral input from the motor
and premotor cortex
(D) it receives contralateral input from the
nucleus interpositus
(E) it receives modest input from the con-tralateral dentate nucleus
B. The red nucleus gives rise to the crossed rubrospinal tract, which has its primary effect
on distal muscle groups. The red nucleus is a way station in the paravermal spinocerebellar
pathway, a system dedicated to distal motor control and ongoing execution of motor acts