41 and 42 - External Fixation - Rings Flashcards
Indications for external ring fixation
- Acute trauma
- Limb reconstruction
Ex fix ring for acute trauma
o Tibial articular fractures (pilon – convoluted distal tibial fracture, plateau)
o Tibial articular fractures with diaphyseal extension
o High energy diaphyseal fractures of tibia
o Calcaneal fractures (the calcaneus will fracture into numerous pieces)
o Ankle fractures
Ex fix ring for limb reconstruction
o Correction of post-traumatic, acquired and congenital deformities (multiplanar) o Arthrodesis (ankle, subtalar, tarsometatarsal) o Charcot o Non-union and bone loss o Joint Contracture in adults and children (ankle, foot) o Arthrodistraction (ankle joint – due to osteoarthritis, foot)
Circular fixators
- Used in monoplanar and biplane deformities
- Ilizarov (Smith & Nephew)
- Sheffield Ring (Orthofix)
- Distraction and compression can be created at any site to which the fixator can be applied
Goals of screws and wires
o Stability created with tensioned wires inserted into bone*
o Rigidity created with half pins screwed into bone*
Hybrid fixators
- Combination of fixators (unilateral or circular)
- KNOW THIS (test question***)…
- ***Stability created with tensioned wired attached to circular frame
- ***Rigidity created with half pins attached to circular frame and unilateral frame
- Main use is for Pilon and Tibial Plateau fractures and ankle arthrodesis
Taylor spatial frame
- Smith & Nephew
- Orthofix
- Reduction of tri-plane complex deformities
- Articulated distractors and rings
Circular fixator construction
- Uses transosseous tensioned wire
- Wires
- Smooth wires (FOCUS ON THIS)
- Olive wires (used to reduce fractures or deformities – this is beyond this lecture)
Transosseous wires (long wires that go all the way through the bone) are placed under tension and undergo a self-stiffening effect
- Self-stiffening – if you have a loose wire between two poles, it would be very hard to walk on, but if you spread apart the poles, the wire would have more tension on it (become stiff)
- Similar idea with these wires – the are very flexible until we put them under tension and they become very stiff (stiff enough to support body weight)
- Increased stability in the bone-fixator interface
- Optimal stabilizing position is 90 degrees to each other*****
- Smaller angles maybe used, but there will be decreased stability, so we often have to then use an increased number of wires
Example of circular frame construction
- Axial wires are inserted through tibia, calcaneus and metatarsal bases
- Midface tibia wires were inserted as well as additional calcaneal wires
- Note that safe zones exist for safe placement of wires
- One end of wire attached to circular frame
- Wire placed under tension with wire tensioner
- Tension maintained on wire and other end attached to frame
Fixator management
Dressing applied in OR
o Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or antibiotic ointment
Transosseous wire care
o Daily cleaning with alcohol or peroxide
o Betadine avoided (dries out the skin)
o Antibiotic ointment applied (where pins enter skin)
Removal of sutures or stables
May get fixator wet if drainage is minimal
Post-operative adjustment
Removal of a circular fixator
o Release of tension from the wires
o Allows the bone to strengthen with an increase in weightbearing force
o Decreases the potential for fracture***
Short leg cast with partial weightbearing if dynamization is not possible
NEED to know that it is important to prevent fractures *******
Minor complications
- Edema (no ability to reduce swelling with Jones compression when there is an ex-fix)
- Pin tract irritation
- Pin tract infection
- Fractured transosseous wires (bad angles or obesity)
- Pain secondary to positioning of the wires (pin through muscle)
External fixation does not allow postoperative wound compression
o Hematoma
o Compartment syndrome (from so much swelling)
o Serous and hemorrhagic fluid around wires
Pin irritation
- Can release tension at skin-wire interface
- Can occur if wire is inserted through muscle belly and contraction occurs
Pin tract infection
- Infection differentiated from irritation with cultures (via bacterial cultures)
- Treat with local wound care and oral antibiotics – try this before removing pin
STUDY - infection incidence
- Checketts, et al. “Pin Track Infection: definition, incidence, and prevention.”
- Prospective study of 353 pin sites over 12 months
- Patients seen weekly from post op until two months after fixator removal
o 55% of pin sites had no problems
o 100% of infections were classified as Minor (25% Grade I, 18% Grade II)
o 0% infections requiring fixator removal (NOT THE ONLY OPTION FOR TX***)
What else did the study on infection incidence find?
- Found screws closest to a joint (i.e. ankle) were most frequently affected
- More movement of soft tissues at these areas – tell patients to make sure they are cleaning those screws closest to the joints as quickly as possible ****
- Presence of screw threads outside of skin or open fractures did not have an increase in risk of infection
REMEMBER - screws and wires
Major complications
- Nonunion
- Osteomyelitis
- Neurovascular injury
- Joint Subluxation
- Fracture
- Can occur with poor fixation construction (not enough wires to produce stiffness)
- Distraction too quickly
- Other factors (infection, smoking)
- Can occur after removal of fixator
- More common with half pins
- Inadequate dynamization
Joint subluxation
- Can occur with large distraction distances
- Prevent with fixation distal to distracted joints
Neurovascular injury
- Safe Zones or corridors
- Twist structures around wire during drilling
- Can decrease by drilling wire through cortices and pushing through skin
- Can occur with aggressive distraction