4.1.2 Individual Economic Decision Making Flashcards
Define Bounded Rationality
The idea that the decision-making capacity of individuals cannot be fully rational due to the limits that they face.
Define Choice Architecture
A theory of consumer choice that argues that individuals may be influenced by the way goods and services are presented
Define Cognitive Bias
A subconscious error in thinking that means consumers look at issues with a certain bias
Define Social Norms
Common behaviours that are considered appropriate in society
Define Anchoring
An anchor is any aspect of the economy that has no direct relevance to a decision but affects consumer decisions.
Define Confirmation Bias
The tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of existing beliefs and preconceptions
Define Endowment Effect
When an individual places a greater rating on what they already own
Define Herding
When individuals act as a group acting collectively to make decisions
Define Irrational Exuberance
When consumers, bankers and firms become overly confident that the price of an asset would continue to rise
Define Automatic Thinking
An unconscious thinking process individuals have no control over
Define Negative Framing
A technique that is used by choice architects when an individual is encouraged to make a choice based on negative effects
Define Nudges
The idea that consumer behaviour can be influenced by specific suggestions and positive reinforcements
Define Framing
A theory that states that consumer choices are likely to be influenced depending on how information is presented
Define Optimism Bias
A cognitive bias that causes individuals to believe that they are less likely to experience a negative event
Define Rational Economic Man
The assumption that individuals are rational, well informed and seek to increase their utility
Define Salience
Consumers giving a greater weighting to recent events
Define Status Quo Bias
An emotional bias which is a preference for current affairs rather than risking change
Define Mandated Choice
When individuals must make a decision in advance whether they would like to engage in a particular action
Define Restricted Choice
When limiting the amount of choice available may lead to consumers making an efficient decision
Define Paradox of Choice
When having too many options make a choice difficult to make
Define Sunk Cost Fallacy
When individuals continue their behaviour as a result of their previously invested resources
Define Zero Price Effect
Where the demand curve changes significantly when the price of a good is zero
Define Loss Aversion
When individuals focus on a potential loss rather than a potential gain
Define Heuristics
A technique that individuals use to make decisions that may not be optimal but are sufficient given a limited timeframe