44 - Nail Pathology Flashcards
Nail anatomy
IMPORTANT the area from the lunula
(half-moon), to the skin under the eponychium
is where the matrix is produced - The remaining portions of the nail do NOT
produce any new nail or nail growth - You need to focus your TREATMENT on
eliminating growth centers of the nail
- Hyponychium: free edge distally
- Eponychium: undersurface of posterior nail fold (produces cuticle
- Epithelium overlying nail bed dermis that extends over the base of the distal phalanx to the distal edge of the lunula
Nail bed
- The nail bed includes everything distal to the lunula
- Does NOT produce any portion of the nail plate
- Includes a thin layer of keratin that assures firm attachment with nail and, at same time, allows it to slide over bed
Arrangement of nail plate
- Example of how the matrix sits on top of the dermis and runs
from the base of the distal phalanx to the lunula***
Nail pocket
- The nail pocket or space is sealed proximally by the cuticle and distally by the hyponychium
- This is what seals the nail plate off to prevent bacterial or fungal infection
- Formed by the free margin of posterior nail fold, and mostly, from horny layer of the eponychium
- Serves as a barrier against bacterial infection, which is why patients sometimes develop an infection following a manicure or pedicure in which the cuticle is removed
- Convex band of highly proliferative epithelium
- 80% of nail produced by proximal half of matrix
- What you see under the lunula does NOT produce as much nail as what you see under the posterior nail fold
- Activity is higher in proximal portion so nail is naturally curved in convex shape proximal to distal
- Due to the arrangement of the matrix from proximal to distal, always take an incisional biopsy of the bed with the long axis of the incision parallel to the long axis of the nail to avoid minimal damage to the matrix and future nail growth
QUESTION: The matrix of the nail…
o Covers the entire surface of the nail bed
o Extends over the base of the distal phalanx to the lunula
o Along with the nail bed, produces the nail plate
o Is most active under the lunula
o Nail bed biopsies should be oriented transversely
Answer: 2
DuVries technique
- Remove large section of skin (without nail) from the side
of the toe with two semi-elliptical incisions closed with stitches - Designed to relieve all soft tissue pressure from side of in-growing nail
- Removes the skin in order to give the nail more room to grow
- There is a lot of bacteria to begin with (inter-digitally especially) – does
not take much of a break in the skin to create an infection
Partial and total nail AVULSION
- Avulsion: removing the offending portion of the nail, which is acting like a foreign body
- Usually reserved for first-time nail removal
- Nail will re-grow, often with a change in shape (thicker or more in-grown in nature)
- Usually reserved for paronychias, subungual hematomas, partial traumatic nail avulsions
- Offending portion of nail removed, but matrix left intact – DO NOT REMOVE THE MATRIX***
- The act of surgically removing the nail plate over the matrix all the way down the nail plate, will typically cause the new nail that grows back to be somewhat deformed – either thicker or in-grown again – Need to inform you patients of this
Opinion regarding avulsion
- Get rid of the foreign body (offending nail) then treat the infection locally
- There is some thought within the field that at the first sign of an in-grown toe nail, we should do a matrixectomy (nail matrix is permanently removed)
- We apply phenol to the site of removal when doing matrixectomies, which is an acid that kills the bacteria, but also leaves a chemical burn
- The fact here is that if you are doing a matrixectomy with phenol to an actively infected ingrown toenail, the bacteria that are left behind will feast on the tissue left over from the chemical burn
- The idea behind those who do it is that the phenol (acid) will kill the bacteria, but there is no evidence that it is actually effective in vivo
Matrix is permanently removed along medial and/or lateral borders with corresponding overlying nail plate
o Phenol and Alcohol (P&A)
o NaOH and Acetic Acid
o Winograd
o Frost
o Miscellaneous matrix ablation techniques
Entire nail matrix is removed with entire toenail
o P&A, NaOH
o Zadik (Quenu)
o Whitney
o Kaplan or mini-Kaplan (not going to talk about – uncommon, primitive)
o Terminal Syme
Phenol and alcohol technique – PARTIAL MATRIXECTOMY
- Nail is removed with nail splitter, nail matrix is curetted and skin is protected by Vaseline
- Phenol (88% carbolic acid) applied to matrix by Q-tip in three 30 sec. applications (buns the skin)
- Phenol is “neutralized(?)” by 70% isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol (can’t actually neutralized an acid with an alcohol, but it does irrigate it somewhat)
- Wear protective eyewear – medical emergency if you get this in your eye
Steps of a partial matrixectomy with phenol and alcohol
- The first step is to anesthetize the toe, then apply a tourniquet to block blood flow to the toe (to prevent it from diluting the phenol which will be applied)
- You then remove the offending nail, making sure your cutters reach under the posterior nail fold where the matrix begins – twist in circular motion away from nail plate
- Then curette the nail bed, apply Vaseline to surrounding skin, apply phenol to site (3 x 30 sec.) which turns black on contact with blood, clean with alcohol, apply dressing (good against burns)
- Same as phenol and alcohol partial matrixectomy, but…
- 10% NaOH chemically destroys matrix and is neutralized by 5% acetic acid (vinegar)
- Nothing in the literature proves that this works any better than a phenol and alcohol
- He has found it to be no different in terms of patient outcome than phenol and alcohol
- If P&A doesn’t work the first time, don’t try this, try a different procedure all together
Post-op care for P&A (“Mahoney Method”)
- Apply dressing with Silvadene®, gauze, Kling (Silvadene: DO NOT USE ON A PATIENT WITH A SULFA ALLERY***)
- Keep dry and intact until following a.m.
