417 Flashcards
In which welding process does the electrode produce a shielding gas as it is consumed?
A weld with a triangular cross section that joins two surfaces at right angles is called a ______ weld
In the drawing below, number 1 is the _____ 2 is the ________ 3 is the ________ of the weld
toe; root; throat
Joint alignment, spacing, and edge preparation together are called joint
Which welding procedure uses a gas flame to reach the high temperature needed for fusion?
Resistance welding is typically used to join metals _______ in. thick
Less that 1/4
Which type of fillet weld is used to attach a smaller piece of metal, such as a handle, to a larger one?
Which of the following welds is used primarily for filling rather than joining?
To avoid the risk of fire or explosion when you are weiding or cutting, you should
remove combustibles from the area
Which of the fallowing is used to indicate the lens shade of a welding helmet?
Welding hoses are _____ for oxygen and _____ for acetylene
green, red
Which of the following items of clothing protect you from flying sparks and metal spatters during welding?
Boots or high-cut shoes
When preparing for oxyfuel welding, which of the following steps should you perform first?
Crack the cylinder valves to blow out the dirt
A neutral oxyacetylene flame has a ______ cone surrounded by a _______ envelope
white, blue
To prevent unneeessary pressure buildup, oxygen cylinders should never be
exposed to high temperatures
The cylinder valves on oxygen tanks should be
free of grease and oil
A highly carburizing flame is used to weld
white cast iron
A welding machine for average-duty general service is rated in a range of about ______ A
250 to 350
What kind of welding uses a nonconsumable electrode?
Tools that are especially useful to welders include
chipping hammer
In a DC welding circuit, the direction of current is called the
Which type of DC welding is most commonly used for overhead welds?
A welding machine duty cycle is based on _______ min periods
In a horizontal weld, the welding is done from _____ the work. In a flat weld, it is done from _____ the work
beside, above
The most difficult position for welding is ______. The easiest position is ______
overhead, flat
For most GTAW welding, you should tilt the gun about ______ degrees from vertical in the direction of the weld, and keep a ______ in. arc length
15; 1/8
Which sound indicates the proper arc length for the SMAW process?
When using the GMAW process, increasing the ______ will correct the problem of the electrode burning back into the contact tip.
Wire feed speed
Uneven expansion and contraction near a welded joint can cause _____ in the metal.
Which of the following is a nondestructive test used in the identification of metals?
Magnetic reaction test
In manual SMAW work, correct travel speed is indicated by ______ puddle
an egg shaped
Which of the following should be done to relieve internal stresses when welding?
Preheat and postheat
The weld should be _____ in. high
The exposed surface of the weld should be
The symbol tells the welder to use what kind of welding?