43 Apendix A Flashcards
Change to Wings
Major Alteration
Change to tail surfaces
Major alteration
change to fuselage
Major alteration
change to engine mounts
Major alteration
change to control system
Major alteration
change to landing gear
Major alteration
change to hull or floats
Major alteration
change to spars
Major alteration
change to ribs
Major alteration
change to fittings
Major alteration
change to shock absorbers
Major alteration
change to bracing
Major alteration
change to cowling
Major alteration
change to fairings
Major alteration
change to balance weights
Major alteration
change to hydraulic or electrical actuating system components
Major alteration
change to rotor blades
Major alteration
change to weight and balance envelope
Major alteration
change to fuel system
Major alteration
change to oil system
Major alteration
change to cooling system
Major alteration
change to heating system
Major alteration
change to pressurization system
Major alteration
change to electrical system
Major alteration
change to hydraulic system
Major alteration
change to de-icing system
Major alteration
change to wings, tail, or control surfaces that affect flutter and vibration characteristics
Major alteration
engine change that affects compression ratio
Major alteration
Engine change that propeller reduction gear or impeller gear ratios
Major alteration
Engine change that requires substitution of major engine parts
Major alteration
Substitution of engine structural parts with non-OEM or non-DGCA approved parts
Major alteration
Installation of unapproved engine accessory
Major alteration
removal of required engine accessory
Major alteration
conversions to run different fuel
Major alteration
Change to blade design
Major alteration
Changes in hub design
Major alteration
changes in governor
Major alteration
changes in governor controls
Major alteration
installation of governor
Major alteration
installation of governor
Major alteration
installation of feathering system
Major alteration
installation of prop de-ice
Major alteration
installation of unapproved parts
Major alteration
alterations of components not directed by manufacturer or AD
Appliance major alteration
changes to radios equipment that have an effect on __________ are major alterations
frequency stability, noise level, sensitivity, selectivity, distortion, spurious radiation, AVC characteristics, ability to meet environmental test conditions, other changes affecting performance.
Exceptions to Major alterations are those that are_________-.
listed in the airframe/engine/propeller specifications
Airframe major repairs. Repairs of the following parts of an airframe and repairs of the following types, involving the ____________ Are airframe major repairs.
strengthening, reinforcing, splicing, manufacturing of primary structural members or their replacement, when replacement is by fabrication such as riveting or welding,
box beam
major repair
monocoque or semimonocoque wings or control surfaces
major repair
wing stringers or chord members
major repair
major repair
spar flanges
major repair
members of truss type beams
major repair
thin sheet webs of beams;
major repair
keel and chine members of boat hulls or floats
major repair
corrugated sheet compression members which act as flange material of wings or tail surfaces
major repair
wing main ribs and compression members
major repair
wing or tail surface brace struts
major repair
engine mounts
major repair
members of the side truss, horizontal truss, or bulkheads
major repair
main seat support braces and brackets
major repair
major repair
major repair
skis and ski pedestals
major repair
parts of the control system
major repair
repairs involving the substitution of material
major repair
repair of damaged sheet metal or plywood stressed covering exceeding 6 inches in any direction
major repair
repair of skin sheets by making addition seams
major repair
splicing of skin sheets
major repair
repair of three or more adjacent wing or control surface ribs or the leading edge of wings and control surfaces, between such adjacent ribs
major repair
repair of fabric covering involving an area greater than that required to repair two adjacent ribs
major repair
replacement of fabric on wings, fuselages, stabilizers, and control surfaces
major repair
repairs to fuel or oil tanks
major repair
separation of crankcase of recip engine with integral supercharger
major repair
separation of crankcase or crankshaft of recip engines with other than spur type reduction gearing
major repair
repairs to structural engine parts by welding, plating, metalizing, or other methods
major repair
straightening of steel blades
major repair
machining of steel prop hubs
major repair
shortening of blades
major repair
retipping wood props
major repair
replacing laminations on wood props
major repair
repairing elongated bolt holes in wood props
major repair
inlay work on wood blades
major repair
any repairs to composite blades
major repair
replacement of tip fabric
major repair
replacement of plastic coverings
major repair
repair of prop governors
major repair
prop overhaul
major repair
straightening aluminum blades
major repair
repair to deep dents, cuts, nicks of aluminum blades
major repair
repair of landing gear tires
preventative mx
replacement of elastic shock absorbers (landing gear)
preventative mx
servicing landing gear shock struts
preventative mx
greasing wheel bearings
preventative mx
replacing defective safety wire or cotter keys
preventative mx
lubrication requiring disassembly of cover plates, cowlings, or fairings
preventative mx
simple fabric patches not requiring rib stitching or load tape
preventative mx
adding hydraulic fluid
preventative mx
applying preservative or protective material
preventative mx
preventative mx
repair to fairings, cover plates, cowlings
preventative mx
replacing side windows
preventative mx
replacing safety belts
preventative mx
replacing seats or seat parts
preventative mx
troubleshooting and repairing landing light wiring circuit
preventative mx
wheel to ski change (and vice versa)
preventative mx - if no weight and balance computation is involved
replacing cowling
preventative mx (if it doesn’t involve prop removal or disconnect of flight controls)
cleaning and gapping spark plugs
preventative mx
replacing hose connections
preventative mx except for hydraulic connections
replacing prefabricated fuel lines
preventative mx
cleaning fuel or oil filters
preventative mx
servicing batteries
preventative mx
cleaning burner pilot and main nozzles (hot air balloons)
preventative mx
replacing nonstructural hardware
preventative mx
interchange of balloon baskets and burners
preventative mx if so designed
installation of antimisfueling devices
preventative mx
inspection of chip detectors
preventative mx
replacement of panel mounted LRU’s
preventative mx
updating data base (GPS cards)
preventative mx - must include ops check