4.2 Monopoly Flashcards
What are the characteristics of a monopoly
Profit maximisation. Monopolist firms earn supernormal profits in both short and long run
Sole seller in the market
High barriers to entry
Price maker
What consists of a legal monopoly in the UK
When one firm dominated the market with more than 25% market share
What is meant by dynamic efficiency
It is concerned with new technology and increases in productivity which causes efficiency to increase over a period of time
What is meant by x-inefficiency
A firm is x-inefficient when it is producing within the AC boundary. Costs are higher than they would be with competition in the market
How can you show x-inefficiency on a diagram
The X shows a point of x-inefficiency
What factors influence monopoly power
Barriers to entry
Economies of scale
Limit pricing
Sink costs
Brand loyalty
Set up costs
Number of competitors
How would supernormal profits for a monopoly be shown on a diagram
What is meant by price discrimination
This occurs in a monopoly, when the monopolist decides to charge different groups of consumers different prices for the same good or service
Explain the diagram when inelastic demand will have a higher price
Explain the diagram where elastic demand will have a lower price
Explain the diagram showing a firms costs and revenues with supernormal profit
Why do monopolists charge different prices
This is in order to maximise their overall profits
What is meant by first degree price discrimination with example
This is when each consumer is charged a different price
A lawyer may charge a high income family more than a low income family
What is meant by second degree price discrimination with example
This is when prices are different according to the volume purchased
Gas prices can vary with volume
What is meant by third degree price discrimination with example
This is when different groups of consumers are charged a different price for the same good or service
The higher price at peak times on trains