4.2 Flashcards
define income?
income is a flow of income - money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments
define wealth?
wealth is a stock of assets
define income inequality?
how unevenly income is distributed throughout a population
define wealth inequality?
The degree to which wealth is distributed unequally in an economy or population
what is likely to be more unequal wealth or income?
Wealth is likely to be more unequally distributed than income because assets that make up wealth can be accumulated over time. People who are wealthy now can generate an income from those assets and as long as income exceeds expenditure, they are able to build up a stock of assets. This accumulation of wealth can occur over successive generations through inheritance.
how does wealth lead to income inequality?
as wealth brings in a source of income, so therefore the more wealth the greater the income
what is the Lorenz curve?
This is a graphical representation of equality, it shows the cumulative percentage of the population plotted against the cumulative percentage of income that those people have.
what would a perfect even society look like on a Lorenz curve?
A perfectly equal society would have a straight line from corner to corner
what does the degree of the bend show about the inequality of a society?
the degree of the bend away from that straight line indicates the degree of inequality.
what is the Gini coefficient?
a quantitive measure of inequality, it is the ratio of the area between curves to area underneath perfect equality curve. the larger the coefficient the more uneven
how do wages create inequality in wealth and income distribution?
some people are more productive then others or work longer hours so they will earn higher wages which will increase inequality in income, also higher levels of income will allow them to purchase more assets therefore creating wealth inequality and income inequality. those who have higher incomes will be able to spend on wealth rather than spend most their money on everyday items such as food
how do wealth levels create inequality?
having assets such as stocks and propertys will allow you to gain additional income through rent and dividends or capital gains
how can chance increase inequality?
those who purchase a house in london at the right time will allow the purchaser to benefit from a capital gain.
where are the developing countries mainly located?
sub saharan africa, latin america, south asia and south east asia
name a measure of development?
GNI per capita purchasing power parity
why use purchasing power parity?
PPP takes into account the fact that prices vary in different country.
what is a flaw of GNI per capita
1) it is an average so does not show the distribution of income among society.
2) the informal sector makes up a large amount of the developing countries trade which may not be recorded in GNI
when the Gini coefficient is close to 1, what does it mean?
it means the society is high rates of inequality
when the gini coefficent is close to 0 what does it mean?
it means the society is has low rates of inequality
how can you solve the issue of measuring income per household when households vary in size?
you can use an equivalence scale where different households have different weights. for example a couple=1 and a couple with 2 kids =1.18 therefore a couple with two kids who earn income of 40,000 have an equivalent income as a couple earning 40,000/1.18= 33,898
define absolute poverty?
you are in absolute poverty when your income is too low to cover your basic needs
what is the headcount ratio?
the percentage of a population living below absolute poverty line
what is the international poverty line?
an agreed measure that defines absolute poverty at PPP$1.90 in 2015
define relative poverty?
your income is insufficient to participate in the normal social life of the country