- Soak 5 minutes in warm, soapy water BID, followed by 2 drops of Cortisporin Otic Suspension® (This is an EAR DROP which contains Neomycin, Polymyxin B, 1% Hydrocortisone - $40 per bottle, but still worth it)
- Then apply a Band-Aid or gauze
- Air dry as much as possible when in a clean environment (He has found that the more he keeps it moist, the longer it takes it to heal and the higher the risk for infection)
- Avoid enclosed shoes for 1 week – it will be almost completely healed in 1 week
Mahoney method for follow up
- After 1 week, discontinue soaks and otic drops
- Apply betadine solution or Bactine® BID for 3-7 days
- Return to enclosed shoes
- Opinion: Avoid use of ointments or creams after initial dressing
Winograd technique
- Wedge of skin and nail plate removed down through
matrix to bone with scalpel – Go until you HIT BONE*** - One incision longitudinal through nail, second converging
incision through soft tissue along nail border - Bone is rasped then incision closed with sutures (to prevent oozing)
Frost technique
- One longitudinal incision through nail plate extending from tip to skin proximal to nail plate
- Second incision at right angle to first extending away from nail plate at base of first incision
- Reflect back flap, remove nail plate and matrix down to bone, rasp bone
- Suture wound closed – SAME thing as Winograd, just remove less skin
Miscellaneous matrix ablations
- Nail is removed completely
- Matrix destroyed by hyfrecation, negative galvanic current, radiofrequency, CO2 laser, osteotripsy (utilizes high-speed rotating burr to remove matrix down to bone)
- Tend to not be as effective as phenol and alcohol
P & A or NaOH/acetic acid – TOTAL nail removal
- Nail removed in its entirety by utilizing mosquito hemostat to free up dorsal nail fold and separate nail plate from nail bed
- Utilize chemicals for 3, 45 second applications
Nail avulsion – TOTAL
- You are taking one end of the hemostat, pushing it under the nail until you meet resistance
- Slide it back and forth to free nail, elevate nail plate, repeat on other side, nail will pop off
Zadik (Quenu) – TOTAL nail removal
- Nail plate removed
- H-shaped incision made with connecting incision placed
proximal to the eponychium (H-SHAPED INICISON IS THE HALLMARK ** - Proximal skin reflected and matrix beneath is excised to bone
- Proximal and distal skin flaps sutured together
- May need to extend distal area medially and laterally or plantarly so that it will meet the proximal flap adequately
Terminal Syme – TOTAL nail removal
- Remove nail plate and matrix down to bone with circumferential incision around nail plate
- Remove distal 1/3 of distal phalanx to create less tension for closure
- Suture utilizing plantar flap which advances dorsally to meet proximal incision
- **You should NOT just use this for a normal nail removal, but you WILL use this for osteomyelitis ONLY **
Post-op care for terminal Syme
- Treat as you would for any incisional surgery
- Keep toe dry for 1 week (due to high bacterial load in the area)
- After 1 week, dress daily with betadine solution and gauze
- Use surgical shoe until stitches removed (2 weeks)
Phenol & Alcohol
- This will be your bread and butter – be VERY proficient at this
- 5-10% of recurrence no matter how careful you are – TELL YOU PATIENTS THIS
- Just some of it will come back or the whole thing will come back
- P&A is still a very nice procedure for you to have in your tool kit
- Helps to “pay the bills”
- Get good at this – it will help you in your career
Which procedure does not involve removing or rasping bone? o Du Vries o Winograd o Frost o Phenol and alcohol o Terminal Syme
Answer: 1 and 4
The nail surgery that involves an “L” shaped incision along the nail border through the nail plate is called: o Winograd o DuVries o Terminal Syme o Frost o Zadik
Answer: 4