4.3 - How Is Devlopment Mesured Flashcards
How to measure development?
-You must ask questions about development indicators and collect data.
What are development indicators?
- a piece of data that helps to show how developed a country is.
What is data?
-Data is information collected within most countries every year. The data is then converted into tables of development indicators.
List the development indicators:
-Adult literacy rate (%): adults who can read and write
-Life expectancy (years): how many years a new baby can expect to live for, on average.
-% of the population with access to clean safe water
-Number of doctors per 100,000 people
-Under-5 mortality rate (%): children under age of 5 who died
-GNI per person (PPP) ($)
-% of children below age 5 who are underweight
What is GNI per person (PPP)?
-The GNI (Gross National Income) per person is adjusted to take into account that things cost more in some places than others.
- The country’s total income for a year, in dollars (PPP) divided by the population .
What is Life expectancy?
-How many years a new baby can expect to live on for, on average.
Why is GNI per person (PPP) a crude development indicator?
-Because the wealth may be shared unevenly.
What is HDI?
-Human Development Index is a summary measure of human development.
What is Access to education?
-This is based on how many years of schooling adults have had, and children can expect.
What is a decent standard of living?
-This is where GNI per person (PPP) comes in. It is used as the third measure for HDI.
What is Adult literacy rate?
The % of the population aged 15 and over who can read and write a simple sentence about everyday life.
How to measure HDI?
-By combing these aspects (life expectancy, access to education, and a decent standard of living) to give each country a score between 0 and 1.
How does HDI change?
-Covid 19 led to fall in GNI for most countries. Many older people died. Many children lost months, or even years, or education.
-Climate change
-Civil Wars and other conflicts