4.2 - Upoands And Lowlands Flashcards
What are the settlement patterns in the uplands?
Winter hay is stored in barns on the the hills so farmers lived near their animals.They built the barns and houses attached.The let to the dispersion of settlements and created isolated settlements
What are the building materials used in the uplands?
The limestone areas of the lakes were particularly prone to be used for building and marking out the fields.the boulders rocks which were movable were also used for building material
What was used to make out the field boundaries in the uplands?
The boundaries were made of limestone and rock deposition and gathered and self standing rock piles which marked then their land which a stone wall.
What was the farming like in the uplands?
Sheep were normally found grading the top of the fells in the summer and fed by the hay un the winter when they are in the barns
What is the economic activity of the uplands?
The economic activity of the uplands was that it is was a good form of sightseeing tourism which the landscapes are made from the last ice age
What is the geology of the uplands?
Mostly igneous rock and also their are some metamorphic rocks and some few sedimentary rocks
What is the relief of the upland?
The relief is very high because of the u shaped valleys created by Glaciation
Name one tile of physical process which occurs on the uplands ?
A physical process in the uplands can be freeze thaw which created scree slopes
What is the settlements like in the lowlands?
The settlements in the lowlands Villahermosa because they were because they can leave their farms because they grow crops
What is the building material used in the lowlands?
Farming were made with chalk and building material which is needed has to be brought in
What are the field boundaries in the lowlands
The field boundaries were set out by irrigation channels which allow to tell the boundaries of land properties
What type of farming is used in the lowlands?
Anabi farming lives done in the lowlands fertile lands and crops have good yield
Economic activity in the lowlands are?
They are cutting down the tree to be manufactured into secondary products and mainly farming
What is the relief in the lowlands?
The relief is very low and their and now mountains or high hill
What is the geology of the lowlands
The lowlands are made of sedimentary rocks Such as chalk but mostly sand and clay
What is a physical process happening in the lowlands?
Escarpment and valve to create rocky hells and the humans cutting down trees