2.8 The role of money and financial markets Flashcards
What is money
Anything that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange for payment of goods and services
What is an example of something that is not money
Cheques and debit and Credit cards
What is a debit card
A card that allows you to take money directly from your current account and transfer it to the seller
What is a credit card
A card that enables you to buy goods and services with money that is not yours. The money loaned must be payed back within 30 days. If you can’t pay it back, you are charged interest
Why is money better than bartering
Bartering involves the necessity of a double coincidence of wants, which is rare
What is a medium of exchange
Anything that sets the standard of value of goods and services acceptable to all parties involved in a transaction
Financial sector
Consists of financial organisationsand their products and involves the flow of capital
What is the role of the central bank (4)
- To issue bank notes
- To set the bank rate
- Acts as the bank for commercial bank
- Acts as the bank for the government
The purchase of capital goods that are used to produce future goods ad services.
Also an asset purchased to provide an income in the future and/or to be sold as a profit
interest rate
The cost of borrowing money
The reward for saving money
What is the role of commercial banks (4)
- Accept deposits and pay interest on them
- Make payments to customers through checks, card payments and mobile payments
- Issue loans with a higher interest rate than what they offer in savings
- Offer safe deposit boxes for expensive items
Building Society
A mutual financial institution that is owned by its members. Its primary objectives are to receive deposits from its members and to lend money for members to purchase property
An agreement with a financial institution to borrow money to purchase a property
Insurance company
Finanical institution that guarantees compensation for specified loss, damage, illness or death in return for an agreed premium
What are the three main roles of the financial sector
Credit provision
Liquidity provision
Risk management
What is credit provision
The availibility and allocation of borrowed funds in an economy
What is liquidity provision
How easy it is to turn an asset into cash.
Banks are the main providers of liquidity provision
What is risk management
Mitigating potential risks in an economic context, e.g. spreading out investments over a range of companies so if one does less well its fine
How do interest rates affect the level of saving
Higher interest rates will mean more saving
How do interest rates affect the level of borrowing
Lower interest rates will mean more borrowing
How do interest rates affect the level of investments
Lower interest rates will increase firm’s investments.
However, if there is less confidence that demand for the product will rise, investment may not increase