4.4 Globalisation Flashcards
Te expansion of world trade in goods and services, together with capital flows . leading to greater international interdependence
What are the driving forces of globalisation
- Increase in international trade
- Improvements in transportation
- Worldwide Foreign investment
- Advances in technology and communications
How does international trade increase gloablisation
Removing the barriers to trade like taxes and tariffs
Leads to producers becoming incentivised to supply their goods and services in more places
Leads to increased globalisation
The process of increasing peoples standard of living and well beling over time
Developed country
A country with high GDP per capita and developed industry and service sectors
How can you measure development
GDP per capita
Life expectancy
Access to healthcare
Education/ literacy rates
What are the costs of globalisation to producers in developed countries (2)
- Decline of industry because other countries are better than them
- Vulnerable to problems in the worldwide economy- Incomes fall in another country, will affect them
What are the benefits of globalisation to producers in developed countries (4)
- Cheaper mor skilles labour abroad
- Advances in techology to make production process better
- Cheaper and wider range of resources
- Wider market to sell to
What are the costs of globalisation to workers in developed countries (4)
- Decline of industry and unemployment
- Increase in use of machinery and unemployment
- Increase in dependence on world markets and unemployment (other countries are better at producing so country just imports)
- Increase in immigration and unemployment- More people move to developed countries and the worker is unemployed as they arent competitive on price or skill
What are benefits of globalisation to workers in developed countries
- Increased employment due to increased output
- Increased employment due to incrreased investment
-Increased geographical mobility
What are the costs of globalisation to consumers in developed countries (2)
- Less choice due to increase in global brands
- Volatility in price rising- Consumers worldwide competing to buy goods- so price rises
What are the bennefits of globalisation to consumers in developed countries (5)
- Wider range of goods/ variety
- Lower prices- more competition
- Better quality and innovative goods
- Greater opportunity to travel
- Improved services because of more skilled professionals
Less developed country
A country with a developing economy that had a lower GDP per capita, lower levels of industrialisation and weaker indicators of wellbeing
What are the costs of globalisation to producers in less developed countries (3)
- Vulnerability to problems in the worldwide economy- reduction in foreign investment makes it hard to survive
- Increased migration so loss of skilled workers
- Smaller developing industries cant compete against already developed ones in developed countries
What are the benefits of globalisation to producers in less developed countries (3)
- Wider markets to sell into
- Advances in technology
- Increase in foreign investments so that costs will lower
What are the costs of globalisation to workers in less developed countries (3)
- More use of technology- Unemployment
- Poor working conditions
- Vulnerability to unemployment if global demand falls
What are the benefits of gloabalisation to workers in less developed countries (3)
- Increased employment because of increased output overall
- Increased employment due to increased employment
- Increased geographical mobility
What are the costs of globalisation to consumers in less developed countries (2)
- Rising prices- More consumers trying to buy the same goods
- Poor quality services because skilles workers migrated to developed countries
What are the benefits of globalisation to consumers in less developed countries
- Wider range of goods
- Access to global brands
- Greater opportunity to travel
- Better infrastructuredue to foreign investments