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OCR A Level Physics
> 4.5.2 The electronvolt > Flashcards
4.5.2 The electronvolt Flashcards
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OCR A Level Physics
(84 decks)
2.1 Physical Quantities, Units and Measurements
2.1.1 Physical Quantities and Units
2.1.2 Estimating Physical Quantities
2.1.3 Systematic Errors and Random Errors
2.1.4 Precision and Accuracy
2.1.5 Absolute and Percentage Uncertainties
2.1.6 Graphical Treatment of Errors and Uncertainties
2.2 Nature of Quantities
2.2.1 Scalar and Vector Quantities
2.2.2 Scalar and Vector Calculations
2.2.3 Resolving Vectors
3.1 Motion
3.1.1 Definitions in Kinematics
3.1.2 Graphs of Motion
3.1.3 Constant Acceleration Equations
3.1.4 Free Fall and Projectile Motion
3.1.5 Measurement of g
3.1.6 Car Stopping Distances
3.2 Forces in Motion
3.2.1 Forces and the Newton
3.2.2 Dynamics
3.2.3 Drag and Terminal Velocity
3.2.4 Equilibrium
3.2.5 Turning Forces
3.2.6 Centre of Mass
3.2.7 Density
3.2.8 Pressure
3.3 Work, Energy and Power
3.3.1 Work and the Joule
3.3.2 The Conservation of Energy
3.3.3 Potential and Kinetic Energy
3.3.4 Power and the Watt
3.3.5 Efficiency
3.4 Materials
3.4.1 Deformation of Materials
3.4.2.Hooke's Law
3.4.3 The Young Modulus
3.4.4 The Categorization of Materials
3.5 Newton's Laws of Motion
3.5.1 Newton's Three Laws of Motion
3.5.2 Momentum
3.5.3 Momentum, Force and Impulse
3.5.4 Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
4.1 Electricity: charge and current
4.1.1 Electric circuit components
4.1.2. Electric current and charge
4.1.3 Electron drift velocity
4.2 Electricity: energy power and resistance
4.2.1 Potential difference and e.m.f
4.2.2 Resistence and Ohms Law
4.2.3 Resistance of circuit components
4.2.4 Resistivity
4.2.5 The effect of temperature on resistivity
4.2.6 Electrical Power
4.2.7 Cost of electrical energy
4.3 Electricity: electrical circuits
4.3.1 Kirchhoff's first and second laws
4.3.2 Series circuits
4.3.3 Parallel circuits
4.3.4 The potential divider
4.3.5 Internal Resistance
4.3.6 Circuit analysis 1
4.3.7 Circuit analysis 2
4.4 Waves
4.4.1 Wave motion
4.4.2 Wave terminology
4.4.3 Wave speed and the wave equation
4.4.4 Common properties of waves
4.4.5 Electromagnetic waves
4.4.6 Polarisation
4.4.7 Refraction of light
4.4.8 Total internal reflection
4.4.9 Interference
4.4.10 The Young double-slit experiment
4.4.11 The diffraction grating
4.4.12 Stationary waves
4.4.13 Stationary wave experiments
4.4.14 Stationary longitudinal waves
4.5 Quantum Physics
4.5.1 The photon
4.5.2 The electronvolt
4.5.3 & 4.5.4 The photoelectric effect
4.5.5 Wave-particle duality