4.1.8 The Market Mechanism, Market Failure and Government Intervention in Markets Flashcards
Define Externalities
Indirect costs or benefits as a result of production or consumption of goods and services.
Define Positive Externalities
The benefit from the production or consumption of a good of an economic transaction for a third party
Define Negative Externalitites
The cost from the production or consumption of a good of an economic transaction for a third party
Define Merit Goods
Goods that generate positive externalities and are under consumed or under produced in a free market economy because of imperfect information. E.g Pension Schemes
Define Demerit Goods
Goods that generate negative externalities and are over consumed or over produced in a free market economy because of imperfect information. E.g. Heroin
Define Private Benefit
The benefit for an individual or firm
Define Private Cost
The cost for an individual or firm
Define Social Benefit
This is the total benefit to society from consuming or producing a good or service
Define Social Cost
This is the total cost to society from consuming or producing a good or service
Define Deadweight Welfare Loss
The combined loss of consumer and producer surplus from a misallocation of resources
Define Social Efficiency
The optimal distribution of resources in society
Define Government Failure
When government intervention leads to worse allocation of resources
Define Principle-Agent Problem
When shareholders and managers have a conflict of objectives. This is when a principal delegates an action to another individual, but the principal has imperfect information in regards to how the agent will behave
Define Information Failure
When there is a lack of information available to firms and consumers to make an informed choice
Define Moral Hazard
When individuals engage in reliant behaviour as they know someone else will hear the consequences
Define Unintended Consequences
How economic decisions have unexpected events
Define Regulatory Capture
A form of government failure where the regulator becomes hijacked by the regulated
Define Public Goods
Goods that are non-rivalrous and non-excludable. E.g Lighthouse
Define Private Goods
Goods that are rivalrous and excludable
Define The Tragedy of the Commons
A situation in which individuals with access to a shared resource act in their own interest which can deplete the resource
Define The Free Rider Problem
Consumers that consume the benefits of public goods without paying for it, reducing the level of profit available for firms, causing them to stop supplying the good leading to complete market failure
Define Non-Pure Public Goods
Non-Pure Public goods are either (Excludable but Non-Rival, E.g. Toll roads) or (Non-Excludable but Rival, E.g. popular beach)
Define Pure Public Goods
Pure public goods are completely non-excludable and non-rival. E.g Street Lighting
Define Non-Rivalry
Consumption of a hood has little/no effect on the amount left for others.